/ Nailsworth Health Partnership

Prices Mill Surgery Patient Participation Group

Chair:Kate Kay: NHP Secretary: Sally Millett: Treasurer: Paul Young


PRESENT: MEMBERS;- Richard Easthope, Kate Kay, Mike Kelly, Marilyn Miles, Sally Millett, Betty and Paul Young. PRICES MILL SURGERY;- Alison Anderson and Dr. Ros Mulhall. COMMUNITY AGENT;- Aileen Bendall.

  1. Apologies for absence: Liz Green, John Miles and Winifred Page
  2. The Chair summarised the Minutes of the Meeting on 20 June 2013 and will distribute them.
  3. Matters arising:
  4. There is a new manager at Lloyds Pharmacy in Old Market who will be invited to PPG meetings in the future. In particular improvements will be sought in the repeat prescription arrangements. A possibility is an electronic link from PMS but this is in the hands of the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG).
  5. Emergency services in our area are under review.
  6. The doctors in the practice are in the process of revalidation that includes 360 degree feedback and an IPQ.
  7. The waiting areas are being revamped and a TV system installed in place of the audio call system.
  8. The Practice Manager Duncan Mann had left and a letter had been sent to him thanking him for his help in setting up and running both the PPG and NHP.
  9. The triage system is being amended and a new Appointment System starts on 16 September. Details are on PMS website and comments are invited.
  10. Update on Prices Mill Surgery:

4.1The new interim Practice Manager, Alison Anderson, was introduced. She is qualified in both nursing and business administration, and has worked for 25 years in the NHS in nursing and administration.

4.2 Alison explained that she had been appointed to do a 6 to 12 month project to set priorities and strategy for the Practice, to review staff skills, to define the role of the Assistant Practice Manager and to produce a brief for the appointment of a new Practice Manager.

4.3 Dr. Andrew Boddam-Whetham who does 4 ½ sessions a week is to retire but retain some out of hours work. A card for signatures and a collection is at reception. Dr. Andrew Sampson is to increase his sessions from 6 to 8 and Dr Michelle Cooper is increasing her sessions from 3 to 5.

4.4 The message heard when telephoning the surgery had been re-recorded. Comment was made that the number pressing system was difficult for some patients. It was explained that there had to be a compromise between keeping patients waiting listening to the ringing tone and after the call was automatically answered and numbers were pressed.

4.5 Photographs of the staff will be displayed in the foyer.

4.6 The specialisms of the doctorsis mentioned on the web-site and would be in a printed leaflet in the foyer. Marilyn agreed to include it in Nailsworth News.

4.5 Dr Sampson is the link doctor to the CCG.

5NHP Health Fair 28 September 2013.

5.1 The Health Fair will take place on the same day as the Farmers’ Market and be outdoors in the Mortimer Gardens, Market Street, the Clock Tower and behind the Sub Rooms, as well as indoors at the Quaker Meeting House, The White Practice and The Natural Health Centre.

5.2 The PPG stall is to be in The Mortimer Gardens and all members are encouraged to call by and give support. The following agreed to attend;-

10am Kate and Ros to set up the stall and remain to after 1pm

(note that no diagnosis nor treatment will be given)

10 – 11 Richard

11- 12 Aileen

12- 1 Betty and Paul

1pm Kate to introduce Neil Carmichael MP who will launch The Health Directory for Nailsworth.

5.3 Items for the stall;-

Laptop and iPAD (Kate)

Leaflet on new appointment system at PMS (Ros)

Patients’survey 2012 results (?)

Flyer for PPG and NHP (Marilyn to do similar as at Stroud Fair)

Suggestion box for PMS (?)

Public Health and Healthcare Gloucestershire leaflets (Marilyn)

‘Flu jabs and other topical reminders (Ros)

Balloons and low sugar sweets/nibbles (Kate)

Blank notebook to ask for more information (Kate)

5.4 Marilyn to write to CCG to say Health Fair will be held.

62013 Patients’ Survey is being carried out.


7.1 Winifred Page sent a written suggestion for a small group of voluntary helpers (including herself) to keep in touch with the 259 patients over 85 to make sure that they are getting all the help possible from NHS, Social Services and other organisations. It was mentioned that ME sufferers also need such help.

7.2 Aileen mentioned the need for a Carers’ Support Group and mentioned the courses run for Gloucestershire carers including “Listening Well, Living Well” (on integrated person centred working) which is being tested in Cam and Dursley. PMS have a list of carers.

7.3 A flyer of Frequently Asked Questions is being prepared to go in the Waiting Room.

8Date of next meeting Thursday 7 November.