TheOfficialBylawsof theMedicalStudentCouncil

IndianaUniversitySchool of Medicine

Approved February 2014




Thisdocument containssix articlesand31pages,includingthecoverpage.


Table of Contents

Article I.Membership

Section 1.01VotingMembers

Section 1.02NonvotingMembers

Article II.DutiesoftheMembers...... 6

Section 2.01VotingMembers...... 6

Section 2.02NonvotingMembers2

Article III.Electionand Appointmentof theMembers...... 18

Section 3.01ElectionofVotingMembers...... 18

Section 3.02Electionor AppointmentofNonvotingMembers...... 20

Section 3.03ElectionAppeals...... 20

Section 3.04MSCOfficerElectionAppealCommittee...... 20

Section 3.05ClassOfficer ElectionAppeal Committee...... 21

Section 3.06Removal of Members...... 21

Section 3.07Position Vacancies...... 21

Article IV.StudentInterestGroups...... 22

Section 4.01Definition...... 22

Section 4.02Application for Recognition...... 22

Section 4.03Yearly Student Interest Group Requirements...... 23

Section 4.04Governance...... 24

Section 4.05Funding...... 24

Section 4.06Faculty Responsibilities...... 25

Article V.MSC Meetings...... 26

Section 5.01General Monthly Meetings...... 26

Section 5.02Attendance Requirements...... 26

Section 5.03Voting policy...... 26

Section 5.03Student Leadership / Deans Meetings...... 27

Article VI.Selection of MSC- and Dean-AppointedCommittees...... 28

Section 6.01Selection of Candidates...... 28

Section 6.02Student LeaderInterview andRecommendationCommittee...... 29

Section 6.03Execution of Interview Day...... 29

Section 6.04Interviewer Instructions...... 30

Section 6.05Post-interview day...... 30

Section 6.06Committee requirements...... 31

Article I.Membership

Section 1.01Voting Members

(a)SevenMSCExecutive Council Officers,consistingofthePresident,ExecutiveVice-President, Vice-PresidentofMembership,Treasurer,Secretary, Regional Center Liaison, and Service Coordinator, shallbe electedbythevotingmembers ofMSC. Terms shall run for one year from New Year’s Day to New Year’s Eve.

(b)Five ClassOfficers, consistingofthePresident,Vice-President,Treasurer, and two Indianapolis Center Representativesandshallbeelectedbyeach class.

(c)A minimum of sixteen Center Representatives shall be elected by those students attending each of the regional center campuses. Center Representatives shall consist of at least one student, and maximum two students, with the option of one student from each of the third and fourth year classes, from each of the first and second year classes at each of the regional centers.

Section 1.02Nonvoting Members

(a)All appointmentsfornon-votingmembers for the following year shallbe madebyApril.

(b)Eachterm shall runfromJuneofthefirstyearthroughJuneofthesecondyear (thirteen monthterms), with the exception of the office of College Leaders, whose term shall run from January of the first year through January of the second year (thirteen month term).

(c)Each newlyappointedrepresentative must meetbeforeMay (or January in the case of the College Leaders) withtheexitingofficer.

(d)MSC-AppointedMembersshall consistof:

(i)Four College Leaders of the RCL Subcommittee

(ii)Six Admissions Ambassadors (AA) Coordinators

  1. Each member will serve for a term of two years
  2. Three new members will be selected each year from the current MS1 or MS2 class, or any student with at least two years remaining before they graduate from IUSM.

(iii)Two Competency Teams Liaisons (CTL)

  1. Each member will serve for a term of two years
  2. One new member will be selected each year from the current MS1 or MS2 class, or any student with at least two years remaining before they graduate from IUSM.

(iv)Seven Evening of the Arts (EOTA) Coordinators

  1. Each member will serve for a term of two years
  2. Three or four new members will be selected, in alternate years, from the current MS1 or MS2 class, or any student with at least two years remaining before they graduate from IUSM.

(v)Six Finding Inspiration and Resilience in Medicine (FIRM) Conference Committee Members

  1. Each member will serve for a term of 2 years.
  2. Three new members will be selected each year from the current MS2 class

(vi)Four Global Longitudinal Intersession Curriculum (GLIC) Members

  1. Each member will serve for a term of two years
  2. Two new members will be selected each year from the current MS2 class

(vii)Two Graduate Professional Student Government (GPSG) Liaisons

  1. Each member will serve for a term of two years
  2. One new member will be selected each year from the current MS1 or MS2 class, or any student with at least two years remaining before they graduate from IUSM.

