Theory, technique and training in individual and team sports 2
Prof. Maurizio Mondoni; Prof. LucaGotti; Prof. Massimo Dagioni
Module I (Basketball–male and female sections) (Prof. Maurizio Mondoni)
–Improve students’ knowledge of the introduction to sport, especially team sports.
–Teach students to teach team sports.
–Analyse the various stages ofeducationand development in physical ability and skill.
–Introduce, teachand perfect the fundamentals of basketball.
–Definitionof the concept of an introduction to “team sports” and functionalstructure.
–The method of teaching and training team sports.
–Workload and the effects of movement.
–The ability to play.
–Communication (verbal, vocal, non-verbal) in sport.
–The correction of motor and technical errors.
Mini-basketball (5-11 years)
–Childhood: cognitive, affective, socialand motordevelopment.
–Educationand development of sensory-perceptive abilities, motor and postural patterns, as well as motor ability and skill.
–Playing Mini-basketball : the Instructor and the Mini-basketball lesson.
–Methods and training progression in the teaching of Mini-basketball and the relative objectives.
–Thefundamentalsof play: ideas of attack and defence playing.
–The Rule of play.
–Motor tests (generalandspecific).
–Technical training films.
–TheMini-basketball Trophy, theBeginners’ Trophy, the3 c 3Tournament, Primary SchoolMini-basketball (Easy Basketball).
–Practical exercises.
The passage from Mini-basketball to Junior basketball (12-14 years)
–Puberty: cognitive, affective, social and motor development.
–Development of motor ability and skill.
–The basketball basics of attack and defence (as an individualand as a team).
–Methods and training progression in the teaching of basketball basics and the relative objectives.
–Ideas of attack and defence playing.
–The Rule of play.
–Motor tests (general and specific).
–The basketball instructor at junior level.
–Training and its effects.
–Technical training films
–The F.I.P. (Italian Basketball Federation) Championships (under 13, under 14), the 3 c 3 Tournament, the Youth Games and Student Sports Games.
–Practical exercises.
Junior basketball (15-18 years)
–Adolescence: cognitive, affective, social and motor development.
–Educationand development of motor ability and skill.
–The basketball basics of attack and defence (as an individual and as a team).
–Methods and training progression in teaching and the relative objectives.
–Ideas of attack and defence.
–The Rule of play.
–Motor tests (general and specific).
–The basketball instructor at junior level.
–Training and its effects.
–Technical training films.
–The F.I.P. (Italian Basketball Federation) Championships (under 15, under 17, under 19), theStudent Sports Games.
–Practical exercises.
–The Italian Basketball Federation: historical notes, organization.
–The game, roles of the players.
–The Rule of play.
–The instructor.
–Workload, training and its effects.
–The basics of attack and defence (as an individual and as a team), attack and defence game tactics.
–Methods of teaching and training and the relative objectives.
–Planning and scheduling.
–Functional and bio-mechanical analyses in basketball.
–Tests (anthropometric, functional, general and specific motor).
–Notes on hygiene, eating and first aid with respect to basketball.
–Technical training films.
–The men’s and women’s F.I.P. (Italian Basketball Federation) Championships.
–Practical exercises.
C. Trachelio, La preparazione fisica agli sport di squadra, Libreria dello Sport, Milan, 1997.
P. Bellotti-E. Matteucci, Allenamento sportivo: teoria metodologia e pratica, UTET, Turin, 1999.
M. Mondoni, Basket e biomeccanica, Libreria dello Sport, Milan, 2002.
M. Mondoni, Pallacanestro,Teoria, tecnica e didattica dei giochi di squadra, Libreria dello Sport, Milan, 2006.
M. Mondoni,Mini-basketball io sto con i bambini, Libreria dello Sport, Milan, 2008.
–Lectures (including use of PowerPoint presentations and films).
–Practical lessons in gym under guidance
–Short dissertation.
–Practical exam.
–Oral exam.
