Amended byFacultyCouncil onOctober 19, 2015 andFacultyOrganization onNovember11,2015. Ratified by Senate Council January 12, 2016.
Thename ofthis bodyis the FacultySenateof Penn State Erie,The BehrendCollege.
Section 1 Purpose
TheFacultySenate serves as thesole legislative bodyof thefacultyof theCollege. TheFacultySenate serves as aforum for the exchange of ideas amongthe members of theCollege faculty. Amongthe matterswithin the legislative jurisdiction ofthe FacultySenate are:
a.instructionalcourses and programs of study;
c.scholarshipsand honors.
Section 2 Advisory Role to Chancellor and University
TheFacultySenate acts as anadvisoryandconsultative bodyto theOffice of theChancellor of theCollege and the Universityon matters such as the following:
a.establishment,reorganization, or discontinuation of organizational units and areasof instruction or research;
b.policiesconcerningthe planningof physicalfacilitieswhen thesemayaffect theattainment of the educationalobjectives of the College;
c.policiesandadministration of academic computing;
d.policiesaffectingthe development and utilization of College resources;
e.matterspertainingto the generalwelfareof theCollege;
f.overalleducational policyandplanning;
g.facultyaffairs includingacademic personnel;
h.student affairs; and
i.otherappropriate matters.
Section 3 Vested Authority
Theauthorityvested in this constitution is delegated bythe UniversityFacultySenate.
Themembership ofthe Behrend FacultySenate includes all full-time staffmembers of Penn StateBehrend holdingfacultyrank, excludingthose holdingaffiliate appointments,and two electedrepresentatives ofthe part-timefaculty. TheChancellor and the President of theStudentGovernmentAssociationserveasex officio members.
All members of the Behrend FacultySenateareeligibleforelection to the FacultyCouncil unless otherwise restricted in these documents.
Section 1
TheFacultyCouncilserves in the capacityof theexecutive board for the FacultySenate andmeets atleasttwice a semester.
Section 2
The FacultyCouncil,consistingof electedandappointedmembersasspecified inthis Article,hasfull powerandauthorityover theoperationsofthe FacultySenate, includingthe functionsspecified in ArticleIIof this Constitution, unless specificallyrestricted bya majorityvote ofthemembership ofthe Senate at a properlyconstitutedmeetingof theSenate.
Section 3 Membership of Faculty Council
TheFacultyCouncilincludes the Chair of the Faculty Senate (hereafter referred to as the Chair), the Vice Chair of the Faculty Senate, the Secretary of the Faculty Senate and one UniversitySenatorappointed bythe Behrend Senatorial Caucus andtheChairs of each of thenine Faculty Council standingcommittees. The FacultyCouncilhasthree administrative non-voting members: the Chancellor, the Senior Associate Dean,and the AssociateDean of Academic Affairs.TheFacultyCouncilalso has one part-timefaculty memberappointed bythe Chairfrom the electedpart-timemembers ofthe FacultySenate and two studentmembersselected bythe major studentgroups byproceduresapproved byCouncil. The Past Chair serves as a non-voting ex officio member of Faculty Council.
Section4 – School Representation on Council
If aSchool is not represented on FacultyCouncil, the Schoolmayelect a separaterepresentative.
Section 5 Parliamentarian
A Parliamentarian is appointed by the Chair and serves as a non-voting member of the Faculty Council. The Parliamentarian’s duties are to attend Faculty Council and Faculty Senate meetings and provide advice on Parliamentarian matters.
Section 6
In the event the Chair is unable to completehis/herterm of office, the ViceChairimmediatelysucceeds to the Chair. Faculty Council fills the vacated post of ViceChairfrom itsmembership. In the event no Council member wishes to fill the vacated post, a special election is held to fill the post of the Vice Chair.
Section 7
All members of the Councilserve aone-yearterm unless otherwise specified andalltermsbeginafter thelast springsemester meetingof theCouncil.