(viii)Four Medical Undergraduate Mentoring PartnerShip (MUMPS) Committee Members

  1. Each member will serve for a term of two years
  2. Two new members will be selected each year from the current MS1 and MS2 classes, or any student with at least 2 years remaining before they graduate from IUSM.

(ix)Six On Call (NEWS) Members

  1. Each member will serve for a term of two years
  2. Three new members will be selected each year from the current MS1 or MS2 class, or any student with at least two years remaining before they graduate from IUSM.

(x)Four Organization of Student Representatives (OSR) Members

  1. Each member will serve a term of one year, renewable annually up to a total of four years.
  2. One new member will be selected from the current MS1 class at the beginning of every Fall Semester

(xi)Three Peer Advisor Program (PAP) Coordinators

  1. Each member will serve for a term of one year
  2. Three new members will be selected each year from the current MS1 class

(xii)Four Spring Formal Coordinators (SFC)

  1. Each member will serve for a term of two years
  2. Two new members will be selected each year from the current MS1 or MS2 class, or any student with at least two years remaining before they graduate from IUSM.

(xiii)Four Student Alumni Ambassadors (SAA)

  1. Each member will serve a term of one year, renewable annually up to a total of four years
  2. One new member will be selected from the current MS1 class at the beginning of every Fall Semester.

(xiv)Six Student Computer Task Force (SCTF) Members

  1. Each member will serve for a term of three years
  2. Two new members will be selected each year from the current MS1 class

(xv)Two Used Book Sale (UBS) Coordinators

  1. Each member will serve for a term of two years
  2. One new member will be selected each year from the current MS1 or MS2 class, or any student with at least two years remaining before they graduate from IUSM.

(xvi)Four Volunteer Service Coordinators (VSC)

  1. Each member will serve for a term of two years
  2. Two new members will be selected each year from the current MS1 or MS2 class, or any student with at least two years remaining before they graduate from IUSM.

(xvii)Two Website Development Committee (WDC) Members

  1. Each member will serve for a term of two years
  2. One new member will be selected each year from the current MS1 or MS2 class, or any student with at least two years remaining before they graduate from IUSM.

(xviii)Eight Wellness Liaison (WL) Coordinators

  1. Each member will serve for a term of two years
  2. Four new members will be selected each year from the current MS1 or MS2 class, or any student with at least two years remaining before they graduate from IUSM.

(e)Dean-Appointed Members shall consist of:

(i)Four Academic Standards Committee (ASC) Members

  1. Each member will serve for a term of two years
  2. Two new members will be selected each year from the current MS1 class.

(ii)Two Admissions Committee (AC) Members

  1. Each member will serve for a term of one year
  2. Two new members will be selected each year from the current MS3 class
  3. An additional interview will be required for applicants to this committee.

(iii)Four Curriculum Council-Basic Science (CCBS) Members

  1. Each member will serve for a term of two years
  2. Two new members will be selected each year from the current MS1 class.

(iv)Two Curriculum Council-Clinical Component (CCCC) Members

  1. Each member will serve for a term of two years
  2. One new member will be selected each year from the rising MS3 class.

(v)Four Curriculum Council-Steering Committee (CCSC) Members

  1. Each member will serve for a term of two years
  2. Two new members will be selected each year from the current MS1 or MS2 class, or any student with at least two years remaining before they graduate from IUSM.

(vi)Two Student Promotions Committee (SPC) Members

  1. Each member will serve for a term of one year
  2. Two new members will be selected each year from the current MS3 class.
  3. An additional interview will be required for applicants to this committee.

(vii)Two Student Research Committee (SRC) Members

  1. Each member will serve for a term of two years
  2. One new member will be selected each year from the current MS1 or MS2 class, or any student with at least two years remaining before they graduate from IUSM.

(viii)Eight Teacher Learner Advocacy Committee (TLAC) Members

  1. Each member will serve for a term of two years
  2. Four new members will be selected each year from the current MS1 or MS2 class, or any student with at least two years remaining before they graduate from IUSM.
  3. An additional interview will be required for applicants to this committee.


