COM 323

Theory and Research in Small Group Communication

Fall 2016

Classroom: Fell Hall 148

Dates & Times: Mondays, Wednesdays, & Fridays, 11:00 - 11:50 a.m.

Instructor: Kevin R. Meyer, Ph.D. Email:

Office Phone: (309) 438-3277 Cell Phone: (309) 299-1961

Office: Fell Hall 426

Office Hours: Mondays 12:00 – 1:00 p.m.; Wednesdays 5:30 – 6:30 p.m.; and by appointment

Required Readings:

The textbook is required and necessary for successful completion of the course. You may purchase the textbook from local bookstores (ISBN: 9781337049009), or procure an electronic access through a link in ReggieNet.

Rothwell, J. D. (2016). In mixed company: Communicating in small groups and teams (9th ed.).

Boston, MA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.

Other required readings are available on the course ReggieNet website free of charge. Citations are included in this syllabus. If you prefer a reading packet, one can be purchased (by cash, check, or Redbird card) from Printing Services in the Nelson Smith Building. Packets are print-on-demand, so call 48 business hours ahead to order (309) 438-3911.

In addition, you should obtain a copy of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th edition).

Course Description and Objectives:

The purpose of this class is to teach you theories, processes, and skills related to competent communication in a group context. According to the undergraduate catalog, this course is to cover “theoretical and experimental literature dealing with small group communication processes.” However, this class is as much a performance class as it is a theory class. We will explore opportunities for applying those theories in the professional context of our own classroom and beyond. Thus, this course is designed to accomplish the following objectives:

1.  To provide students with a comprehensive knowledge of small group and team communication theories, processes, and skills.

2.  To provide students with the ability to apply conceptual ideas about effective group discussion techniques to practical communication situations (i.e., in-class activities, group meetings, cooperative examinations, a group project, and group presentations).

3.  To develop students’ communication competence in small group and team settings.

Special Needs Accommodation:

I am happy to accommodate any special needs you may have, although I require written documentation from Student Access and Accommodation Services for ongoing accommodations. Any student needing to arrange a reasonable accommodation for a documented disability should contact Student Access and Accommodation Services in 350 Fell Hall, 438-5853 (voice), 438-8620 (TDD), .

Academic Misconduct Policy:

Students are expected to be honest in all academic work, consistent with the academic integrity policy as outlined in the Code of Student Conduct. All ideas are to be appropriately cited in both oral and written form when borrowed, directly or indirectly, from another source. Inadequate citation, unauthorized and unacknowledged collaboration, and/or the presentation of someone else’s work constitutes plagiarism. Students found to commit intentional acts of dishonesty (including cheating on an exam, falsifying evidence, or plagiarizing a written assignment) will receive a failing grade in the course and will be referred for appropriate disciplinary action through Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution. Please note, I am very serious about reporting academic dishonesty and view it as my professional responsibility; I have never been shy about enforcing the consequences of this policy. For group assignments, the same principle applies: intact groups may not plagiarize the work of others outside that group.


Learning is maximized by reading class materials, note-taking, critical listening, and cognitive engagement. Professionalism includes listening to others’ opinions (although not necessarily agreeing with those viewpoints), actively listening to those who are speaking during lectures and discussion, and working together in a spirit of cooperation. Collectively, we are a team working together to improve and learn. Each student must be a productive, contributing member of our team. Be on time for class. Use of any electronic device should not interfere with your ability to pay complete attention or become a distraction to classmates or myself.

Attendance Policy:

Regular attendance and active engagement are required. Come to class prepared to discuss and engage in activities associated with the daily readings. Perfect attendance is expected, as your group members should be able to count on your presence and because by enrolling in this course you have made a commitment to being present during all class meetings. Being absent deprives you of valuable discussions and will also prevent you from fulfilling graded in-class assignments. Historically, there has been a strong correlation between absences and grades; the more class time that students miss, the lower the grades they tend to earn. Missing one or more class periods, even if excused, prior to an exam will require the exam’s study guide to be completed in full, in handwriting, and prior to the group exam; failure to complete the study guide satisfactorily will result in a 5% deduction from the student’s overall exam score. Missing more than 3 class periods throughout the semester will result in a 5% deduction from a student’s overall course grade for each additional unexcused absence.

