Information on services for those experiencing memory loss
Support Groups
GROUP / ADDRESS / DAY / TIME / DETAILS / CONTACTSt.Helens Carers Centre / 31-35 Baldwin Street
St Helens
WA10 2RS / The first and third
of each month / 11:00am- 1:00pm / A very informal group which welcomes Carers who want to come in for a chat / 01744 675615
Making Sense / Knowsley House
Peasley Cross
Marshalls Cross Road
St Helens
WA9 3DA / The second Monday of each month / 6:30pm-8:30pm / Aims to support those affected by memory problems.
Carers have the choice of attending with their cared for and the group has a mix of guest speakers, activities and social events. / Joan O’Hanlon
01744 646826
Alzheimer’s Society / United ReformChurch
Ormskirk Street
St. Helens / From Thursday19th April 2012 and weekly thereafter / 10.30-12.30pm / The group is for anyone who is affected by dementia/memory loss and has a “Breakfast Club” format. Refreshments are available for a small fee / Denise Adamson 0151 420 8010
Kershaw Centre / Portland Street, Newton-le-Willows, WA12 9EU / The second Thursday of each month / 2:00pm- 4:00pm / It is not necessary to be accessing day care provision with Kershaw in order to attend the group as they welcome all Carers. / 01744 677845
5Boroughs Later Life Forum / Venues Vary / Every other month / Times vary / get involved in how future services around dementia are developed from assessment stage and onwards. Transport can be provided if this is an issue and meetings are attended by carers, cared for and professionals. / Ring the Carers Centre on 01744 675615
Broadoak Manor / Mulcrow Close
St Helens
WA10 1HB / The last Monday of every month / 6pm-7.30pm / This group welcomes Carers and families of people affected by dementia. Guest speakers are sometimes in attendance. / Contact Broadoak Manor:01744 615626
Looking Forward / Contact for details / Contact for details / Contact for details / This is an innovative and forward thinking group of people either with a memory problem or a diagnosis of dementia and their carer, who meet once a month with the aims of informing, expanding, educating and enhancing knowledge and understanding of what it is actually like to live with dementia and what potential there is to improve their experiences. / Tish McKee
Dementia Links
Tel: 01744 676556
Mobile: 07748 819999
Age UK / The Mansion House – Victoria Bistro / Tuesdays / 10.30-12.30 / Café Breakfast group at the Mansion House in the Victoria Bistro. Come along make new friends, meet and have a chat with staff re services available in a social environment. (Full English Breakfast with a cup of tea £3.95) / Kym Smith
01744 616584
Younger People with dementia Support group / The Drop in Lounge, Millennium Centre, Corporation Street / The first Wednesday of every month , first meeting on 4th September 2013 / 1.00-2.30pm / This group is for Younger People with Dementia (age 70 and under) and their carers. / Denise Adamson
0151 420 8010
Looking Forward Support Group / Martin Ave Sheltered Community room, Newton Le Willows, WA12 0NH / The first Tuesday of every month / 10.30am-1pm / This group will suit those who would like to meet with others in a warm and friendly environment. Those who provide support are also welcome / John Kelly
01925 222126 / 07930471664
Group meeting times, dates and venues are subject to change. It is always best to call the Carers Centre and check first on 01744 675615.
Telephone Support
The Alzheimer’s Society
- have a local telephone number -0151 420 8010 and also an Alzheimer’s Helpline 0845 300 0336
Admiral Nurses
- specialist mental health nurses specialising in dementia. Admiral Nurseswork with family carers and people with dementia, in the community and other settings. There is no Admiral Nursing Service in this area but you can still contact an Admiral Nurse for advice or support by calling the helpline, Admiral Nursing DIRECT on08452579406or email
Useful Resources
Memory Card - A credit-card sized card available at the Carers Centre. The message on the card states: “The person I am with has memory problems. They may have difficulty communicating. We would appreciate your patience and understanding”
This has helped to preserve dignity and alleviate stress in difficult situations.
This is Me- A document produced by the Alzheimer’s Society. There is an example in the Carers Centre but they can be downloaded from The Alzheimers Society website – or contact the local branch on 01925 572246 and ask for a copy to be sent out to you. The booklet is bright blue and can be used in unfamiliar settings such as hospital to record personal details such as likes, dislikes, fears, abilities etc.
Forget Me Not – A flower pendant worn or carried which will highlight to hospital staff that the person you are with has memory loss. Whiston A&E has 2 cubicles specifically allocated for people with dementia to reduce the stress attached to being in the hospital environment. Ask in Whiston hospital reception for details on where to get a pendant or ring the Carers Centre on 01744 675615.
Council Home Improvements Agency – have Dementia Links programme in relation to Assistive Technology for the home, you will need to be referred for this service. They also offer advice on the Handy Person Scheme for small jobs around the home. Speak to a Carer Support Officer for details on 01744 675615
Useful Reading and Websites
PSS Online Dementia Centre ( includes links to local services and access to forum for Carers to share their experiences.
Alzheimers Society ( produce a wide range of fact sheets and support materials. Carers are also able to communicate via chat room.
“Who Cares?” Department of Health book, sometimes issued during SSD assessment but available to download from the Department Of Health website
The National Dementia Strategy – Government plan for improving care and support services in England for people with dementia and their Carers. Telephone 08701 555 455 or download at
Dementia Communication Guidelines– a document provided by Stewart Assessment Ward which explains how to communicate and support someone with dementia. Available from the Carers Centre, telephone 01744 675615
“The Milk is in the Oven” - a booklet that helps explain dementia to children and young people. Available as a free PDF download from
Barbara Pointon’s Care Giving Maxims-Barbara is to be made a government advisor on dementia following her public experience of caring for her husband. These are the things she wishes she had known when she first started out in their journey through the condition. Available from the Carers Centre as a handout to assist with perplexing behaviours. Telephone 01744 675615
Hargreaves Trust – Have a drop in facility at Millennium House, St.Helens on fortnightly basis to offer advice and guidance on issues relating to dementia. Telephone 07543201062 for more information or
Helping Someone to Make Decisions - information produced by the Carers Centre on Power of Attorney and Mental Capacity Act. Telephone 01744 675615
Should you require any further information or assistance with the above please contact the Carer Support Team 01744 675615