Theology II: Church History

Instructor: Mrs. Diaz


Office Hours: Room 209 M-F 7:40am- 8:20am/3:30pm-4:00pm

Textbook: Socias, Rev. James, ed. The History of the Church. Woodridge, Illinois: Midwest

Theological Forum, 2005. ISBN 1-890177-48-2.

Course Description: This course includes a comprehensive history of the Catholic Church including various major events in the Church’s history through the present day. This course places the Church in its context throughout history and explains the role that the Church and its leaders have played in the shaping of history for better or worse. By looking at and understanding timelines, maps, primary texts, and the Catholic Church's belief system, students should be able to connect the past events of the Catholic Church to current world events as well as see how each continually shape the present and future Catholic Church.

Goals: The student's overall success in this course will supply to him/her:

  1. Preparation for future courses in Theology as well as any future ministries within the Catholic Church that the student commits themselves to
  1. Practice in collaborating with fellow classmates
  2. Familiarity with the current teachings of the Church established through its history
  3. An understanding of the Catholic Church's place among global issues

Course Objectives: After successfully completing the above goals the student will be able to:

  1. Identify and explain the major events and teachings of the Catholic Church
  2. Discern the overall relevance of Church History in relation to their own personal spiritual journey
  3. Recognize the importance of Church History within a global context

Course Outline:

1st Semester / 2nd Semester
  • The Roman World
  • Jesus and the Founding of the Church
  • The Early Christians and their Persecution
  • Church Fathers and Heresies
  • The Church in the Dark Ages
  • The Conversion of the Barbarian Tribes
  • Iconoclasm, the Carolingian Renaissance, and the Great Schism
  • Collapse, Corruption, and Reform in Europe and the Church
  • The Crusades, Military Orders, and the Inquisition
  • Scholastic Development and the Flowering of Culture in the Middle Ages
  • Plague, War and Schism
  • The Renaissance
  • The Protestant and Catholic Reformations
  • Wars of Religion
  • Exploration and missionary Movements
  • The Church and the Enlightenment
  • The French Revolution and Napoleon
  • The Ninetieth Century’s Revolution and Emergence of Nationalism
  • The Church During Wars and Revolution
  • Vatican II and the Church in the Modern World
  • The Church in the United States


3 Ring Binder with 6 Dividers

Journal (Composition Book)

Loose-Leaf Paper


Pencils for Exam Days


You will be required to keep a notebook of all of the work that you do in this class.This notebook will be checked periodically. All paper and handouts should be in the rings of the binder and in chronological order as follows:

  1. Syllabus and Course Outline
  2. Notes
  3. Daily Work/Handouts
  4. Packets
  5. Quizzes
  6. Tests/ Major Assignments

Classroom Rules and Grading:

  • Come prepared to class with a pen, paper, theology binder, and journal… EVERY DAY!
  • Turn in homework on time. No late work will be accepted.
  • When you arrive: Get out your journal and a pen.
  • Sit properly in your chair. Be attentive, respectful, and polite. Use good manners.
  • Stay in class! Only ask to leave the room in the case of an emergency. If you do leave the class room sign out when you leave and sign in when you come back. Always take a hall pass with you.
  • If absent, make up any missed assignments or test promptly. (see student handbook)
  • The following items are NOT allowed in class:
  1. Cell phones/IPods/IPad. –Unless given explicit permission by Mrs. Diaz
  2. Food/Drinks/Gum is not allowed unless given out by me. (Water in clear bottles is permitted)
  3. Work from other classes –If you are observed doing homework for another class in this course at ANY time I will take it up and turn it in for you.
  4. Lying, Cheating, or Stealing –Students in this class do not lie, cheat, or steal nor tolerate those who do. Anyone caught doing so will go directly to the Dean/Principal and their counselor, coach, extracurricular advisor, Academic Integrity Council, and parent(s) will be notified immediately. Also, in the case of cheating, the student will receive an automatic zero. Work copied and/or plagiarized will NOT be accepted. (all essays/research papers will be turned in to Please use your best judgment and do your own work.
  5. Grading:

Homework/Classwork 10%

Quizzes and Assignments 35 %

Tests/Projects 55%

  1. No extra credit will be given and the highest grade that a student can accomplish in this course is a 100 (see Antonian Student Handbook.)


One of the goals of Sophomore Theology is to provide every student with sound knowledge of the teachings of the Catholic Church in a way that promotes their spirituality. With this goal in mind, I think that it is important that each student spends time with God daily. Thus, at least once a month we will spend some time in the Chapel in silent prayer, adoration, and/or reciting the Rosary. We will also spend time in discussion on a variety of topics including the virtues and how with the knowledge we have gained through our study of the Church can better prepare us to becoming stewards of our faith.

Always Remember: I am always available to help you! All you have to do is ask. Please come to me with any concerns, questions, or ideas that you have in regards to this course. I cannot read minds; therefore, good communication with me is important; especially if you are struggling to keep up. If you ever need more time for an assignment due to a family emergency, illness, or any other personal problems let me know! I will work with you to ensure that you are successful in my class!!