Late Work and Incomplete Grade Policy:

All assignments are expected at the beginning of class on the due date. If you are unprepared to deliver a presentation on your assigned day or do not come to class on an exam day, you will forfeit your points for that assignment. An automatic 10% of the points possible will be deducted from late papers, with an additional 10% deducted for each 24 hours the paper is late. In the case of documented university excused absences, written assignments, examinations, and presentations should be completed prior to the absence. As a general rule, incomplete grades will not be given.


As COM 323 is a group-based course, the exams will consist of both an individual-accountability and cooperative-group assessment. Each student will be assigned to an Intact Group for the duration of the semester and take cooperative exams with their group. Exams are closed book/closed notes. All group members will be given a copy of the exam, but only one copy will serve as the group’s official answer sheet. Multiple-choice questions will have four possible answers (anywhere between zero to four answer options may be correct). One point is deducted for every error of omission or commission on the multiple-choice questions. True-false items follow standard form, but will require a written explanation/correction of any false answer. Two points are deducted for every wrong answer on the true-false items, and one point is deducted for false answers missing an appropriate explanation/correction. Any group member not present for the cooperative exam or arriving after it has begun must take the cooperative exam separately from the group, receiving whatever grade is earned (often significantly lower than the group score).

Individual accountability is determined by a second exam (consisting of the same question format) given to all group members who work separately without the benefit of group interaction. The combined grading scale is as follows:

100 – 95% on individual exam = group exam score plus 20 points

94 – 90% on individual exam = group exam score plus 15 points

89 – 85% on individual exam = group exam score plus 10 points

84 – 80% on individual exam = group exam score plus 5 points

79 – 75% on individual exam = group exam score

74 – 70% on individual exam = group exam score minus 5 points

69 – 65% on individual exam = group exam score minus 10 points

64 – 60% on individual exam = group exam score minus 20 points

59 – 50% on individual exam = group exam score minus 30 points

49 – 0% on individual exam = group exam score minus 40 points

Group Project Paper:

Each Intact Group will conduct a civic engagement project. Groups must approve their project with me. Groups should find a civic, social, or political issue, cause, or campaign for their project. For example, finding a not-for-profit organization that needs a fundraising campaign would be one potential project. Other possible ideas include creating a communication campaign to raise awareness about a social, health, educational, or political issue. First, groups will research, investigate, and conduct interviews to guide the project. Next, groups will conduct their project and collect data assessing the results of the engagement project. Finally, groups will present their results to the class and document their results in a final paper. Please note that raffles are illegal and use of organizational logos requires explicit permission.

The Group Project Paper should follow APA style, 6th edition. The paper should be typed double-spaced in 12 point plain Times New Roman font, with 1 inch margins on the sides, top, and bottom. A header should indicate your group name and page number at the top of each page (i.e., “Griffey Stars 1”). A title should appear, centered, on the top line of the first page. No title page should be included. Your paper should be a minimum of 10 full pages, excluding the references page. The paper should describe the engagement project, what was accomplished, and present assessment data documenting the results of the project. Use level headings to help organize the paper. More explanation of the guidelines for the projects will be discussed in class. The grading rubric is posted on ReggieNet. All group members will receive the same score, unless voted less than a 100% share by other group members. Any student wishing to vote another group member less than a 100% share of the group score must email me the specific share percentage and a detailed rationale justifying the percentage (i.e., didn’t complete work, absent from meetings, failed to participate fully in the assignment, etc.). Emails must be received no later than 24 hours following the assignment due date, and will be kept confidential.