Section 8
Priorto January15 of eachyear, theNominatingCommittee (described in ArticleVII,Section 5)presents a slateof candidates to the FacultySenate forViceChairandSecretaryoftheFacultySenate and for University Senators. Election is bysecret ballot of themembers ofthe Senate followingthe proceduresdefined in ArticleIIof theStandingRules. TheVice Chairserves oneyearasViceChairand then serves the succeedingyearasChair. In the following year, the immediate Past Chair serves as Advisor to the current Chair.TheSecretaryis responsible fortakingminutes ofboth the FacultySenate andFacultyCouncilmeetings.
Section 9
Anymember ofthe FacultySenate mayrequirethat actions of the FacultyCouncil bereviewed bythe Senate. A petition must be presentedand be supported bysignaturesfromatleast 20 percent of the Senate’s membership. Thepetition must be submitted to theFacultySenate Secretarywithin ten workingdaysafterpublication ofthe action in theminutesof FacultyCouncil. Overturninga FacultyCouncilactionrequires the approval ofa majorityofthe members of the FacultySenate. This voteis to occur electronically within tenworkingdaysafterreceipt of thepetition.
Section 1
BallotElection. Theelections forthe offices of the Behrend FacultySenateVice ChairandSecretary,UniversityFacultySenateRepresentatives,and the Part-TimeFacultyRepresentatives oftheFacultySenate areheld prior to January31 (see ArticleIV,Section 8 related to thenominationprocess). Elections fortheseofficesare heldconcurrently.For the officesnamed inthis article,everymember ofthe FacultySenate will have the opportunitytoplace namesin nomination and to vote. Electionsarebysecret ballot andfollow the proceduresspecified inArticle IIof theStandingRules.
Section 2
Office-HoldingLimit. With the exception ofthe Chairof FacultySenate,all sittingmembers ofthe Councilareeligible to succeed themselves.
Section 1
TheFacultySenate holds atleast four regularmeetings peracademic year: two in the fallsemesterand two in thespringsemester.
Section 2
Additionalmeetingsaresubject to the call of theChair orbypetition of20 percent of themembers ofthe FacultySenate submitted to the Chairatleasttenworkingdays priorto thedesireddate ofthe meeting.
Section 3
Meetingsare open to part-timefacultyandcollege staffasnon-votingguests of theOrganization.
Section 1 Faculty Senate Standing Committees
TheFacultySenatehas the followingStandingCommittees whose purpose is to gatherinformation and make recommendations to the FacultySenate,FacultyCouncil, andappropriateCollege administrators,and to work with the appropriateadministrators to promotethe development and efficientoperation ofthe College.
a.ThePromotion andTenureReview Committeeconsists of ninemembers: twoelectedfromeachSchool,andone, the Chair, who serves a one-yearterm,appointed bythe Chancellor. Committee members must be tenuredandhave theminimum rank of Associate Professor,andeachmember(otherthan the chair)serves a two-yeartermwith the terms ofthe School representativesstaggered.TheCommitteeis responsiblefor the review of facultyfor promotion andtenureasspecified in the University'sPromotion and Tenure ReviewProcedures andRegulations(HR23), Definition of Academic Ranks(HR21), thePenn StateBehrend'sPromotion and Tenure Policy,and the Administrative Guidelines toHR23.
When there are candidates being considered for promotion to Professor, an ad-hoc Committee will be formed by the Chancellor from those with rank of Professor on the Promotion and Tenure Committee, subject to the following conditions:
i)The number of members will be odd
ii) There will be a members from at least three of the four schools and no more than two members from a single school
iii) There will be at least one member from the candidate’s school
The Chancellor will appoint additional members from the College faculty to the ad-hoc Committee if needed to meet these criteria. If the Chair of the Promotion and Tenure Committee does not have rank of Professor, the Chancellor will appoint a chair from those on the ad-hoc Committee.
