Theory of Movement: A Blacological Evolutionary Theory
Black Leadership, Organization, and Movements
Theory of Movement:
A Blacological Evolutionary Theory
By Prof. Walter Cross
Submitted To: Dr. Lewis E. Wright
Graduate School Political Science, Howard University
- Explanation of Definitions and Blacological 8
- Definitions 8 - 10
“If I speak in the language of other cultures and assimilate to their ways, but have not cultural affirmation, I am a copy-cat or a second class citizen. If I have their theories, philosophies, and beliefs, and quote all their great men; and have studied all their sciences, so as to perpetuate their culture, but have not a sense of my own cultural solidarity, I am walking the path of least existence. If I throw away all my heritage, and hold up the heritage of other cultures, but have not any consciousness of my own, I gain nothing”.
Prof. Walter Cross, Blacology: A Cultural Science. The way of Blacology A Brief Introduction, Washington, DC: Library of Congress. Copyright © 1990
Theory of Movement:
A Blacological Evolutionary Theory
I must begin by first of all explaining my theory. My theory is that of Blacology and I believe that BlacAfrican people must acknowledge their own body of knowledge that is self-reliant and operatively theirs. In analyzing these articles, I am utilizing a Blacological evolutionary approach. The concept of Blacology is developed from the authenticity of the BlacAfrican Ntalext, experience, and creative genius. I have also provided some definitions to give understanding to my evolutionary theory of the Cultural Science of Blacology following my bibliography. Blacology may also consist of its own Cultural Linguistics or Ebonics. In addition, it is not restricted to the Eurological Language Arts. This gives Blacology its own significant identifiable writing forms. It is the utilization of the ideals, philosophies, theories and beliefs of BlacAfrican Scholars and historians of the past and present. In the Eurological Culture, BlacPeople have been taught to hate everything Black and African. BlacPeople have been taught to hate themselves. The Cultural Science of Blacology is to undo this type of self-hatred by giving importance to all that is Black and African. In the establishment of the Cultural Science Blacology, one may distinguish a Blacological Research by the capitalization of all words that are associated with this Cultural Science (i.e. African Woman, African Man, Black/African, Black People, Black Culture, Black Woman, Black Man, Black Youth, Blacology, and Blacological, etc). It is done to give honor, respect, and importance to these words. This is also a way to acknowledge and identify a Blacological Research and the Science of Blacology. The evolution of Blacology is the will of the uncompromising struggle of BlacPeople. (See attachments for explanation of definitions and Blacological words for update in spellings.)
The [1]Theory of Movement is that you must have a universal myth that is not own by anyone but is known by everyone. The ideal that all men are created equally is an ideal that is known to all mankind. This is a universal ideal. If one man can develop a science, then all men can do the same. It is true that all men can and do evolve. There are some things that are constant. Everybody wants to live in peace. Everybody wants liberty. Everybody wants to pursue happiness. These are some unalienable rights that everyone is conscious about. These rights are human rights. These rights cannot be owned by anyone. We have been taught that the European owns, developed, and created the myth that,[2] “All Men are Created Equally”. This is a human right. Even the captives of the Atlantic Slave Trade knew that all men were created equally. This is a practice that is the nature of all mankind. Even in the villages this was practice. In the process of integrating the captives into the European society the captives began to find out by word of mouth the kidnapper believed in the universal law that all men were created equal. One does not need to go to college or a university to learn this law. This is not a European ideology. This is a universal ideology. If you say this is your philosophy then you are responsible for all the rights and privileges thereof and you are expected to treat everyone else accordingly.
Just because I speak XHousa, Mandingo, Zulu, or Vah does not mean I don’t know about the universal law of equality. Once the captive could translate the language to their understanding then the goal of the captives was to hold the Europeans responsible to this law. Even on the cargo ship the captives had an understanding that this captivity was wrong. It is assumed that the captives were from different tribes and they had no understanding about each other.
[3]Dr. Amos M. D. Sirleaf, a Blacological Scholar, says, “that in Africa in one country there are many languages spoken”. Dr. Sirleaf speaks nine different languages. According to Dr. Sirleaf this is because in the immediate locality you had to be able to communicate with other ethnics. So, you had to be able to speak more than one language. This is tradition in Africa and has been for centuries. This has been practiced before the European entered [4]Acubuland. Given consideration to this custom, it would have been impossible for the captives of the Atlantic Slave trade to not have any knowledge about each other.
The movement to gain freedom began the very minute an individual was captured. The movements to gain freedom continued in the cargo ships and continued after the BlacAfricans reach the shores of their destination. Self-determination is a law of self-preservation that dwells within the souls, the hearts, and the minds of every human being. The movement for freedom was not due to the captivity by the colonialist but, because it is a law of human nature. The first step to the fight for freedom was to conquer the fear of being captured in the slave ship. If they were successful they would return to their homes and families in Acubuland. If they were not successful they would continue when they reached land. The law of equality was not and is not only the privilege of the [5]Eurological rulers. It is the human nature of all mankind. The right to be creative and productive, as a people and an individual, is a right that no one can be denied. [6]Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. II taught us that if you don’t stand for something you will fall for anything”. No man is going to fall for the deprivation of freedom.