Article II.Duties of the Members

Section 2.01Voting Members

(a)MSCExecutive Council Officers

  1. Represent theMSCin all its affairs
  2. Call and preside at MSC meetings.
  3. Formulate an agenda for MSC meetings.
  4. Form ad hoc committees.
  5. Oversee all elections.
  6. Have oversight of MSC members,bothelectedandappointed.
  7. Coordinate the monthly Student Leadership / Deans meeting according to Article V, Section 5.03.
  1. Aid the other MSC Executives in MSC business.
(ii)Executive Vice President
  1. Share responsibilities with the President, including representing the MSC in its affairs when the President is unavailable.
  1. Preside at Council meetings in the absence of the President.
  2. Secure facilities for social events sponsored by the MSC and ensure the planning of these events.
  3. Chair the Leadership Day Committee.
  4. Moderate school-wide communications. This includes but is not limited to:
  5. Moderating the list to ensure compliance to e-mail targeting rules defined in Article IV, Section 4.03, Part (a) (viii)
  6. Distributing appropriate e-mails applicable to an existing student group over the list after consultation with the rest of the MSC Executive Board
  7. Promoting the Student Organizations Calendar
  8. Serving as an Editorial Board member for On Call, IUSM’s student newsletter
  9. Aid the other MSC Executives in MSC Business
(iii)Vice President of Membership
  1. Plan and execute the annual MSC Interview Day (see Article VI) and chair the Interview and Recommendation Committee.
  1. Work with and oversee the activities of the MSC nonvoting members and MSC-recognized Student Interest Groups (SIGs). This includes but is not limited to the following:
  2. Conduct the annual SIG and Student Leadership Orientation, to be held in the early summer
  3. Maintain general SIG records
  4. Chair the SIG Accountability Committee
  5. Coordinate the SIG approval process
  6. Aid the other MSC Executives in MSC business.
  1. Record the minutes of the MSC meetings.
  1. Publicize each upcoming council meeting at least four days in advance.
  2. Maintain an updated MSC roster consisting of the names and email addresses of council members, committee representatives, and representatives of all recognized medical student organizations.
  3. Supervise the Website Development Committee in the maintenance and updating of MSC electronic materials. This shall include but is not limited to uploading monthly meeting minutes, updating annual membership and contact information, and updating student organization lists and contact information.
  4. Notify council members of any change in the status of their voting privileges.
  5. Oversee the use of Daly bulletin board space.
  6. Aid the other MSC Executives in MSC business.
  1. Audit and balance MSC finances.
  1. Coordinate state-wide initiatives of financial interest to medical students (e.g. negotiations for reduced group prices of board preparatory materials, indebtedness relief programs, etc.)
  2. Chair the Indianapolis Student Activities Fund Committee, which shall be responsible for receiving and reviewing requests for support from the Indianapolis Student Activities Fund. The first and second year Indianapolis Center Representatives shall serve as the remaining members of this committee.
  3. Create a semesterly budget for the upcoming semester’s MSC funds. This budget must be voted and approved once each semester at an MSC General Meeting by a majority of present MSC Voting Members. For the fall semester’s budget (July 1st – December 31st), this vote will occur in August, and for the spring semester’s budget (January 1st – June 30th), this vote will occur in January. At the time of each vote, a current count and report of all MSC monies must also be given.
  4. Chair the Intramural Committee, which shall be responsible for the organizing, recruiting, executing the logistics of registering, and funding (fully or otherwise) all IUSM intramural affairs. The Chair’s responsibilities include: overseeing all Intramural Committee business and heading the funding of IUSM intramural teams from MSC funds (per the Semesterly Budget, as voted on by the MSC Voting Members). The first, second, third, and fourth year Class Treasurers shall serve as the remaining members of this committee.
  5. Aid the other MSC Executives in MSC business.
(vi)Regional Center Liaison
  1. Serve as the main Executive MSC point of contact for Statewide Center Representatives with their best interests in mind
  2. Host a minimum of two face-to-face sessions between RCL, RCL subcommittee, and Statewide Center Representatives per semester with the goal of determining discussion topics for the following MSC General Meeting in collaboration with pertinent Class Officers (e.g. First Year President and Second Year President)
  3. Appoint and oversee College Leaders of the RCL subcommittee; appointments will be made in conjunction with outgoing College Leaders and MSC Executive Vice President
  4. Provide guidance to MS1s and MS2s at regional centers with regards to Step 1 and 3rd year clerkships through fall and spring campus visits facilitated by the RCL subcommittee
  5. Orient incoming RCL
  6. Ensure proper elections of Regional Center Representatives
  7. Aid the other MSC Executives in MSC business
(vii)Service Coordinator
  1. Promote community engagement and service/volunteerprograms and opportunities.
  2. Serve as the main MSC point of contact for Service Projects in conjunction with MSA.
  3. Coordinate Service Project meetings once a month and preside over them.
  1. Work with the MSA Coordinator for Community Base/Co-Curricular Learning, particularly in gathering budget information from Service Projects to present to MSA. Serve as liaison between Service Projects and the IUPUI Center for Service and Learning when applicable.
  1. Provide guidance and resources for SIGs needing to fulfill their requirement for an annual service/development event as it relates to current/future service projects or applicable IUPUI department.
  2. Enhance projects with all nine campuses and foster future service partnerships with fellow graduate health programs, including but not limited to: Schools of Public Health, Dentistry, Health and Rehabilitation Services, Nursing, Social Work, and Philanthropic Studies.
  3. Maintain Service Project website and other social media platform content.
  4. Maintain Service Project bulletin board in the Daly Center basement.
  5. This officer may choose to appoint positions in the form of an MSC-appointed committee to assist with the above duties.
  6. Aid the other MSC Executives in MSC business