When there are candidates being considered for promotion to Senior Lecturer, an ad-hoc Committee will be formed by the Chancellor. The ad-hoc committee will consist of one Senior Lecturer chosen from the College faculty by the Chancellor, with additional members chosen from the Promotion and Tenure committee by the Chancellor, subject to the following conditions:
i)The number of members will be odd
ii) There will be a members from at least three of the four schools and no more than two members from a single school
iii) There will be at least one member from the candidate’s school
The Chancellor will appoint additional members from the College faculty to the ad-hoc Committee if needed to meet these criteria. The ad-hoc Committee will provide recommendations to the College Promotion and Tenure Committee.
b. A UniversitySenator Caucus composedof the elected and/or appointed UniversityFacultySenate Representatives, and the Chair of the Behrend Faculty Senate serves as acommitteeto give consultation and adviceregardingUniversityaffairs affectingBehrend. TheCaucus is chaired bythe Penn State Behrend representative toUniversity Faculty Senate Council.
Section 2 Faculty Council Standing Committees
ThePenn State BehrendFacultyCouncilhas the followingStandingCommittees whose purposeis to gatherinformation,make recommendations to the Council and appropriateadministrativeofficers,propose legislative action,andwork with appropriateadministrators in promotingthedevelopment and efficientoperation ofthe College.
a.An Academic ComputingCommitteeto recommendpolicies,procedures, andothermattersrelatingto academic computing, includingplanningfor the futureneeds of the College. TheManager ofNetwork andInformationSystems and theAssociate Deanserve asex officio members.
b.An Athletics Committeeto advise and monitor athletic standardsrelated to theeducationalfunction of theCollege and the University.Itapproves athleticschedules,considerseligibilityof students for intercollegiate athletics, and helpspromote asound academic climate for the intercollegiate athletic program.TheAthletic Directorand the FacultyAthletic Representative(appointed bytheChancellor)serveasex officio members ofthis Committee. Members of theintercollegiate coachingstaff,otherthan the Athletic Director,areineligible toserveon this Committee.
c.A CurricularAffairs Committeeto review andevaluate allcourseandcurriculumproposalssubmitted bythe Schools of the College.It studies andreviews allexistingcourses and curricula ofthe College and maintains liaison with theCollege administrationandfacultyasnecessaryfor the implementation oftheproceduresoutlined in the Guideto Behrend College CurricularProcedures.TheCurricularAffairs Committeewill maintain and makeavailable theGuidetoBehrend College CurricularProcedureswhichprovidesinstructions forsubmittingcourseandcurriculumproposals. Thepoliciesandprocedures in theGuideto Behrend College CurricularProceduresaresubject to the approval ofFacultyCouncilandaretobeconsistentwiththeUniversityFacultySenate’sGuideto CurricularProcedures. Link to Penn State Senate Curriculum Guide to Curricular Procedures
TheBehrendrepresentative to the UniversitySenateCommittee on CurricularAffairs is anex officio, non-votingmember ofthe BehrendCollege CurricularAffairsCommittee.
d.A FacultyAffairs Committeeto advisethe Councilandadministration on mattersof policyconcerningfacultyaffairs, on mattersregardingthe cultural,social, andmaterialwelfareof the faculty,and on mattersaffectingthe educationalenvironment in which the facultywork. Amongthe policymatters of concern tothe Committee on FacultyAffairsarethe following: facultyappointments,leaves,salariesandfringe benefits, and "rights and responsibilities."TheCommitteemakesrecommendations forthe modification ofexistingpoliciesandassists the College administration in the formulation of newpolicies and relatedmatters.
e.A ResearchCommittee to advisethe Councilandadministration on means ofmaintainingviable researchandscholarlyactivities, to review researchpolicies, torecommend the establishmentandmodification or termination of organizedresearch units, to review sabbaticalleave applications,and to determine on anannual basis the recipients of the BehrendCollegeCouncil of FellowsFacultyResearchAwardand the BehrendCollege Council of FellowsExcellence inOutreachAward.The SeniorAssociateDeanserves as anex officio member ofthis Committee.