Dr. Lewis E. Wright talked about three elements of the theory of movement that stayed with me and they are fear, symbols, and human nature. Dr. L. E. Wright stated that if you find what causes fear, you can control people. I don’t know where he got this theory. As a Blacological Cultural Scientist, I would like to know if it is his theory or is it European. Dr. Wright also said that we are control and defined by symbols. Our
whole life is made up of symbols. He mentioned that words are symbols. As an example, he used the word “dog”. Is that really what the animal is? What is the dog? Is it the four legit thing that walks around and barks or is it inside? These questions were very interesting and enlightening. He went on to say about human nature that if you know something about this you can control people.
As a [7]Blacological Scholar, I am very interested in what BlacScholars have to say about the evolution of BlacAfrican Culture. I took this class entitle [8]“Black Leadership Organizations and Movements” because as a Blacologist I am conducting research and study on the evolution of BlacPeople and their culture. I am interested in Black leadership. I want to study this phenomenon. What Dr. L. E. Wright said about human nature, “is if you know something about this you can control people”. If you know what people need, you can control them based on their needs. If you know that farmers need labors, you can work for a wage. If the farmer does not pay you three things will happen; (1) you cannot pay your bills, (2) the farmer cannot harvest his crop nor can he pay his bills. (3) There will be conflict and unrest. This is human nature. When freedom was taken from BlacPeople they rebelled and some began to fight and escape. The will to be free is greater than anything.
Let us take a look at the components of the theory of movement. Fear, in order to make a slave there had to be a process of fear. In order to make BlacPeople into a slave you had to place fear into them. [9]The process of making a slave was such that it consisted of torture. Violence was used to convince the people that if you did not cooperate you would be beaten and punished until you submitted. BlacPeople were taken to the West Indies to the slave making camps where you were violently conditioned. Before a captive could come to the colonies they had to be trained during the slave trade. If you were caught speaking in your native language or practicing your cultural religion you would be punished violently. This punishment would be conducted in the public to give an example to all the other captives.
After the Atlantic slave trade was ended slave making was taken to another level of fear. When all the elements of African Culture were gone, and not in the view of the oppressor/kidnappers, you were controlled by European culture. If you did not show that you were trained and knew your place you would be violently punished. You could be sold or your children could be sold. If you ran away you would be violently punished. [10]Religion was method of controlling the captives. You were taught the bible if you were in a Christian country. If you were in a Muslim country you were taught the Koran. You were taught that whites were superior to you. Word symbols like master and slave were used to control you. If a captive talk about being free, it frighten all the those who had been converted into slaves.
Let us take a look at the present day [11]Eurological society in the United States and the world. It has been taught that traditionally only Europeans could develop interdisciplinary sciences. It has been the practice of the institutions of higher learning to direct BlacAfrican Ntalextuwl creative genius into the fields of psychology, sociology, anthropology and other [12]Eurological Studies. If a BlacAfrican was to think of developing an interdisciplinary science he/she would be considered as not having the intelligence to do such a thing. They would not receive funding nor would they get a job. This would frighten all those BlacPeople who were studying in the fields of sociology, psychology, anthropology and European studies.
From childhood Blacks have been so culturally conditioned that they would not even believe they could do such a thing. The students would be afraid that they would not pass the class. The student would think that you are interrupting their education. Even though the graduate classroom is suppose to be a consortium of the ideals of the participants. The students fear that if they are not learning what the Eurological studies say they are to be studying. They fear they are not learning anything. [13]Joe Madison says, “In this world and in the United States, we have been taught that whites are superior and Blacks are inferior and the manifestation of this, is BlacPeople are underestimated,
marginalized and devalued”. [14] There is an unwritten law that is practiced every day in the United States that is applied like this. If you are white, you are right. If you are passing, you are right. If you are light, you might. If you are yellow, you are mellow. If you are brown, stick around. If you are Black, get back.
This law is in practiced everyday of our lives. It is so pervasive, for the must part, we are not aware of it as BlacPeople. The Eurological Studies have told us that we live in a color-blind society. This is not true. If this is true, why is it, when we want to show how intelligent we are, we quote Eurological Scholars? Even to the point that the Eurological scholars are considered the all-wise and all-knowledgeable thinkers. There is a myth that the Eurological Scholars are more intelligent than BlacScholars.
Because of the cultural conditioning of the American-Negro or the African-American, we do not think that we are intelligent enough to create our own interdisciplinary Blacological Cultural Studies. We are not even aware that African Studies, African-American Studies, Black Studies, is not developed or created by Blacological Scholars. This is intellectual exploitation. This is the monopoly of the BlacAfrican Ntalextuwl mind for economic gains by the Eurological academic interdisciplinary entrepreneurs. The interdisciplinary studies are a multi-billion dollar fortune 500 commerce. It has been 138 years since emancipation and BlacScholars do not own one field of study in the industry of academic disciplines.
