Drumheller Valley Secondary School


Mr. Messom

Science 9 is a course concerned with developing a positive attitude toward science and creating a base of knowledge and skills related to the various topics covered throughout the year.

The Science 9 course is divided into five units:

Unit / Topic and Focusing Questions (Timelines are approximate)
8 weeks / Matter and Chemical Change
  • What are the properties of materials, and what happens to them during chemical change?
  • What evidence do we have of chemical change; and what ideas, theories or models help us explain the evidence?

6 weeks / Environmental Chemistry
  • What substances do we find in local and global environments?
  • What role do they play, and how do changes in their concentrations and distribution affect living things?

6 weeks / Electrical Principles
  • How do we obtain and use electrical energy?
  • What scientific principles are involved?
  • What approaches can we use in selecting, developing and using energy consuming devices that are efficient and effect in their energy use?

6 weeks / Space Exploration
  • How have humans attained a presence in space?
  • What technologies have been developed and on what scientific ideas are they based?
  • How has the development of these technologies contributed to the exploration, use and understanding of space and to benefits on Earth?

6 weeks / Biological Diversity
  • What is biological diversity, and by what processes do diverse living things pass on their characteristics to future generations?
  • What impact does human activity have on biological diversity?

2 weeks / End of June Final Exam


  1. Students will be assessed in a variety of ways, depending on suitability to specific outcomes from the Alberta Program of Studies. This includes quizzes/tests, research assignments, laboratory reports and projects.
  1. The course mark will be broken down as follows:

Assignments/projects20 %

Labs20 %

Tests30 %

Final Exam30 %


Be Ready: Students are expected to arrive on time and prepared. This includes having necessary supplies, completed assignments and appropriate attitude.

Absences: Students who have been absent from school are responsible for all missed assignments, quizzes and tests. During absences, students are advised to check with their teacher to find out what they have missed. A reasonable due date for these assignments will be set upon the students return to school.

Assignments: All assignments are to be completed on time. Please check Homelogic for homework and assignment deadlines. If you are still unsure, ask your teacher! Students may need to spend lunch hours completing late assignments if they are not completed on time.

Lab Safety: All Lab safety rules must be followed or the student will be removed from the science lab until such a time as they can demonstrate proper lab safety.

Getting Help: If a student is having trouble with a topic he/she is expected to respond appropriately to the challenge – asking for help, asking questions, getting involved in discussion etc. Extra help will be available at lunch and after school. The days will be set by the classroom teacher.

Course Materials/Textbook

Science In Action 9


PaperRulercoloured markers or pencil crayons

Calculator Policy: It is the student’s responsibility to have an appropriate calculator for tests, quizzes, and assignments.

  • Calculators may be used for exams and quizzes, but may not be shared.
  • Calculators may not be lent out to students by their teacher.
  • No information, text, or formulas may be stored in electronic form.
  • Calculators may be cleared before quizzes, exams, and the final exam.

Appeals:If you disagree with a mark please come and see me first. I will then try to explain the mark or correct it (even I make mistakes…occasionally!) If you still disagree with the mark, you may approach administration with your problem.