f.A ScholarshipsandAwardsCommittee to recommendpolicies and proceduresrelatingto studentawardsandscholarshipsand to provideinput to the selection ofrecipients forstudent awardsandscholarships.TheDirector ofStudent Affairs orhis/herdelegatedrepresentativeandtheCollege’schiefFinancialAidOfficerserveasex officio members ofthis Committee. Theappointedstudentmemberofthis Committeeis ineligible to participate in thediscussion of anyaward orscholarship for which heor sheis nominated. In those cases in which theappointedstudentmemberhasbeennominated,provisionsareto be made foranotherstudent to serve duringthat part ofthe discussionandrecommendation.Coaches of intercollegiate athletic teamsare ineligible for serviceon thisCommittee.
g.A StudentLife Committee to review andrecommendpolicies,programs, andservices which regulate and support student lifeon campus. TheCommitteepromotesout-of-classprogramsthatpertain to the academic mission oftheCollege.
h.An Undergraduate Studies Committee to recommendpoliciesaffectingundergraduateeducationalprograms. The Committee organizesannualprogrammingaddressingissuesrelated to teachingand the academic environment.TheCommitteeselectsannuallythe recipients of the BehrendCollege Council ofFellowsExcellence in TeachingAwardand the GuyW. Wilson AwardforExcellence in Academic Advising. It also makesrecommendationsaboutphysicalfacilitiesandinstructionalsupportsystems. Thedirectors ofthe CenterforTeachingandEducationalTechnologies and the Learning Resource Center serves as non-voting,ex officio membersofthe Undergraduate Studies Committee.
i.A joint faculty/staff Institutional, Educational and Diversity Committee – to address issues of diversity across the campus. This committee is to include the following voting ex officio members: Director of the Office of Education Equity and Diversity, Director of Student Life, two staff members from the College elected by the staff and the Chair of the Commission for Women. Student representatives from Multicultural Council and SGA. The Committee promotes multicultural and diversity events. An administrative liaison will be appointed by the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs. Two faculty members will be elected from each School.
Section 3
Other ad hoc and specialcommitteesmay be established bythe Chair in consultation with Faculty Council.
Section 4
All committeesestablishedunder this Article'sSections 2 and 3 submit anAnnualReportandrecommendations forfuturecommitteechargesto the Vice Chair ofthe FacultySenate priortoMay 15 of eachyear. Minutes of each Committee meeting, including attendance of the members, should be placed on the Behrend Faculty Senate website within two weeks of approval.
Section 5
When not definedelsewhere,committeemembership is determinedas follows:
a.EachSchoolelects two members to each of theStandingCommittees. Termsaretwo years in durationandstaggered within eachSchool. Electionsareto occurprior to February15.
b.TheNominatingCommitteepresents a slateof nominees forthe Chairof eachStandingCommitteeto the Chair ofthe FacultyCouncil priorto February28. TheNominatingCommitteeconsists of theChancellor (whochairs the committeeand is a non-votingmember),Associate Dean of Academic Affairs,ChairandVice-Chair and Secretary oftheFacultySenate,andBehrend Senators). Nomineesare selectedfrom the listof committeemembers. The NominatingCommitteeattempts to providebalanceamongthe Schools in its nominations for committeechairs,andnormallynominates acommitteememberwhohasservedatleast one yearas a memberofthat committee. Electionsarebysecret ballot of themembers ofthe FacultySenate. Eachelectedchairserves a one-yearterm, unless reelected.
c.An undergraduatestudentrepresentative is appointed to each of theStandingCommittees of the Council, with the exception ofthe Committees on FacultyAffairsandResearch. Suchrepresentativesareselectedfrom those namessubmitted bythe President of StudentGovernmentAssociationandappointed bythe Chair.