The development of Blacology is an evolutionary theory for the liberation of BlacNtalijence and the building of careers and Entreprenurialship for economic prosperity in the interdisciplinary commerce. In the 1960 and 1970’s the Black Panther Party talk about a revolutionary theory of a movement. Blacology is an ideology whose time has come. It is time to think about what do we own as BlacPeople. Can we own the Presidency? Can we own the government? Can we own the country? Let us take a look at what BlacPeople can own. It is timeto take an inventory. Out of all the things that one can think of, the only resource BlacPeople can own is ourselves, our minds, and our
own cultural Nahlege. We have worked in the fields of sociology, psychology, anthropology and other Eurological studies with very meager returns every year. The Eurological Studies industry is multi-billion dollar a year fortune 500 corporation. This industry is own and operated by European scholars. There is a monopoly on the interdisciplinary sciences by the Eurological Scholars. These are government-funded studies as well. It is time to stop emulating, assimilating and mimicking. It is time to start thinking and doing some creating to back it up. My theory of movement is an evolutionary theory of Blacology for the liberation of the BlacMind.
Advice For Slave masters on How To Make Slaves from One White Slave Plantation Owner "The Willie Lynch Letter"
ben-Jochannan, Yosef. Cultural Genocide in the Black and African Studies Curriculum. New York: Alkebu-lan Books Assoc., 1972.
Cross, W. Prof., Audio Tape Produced entitled, “Theory of Movement”, Political Science Graduate School Class Room 143, Douglass Hall, Dr. Lewis E. Wright, Instructor 10-03-02, Fall Semester 2002, Black Leadership Organizations and Movements, Howard University, Washington, DC 20059,
Cross, Walter. Blacology Research And Development Institute Inc., Ft.Washington, Maryland 20744,
King, Martin Luther, Stride Toward Freedom, Harper Collins, ISBN 0-06250490-8
© 1968, The King Center, 449 Auburn Avenue, Atlanta, Georgia 30312,
Madison, Joe, Talk Show, The Black Eagle, “Cultural Conditioning”, 6AM to 10AM, Monday thru Friday, WOL 1450AM, XM169, Radio One Network, Prince Garden Pkwy, Lanham, Md.,
Sirleaf, Amos D. Ph.D. Blacology: A Cultural Science. Blacology Research and Development Institute Inc. , 1997
Welsing, Frances, PhD, The Isis Papers, The Keys to The Colors, ISBN:0-88378-104-2,LC#: 90-071890, Copyright © 1991 First Edition THIRD WORLD PRESS, P. O. BOX 19730, Chicago, IL 60619
Wright, Louis E., PhD, Instructor Political Science Graduate School Class Room 143, Douglass Hall, 10-03-02, Fall Semester 2002, 11 85312-236.Black Leadership Organizations and Movements, Howard University, Washington, DC 20059
Explanation of Definitions and Blacological Words:
These definitions are developed from the research and study of the Cultural Science of Blacology. In order to develop a science, it must be define by the findings and development under this process of subjective/observation, experiments, and daily experiences of the Cultural Scientist or Blacologist. In the manifestation of Blacology these words have materialized themselves into existence. These words are evidence of the constant evolution of BlacPeople and their culture. They have also taken on their own authentic spelling and definitions. The dropping of the “k” from the word Black - ology is the scientific perspective or connotation; it is also technological and computerized. It is from the linguistics of Ebonics. It is also the innovative authentic monolithic creative genius of BlacAfrican Culture and its people. The dropping of the “k” is also the joining of Black and African into one. This is a Cultural component, a Cultural icon and a symbol that BlacAfrican Culture is evolving into its own identifiable redeveloping entity. It is no longer a color and a continent it is an extended international culture. Wherever you see BlacAfrican People they are drawn together by their color and the Land of their ancestors. This brings about a common bound and establishes cultural continuity of the experience that is apparent in their art, music, dance, ideals, speech and actions. It is the Nahlege of the people’s color and their land, which brings about a conscious understanding of a common struggle. It is the evolution of the BlacMind through the BlacAfrican Cultural phenomenon. (i.e. Blacology, BlacMan. BlacThought, BlacWorld, BlacWoman, BlacScholars, BlacAfrican Culture, BlacNahlege, Ntalextuwl, Etc.). These words evolved from the words Black Man, Black thought, Black World, Black woman, Black Scholars, Black African Culture, Black knowledge, intellectual, etc. the merger of the words signify the evolution of BlacAfrican Culture in its own right. The N in the word Ntalextuwl is derived or taken from the African name Nkrumah. The N is taken from the African heritage of Ghana. Kwame Nkrumah is and was the founder President of Ghana the first Independent African State.