Group Presentations:

Each Intact Group will make two presentations. Grading rubrics used to evaluate the presentations are posted on ReggieNet.

The Group Fishbowl Discussion will involve your group discussing the assigned chapter contents and related examples on your assigned discussion day. All group members should be equally involved. The discussion should last approximately 15 minutes.

The Group Project Presentation should last approximately 15 minutes. All group members should be equally involved and present the material in a collaborative style. Your task is to present the results of the group project to the rest of the class using visual aids and oral delivery. All group members will receive the same score, unless voted less than a 100% share by other group members. Any student wishing to vote another group member less than a 100% share of the group score must email me the specific share percentage and a detailed rationale justifying the percentage (i.e., didn’t complete work, absent from meetings, failed to participate fully in the assignment, etc.). Emails must be received no later than 24 hours following the assignment due date, and will be kept confidential.

Individual Reflection and Research Paper:

The Individual Reflection and Research Paper should be typed double-spaced in 12 point plain Times New Roman font, with 1 inch margins on the sides, top, and bottom. A header should indicate your full name and page number at the top of each page (i.e., “Kevin Meyer 1”). A title should appear, centered, on the top line of the first page. No title page should be included. Your paper should be a minimum of 10 full pages, excluding the references page. In the paper, you will reflect on your experiences working in your group this quarter. Your paper should integrate specific terminology from the textbook where appropriate; be sure to cite both Rothwell and applicable PDF readings as well as a minimum of four outside sources (journal articles found in Milner Library’s “Communication and Mass Media Complete” database). The paper and references should follow APA style, 6th edition. The grading rubric is posted on ReggieNet.

The purpose of the paper is to give you a chance to discuss your group experiences this semester by describing specific examples that you felt were important or from which you learned. Furthermore, the idea is to also pull back from those specific examples by talking about how terminology and concepts or theories from the required readings and outside sources would apply to or inform your experiences. However, you are welcome to disagree with these sources or take a different position than the “party line” advocated by the textbook. I am looking for you to share your experiences as well as your feelings and opinions about those experiences while using terminology from the field and comparing your experiences to the concepts and theories we have discussed. Be sure to compare your experiences in ad hoc groups to your intact group. You will need to apply at least one small group theory covered in this class to your intact group experiences. Finally, you need introduction and conclusion paragraphs as well as several paragraphs in the body of the paper, organized by using level headings. So, write well and proofread carefully, honestly and insightfully sharing and analyzing your group experiences.

Course Assignments and Grades:

The grading scale is as follows: A= 100-90%; B= 89-80%; C= 79-70%; D= 69-60%; F= 59% and below. Percentages will be calculated based on points earned from:

Examinations Points Possible/Your Points

First Examination 100 /_____

Second Examination 100 /_____

Third Examination 100 /_____

Final Examination 100 /_____

Written Assignments

Group Project Paper 100 /_____

Individual Reflection and Research Paper 100 /_____


Group Fishbowl Discussion 25 /_____

Group Project Presentation 50 /_____

Research Study Announcement Board Participation 10 /_____

(The pool is at: https://sites.google.com/site/ilstusocstudies/home)

(If you do not wish to participate in the research studies, you may complete a 5 page journal article review instead to fulfill this requirement. A sample of this assignment can be found on ReggieNet.)

Total 685 /_____

Additional Assignments for Graduate Students:

Graduate students taking this course for graduate credit must complete two additional assignments: Teaching a Lesson (50 points) and writing a Research Proposal (50 points). Thus, there are 785 total points possible for graduate students. First, graduate students must develop a lesson plan including an experiential activity for one class period, and then teach that lesson plan to the undergraduates. Negotiate exact dates with me by the end of week two. Second, graduate students must produce a research proposal (approximately 20 pages of text) for a study investigating small group communication. The research proposal should include a title page, abstract, literature review, research questions and/or hypotheses, partial methods section, and complete references list in APA style, 6th edition.