Section 6
In the eventthat the Chair of anycommitteeis unable to completehis/herterm of office, theFacultyCouncilappoints a newChair to serve in thatcapacityuntil thenext regularlyscheduledelection. If arepresentativewithdraws from acommittee, the School will appoint a replacementbased on the receiverof thenext highest vote totalfrom the originalelection(otherwise, at thediscretion ofthe Director ofthat program).If aChair is unableto attend aFacultyCouncilmeeting, heor shemaydesignate arepresentativefrom his or hercommittee.
Tenpercent of the membership of theFacultySenate shallconstitute aquorumnecessaryforconductingbusiness.
Robert's Rules of Order,NewlyRevised(current edition) serves as the parliamentaryauthorityofthe Senate.
Section 1
Anymember ofthe FacultySenate mayproposeamendments to this Constitution.
Section 2
Anyproposedamendment must be submitted in writingto the Chairatleastfive workingdaysbefore a scheduledmeetingof theFacultyCouncil. TheChairplacesthe amendment on the Agenda of thenext scheduledmeeting.
Section 3
Ifanamendmentreceives atwo-thirdsvote, byelectronic ballot, ofthe Council's votingmembership, it must besubmitted to the membership of theSenate within fifteenworkingdays. A votebyFacultySenate is then scheduled to occur within the ensuingfifteenworking days. FinalCollege approval of the amendmentrequiresa majorityofthe votingmembers ofthe Senate.
Section 4
Successful amendments shall be communicated to the Executive Director of the University Faculty Senate. An amendment shall take effect when the University Faculty Senate Council approves it.
Section 1: Order ofBusiness for RegularMeetings
Theorder ofbusiness at eachregularmeetingof thePenn State BehrendFacultyCouncil is:
I.Call to Order
II.Approval of theMinutes
III.Reports of Officersand StandingCommittees
IV.Reports of SpecialCommittees
V.Report from University Faculty Senate
VII.Unfinished Business
Section 2: RegularMeetings
Regularmeetings of the Penn State BehrendFacultyCouncilareheld at leasttwice persemester.Themeetingdatesand times aredetermined bythe Chairin consultationwith the Chancellor andareannounced foreachsemester.
Section 3: SpecialMeetings
TheChair in consultation with the Chancellor mayconvene specialmeetings of the Council.
Section 4: Order ofBusiness forSpecialMeetings
Theorder ofbusiness for anyspecialmeetingof theFacultyCouncil is determined bythe Chair.
Section 5:Agenda
A tentativeagenda andrelevantdocuments for eachregularmeetingof theFacultyCouncil isdistributedatleastthree calendardaysbefore the actualmeeting.
Section 6: OfficialCouncilRecord
TheFacultyCouncil publishes anofficialrecord of its proceedings(The Penn State BehrendFacultyCouncil Minutes). This recordsummarizesitemsdiscussedat the Councilmeeting,legislative proposals,allactiontaken byCouncil,andforensic business. Therecordcontainsappendeddocumentsandreportsasdetermined bythe Chair. Copies ofthePenn State Behrend FacultyCouncil Minutesaredistributed to eachCouncilmember,summarizedbrieflyin theBehrendBulletin,andplaced on the FacultyCouncil’s Web site within two weeks ofapproval ofFacultyCouncil. Copies aresent electronically to the Office of theChancellor
Section 7: CommitteeRecords
Onecopyof all minutes, memoranda,anddocumentsgenerated byanyStandingorAd HocCommitteeofthe FacultyCouncil is forwarded to the Chairfor placement on the Behrend Faculty Senate website ( mentioned in section 4 of Article VII of the Constitution.
Section 8: Submission ofItems
Anymember ofthe FacultySenate maysubmit legislative or forensicitems to theCouncilvia the Chair.