Prof. Maurizio Mondoni will receive students before and after lectures at the Fenaroli Sports Centre.
Module II (Soccer–male section) (Prof. LucaGotti)
The course aims to teach the historical, cultural andsocialaspects of soccer, as well as its technico-tactical, physico-athletic and pedagogic characteristics. Particularattentionwill be given to soccer played by children.
–Historical, socio-culturalandeconomic keynotes. From itsoriginsto the present day.
–Technical principles (signs andfundamentals).
–Tactical principles (as an individual, a department and a team).
–The physico-athletic principles.
–Technico-tactical teaching methods and training.
–Thedimensionof play.
–Thecompetitive dimension.
–Therelational dimension: the team.
–The figure of the trainer/instructor.
–The planning of technical work.
–Theinstitutional, organisational and management dimensionof soccer society.
–A breakdown of the rules.
A.A.V.V., La didattica del gioco del calcio, Coverciano, Florence, 2008.
G. Molon-D. Ranzato, Il manuale del settore giovanile, Pg, 1997.
H. Wein, L’insegnamento programmato del gioco del calcio, Mediterranee, 1988.
F. Ferretti (edited by), L’allenamento fisico nel calcio: concetti e principi metodologici, Correre Publishers, 2010.
A. Pereni-M. Di Cesare, Calcio. Manuale tecnico tattico, 1997.
M. Bonfanti, Il gioco del calcio:principi teorici e suggerimenti didattici, Libreria dello Sport, Milan, 2008.
F.I.G.C.-A.I.A. (edited by), Il regolamento del gioco del calcio, 2000.
Lectures. Practical lessons. Laboratory sessions.
Papers, mini-thesisand oral exam.
Further information can be found on the lecturer's webpage at or on the Faculty notice board.
Module II (Volleyball–female section) (Prof. Massimo Dagioni)
Provide studentswith the key to learning about the discipline from both a theoretical and “genetic” point of view; in other words, studying the presuppositions and matrices from which the dynamics of the game (both technical and tactical) develop. The course will take a practical and global approach to ball-work, as well as seeking to involve students - through first-hand experience – in the proprioceptive, co-ordination and psychomotor aspects of volleyball, from the mini-volleyball played by children to the level of professional athletes.
–Volleyball within theframeworkofteam sports.
–Volleyball as a situation sport.
–“Closed skill” and “open skill” disciplines.
–Keynotes on the rule of play and its evolution over the last few years.
–The stages of play: ball-change and breakpoint.
–Arrangementof the players on the field.
–The various systems of play according to age and development of playing skill:
*mini-volleyballas a play-sport for developing ball co-ordination;
*1 against 1 in mini-volleyball;
*2 against 2 in mini-volleyball;
*3 against 3in mini-volleyball;
*the 6-6 system in Junior volleyball;
*the 4-2 system in Junior volleyball;
*the 5-1system.
–Structure of the game: thevariablesof space and time in the construction of the game action.
–The tactical concepts in designing an attack: attackin the 1st stage, in the 2nd stage and in the 3rd stage.
–The concept of a performance model.
–Analysisof the evolution of a performance model in women’s volleyball.
–The technical fundamentals: technique, training and tactical management:
*the dribble;
*the dig;
*the serve;
*the attack strike;
*the block.
–The relationships between the technical fundamentals of the game:
*service and receipt;
*raised and attack;
*attack and defence;
*attack, block and defence;
*attack and cover.
–The organisational principles of the training session according to the different performancemodels of the variouscategories.
The course does not prescribe a specific reading list,as the information provided - and its interpretation - will necessitate students attendingthe lectures given by the lecturers; eventualadditional reading (not compulsory for passing the exam) may be agreed upon during the year between students and lecturers.
Practical lessons in the gym, plus lectures using the aid of specific technical videos.
Ongoing assessment of the student’s practical work, integrated with an oral theory exam: the sum of the two scores will constitute the final result.
Further information can be found on the lecturer's webpage at or on the Faculty notice board.