Section 9: Submission of Dates
All legislative proposals to be broughtbefore the FacultyCouncil must besubmitted atleasttenworkingdaysbefore a scheduled Council meeting.
Section 10:SenatorCaucusProcedures
TheChair ofthe UniversitySenatorCaucusestablishes the procedures and meetingdatesfor theCaucus. The Caucusmeets as necessarybefore a regularlyscheduledUniversityFacultySenatemeeting.Inaddition, at the request of FacultyCouncil or anymember ofthe UniversitySenateCaucus, the Caucusmeets prior to UniversitySenatemeetings.
Section 11: Procedures forSubmittinga Proposal to the Committeeon CurricularAffairsSubmission of courseor programproposals to the CurricularAffairs Committeefollow theCouncil-approvedprocedures in theBehrendCollege Guideto CurricularProcedures.
Section 12: CommitteeCharges
TheFacultyCouncil maypreparecharges forits committees.
Section 13: CommitteeChargesProposed byaCommittee
Anymember ofthe FacultySenate maypropose aCharge for anycommittee.Proposalsaredirected to the ChairforCouncil’sconsideration.
Section 1
TheChairandVice Chair ofthe Penn StateBehrendFacultySenate oversee the followingelections:
a.Vice Chair ofFacultySenate.
b.Secretaryof FacultyCouncil.
c.Ombuds andAlternate Ombuds.
d.Chairs of FacultyCouncilCommittees.
f.Part-TimeFacultyRepresentatives ofthe FacultyOrganization.
Section 2
Priorto January15 of eachyear, theChairshall notify the Penn State Behrendfacultyof theelections forFacultyCounciloffices of ViceChair,Secretary, UniversityFacultySenateRepresentatives,andPart-TimeFacultyRepresentatives ofthe FacultySenate,and invites writtennominations forthesepositions.Nominations must havethewrittenconsent of the nominee.
Section 3
TheChairdistributes a ballot with the slateof candidates forFacultySenateVice-Chair,Secretary,UniversityFacultySenateRepresentatives,and Part-Time FacultyRepresentatives ofthe FacultySenate to the appropriateelectoratesprior to January31.Votesare acceptedfor sevencalendardaysafterwhich votingis closed.
Section 4
Priorto February28 of eachyear, theChairnotifies the facultyof theelections forOmbuds,Alternate Ombuds,and the Chairs of CouncilCommittees, invitingwritten nominations forthesepositions. Nominations must havethe writtenconsent (including electronic) of the nominee. Nominees forstandingcommitteechairsareeligible onlyif theyhave beenelected bytheir School to thatcommittee. Nominees forOmbuds should exclude members ofPromotion andTenureCommittees.
Section 5
TheChairdistributes a ballot with the slateof candidates forOmbuds,AlternateOmbuds,and the Chairs of FacultyCouncilCommittees priorto March 15.Votesareacceptedfor sevencalendardaysafterwhich votingis closed. For the Ombuds election, thecandidate receivingthe most votes is Ombuds,and the runner-up is Alternate.
Section 6
Anyelectionyieldingatievote is decided bya coin toss.
Section 1
Anymember ofthe Behrend FacultySenate mayproposeamendments to the Standing Rules.
Section 2
Anyproposedamendment must be submitted in writingto the Chairatleastfive workingdaysbefore a scheduledmeetingof theFacultyCouncil. TheChairplacesthe amendment on the Agenda of thenext scheduledmeeting.
Section 3
Ifanamendmentreceives atwo-thirdsvote, byelectronic ballot, ofthe Council's votingmembership, it must besubmitted to the membership of theSenate within fifteenworkingdays. A votebyFacultySenate is then scheduled to occur within the ensuingfifteenworking days. FinalCollege approval of the amendmentrequiresa majorityofthe votingmembers ofthe Senate.
Section 4
Successful amendments shall be communicated to the Executive Director of the University Faculty Senate. An amendment shall take effect when the University Faculty Senate Council approves it.