  1. President
  2. Serveasthespokespersonforthefourthyearclassand facilitate communicationbetween theMSC andthefourth year class.
  3. Organize a class officer meeting at least once a month and ensure the presence of the other fourth year class officers at the monthly MSC meetings.
  4. Conduct elections for the third year class.
  5. Coordinate class selection of a faculty member for the Golden Apple Award as outstanding teacher of the year.
  6. Coordinate, in conjunction with the MSC, selection of a member of the administration or staff to receive the Student’s Award for his or her dedication, devotion and concern for the well-being of medical students.
  7. Organize class selection of a clinical rotation to receive the Outstanding Clerkship Award.
  8. Coordinate class selection of faculty hooders for graduation.
  9. Direct Match Day activities.
  10. Coordinate the Senior Awards Banquet.
  11. Oversee production of the Class Yearbook if one is to be produced for the graduating class.
  12. Assist with the events sponsored by the MSC.
  1. Vice-President
  2. Serve as the spokesperson for the fourth year class in the absence of the President.
  3. Assist the President with all duties.
  4. Assist with the events sponsored by the MSC.
  5. Treasurer
  6. Be responsible for the fourth year class funds.
  7. Prepare a budget for each semester/year and maintain the class ledger in a timely fashion for class review.
  8. Serve as a member of the Intramural Committee. Each member’s responsibilities pertain for the entire student body, but particularly to his/her class, and include: heading the recruitment of players and captains for each intramural sport, managing the logistics of registering each team, and managing each team captain’s education of all Campus Recreation rules and Graduate and Professional Student Government funding policies
  9. Assist with the events sponsored by the MSC.
  10. Indianapolis Center Representatives
  11. Planperiodicsocialfunctions.
  12. Recruit and coordinate the involvement of other fourth year Center Representatives and past Center Representatives in the planning of fourth year activities.
  13. AssistwitheventssponsoredbytheMSC.
  14. Complete Center Representative duties as outlined in Part (c) as applicable to the Indianapolis campus
(ii)Third Year ClassOfficers
  1. President
  2. Serve as the spokesperson for the third year class.
  3. Organize a class officer meeting at least once a month and ensure the presence of the other third year class officers at the monthly MSC meetings.
  4. Conduct elections for the second year class.
  5. Coordinate production and distribution of clinical Pearls.
  6. Assist with the events sponsored by the MSC.
  7. Coordinate student involvement in IUSOM day at the Indiana Statehouse.
  8. Vice-President
  9. Serve as the spokesperson for the third year student body in the absence of the President.
  10. Assist the President with all duties.
  11. Assist with the events sponsored by the MSC.
  12. Treasurer
  13. Be responsible for the third year class funds.
  14. Prepare a budget for each semester/year and maintain the class ledger in a timely fashion for class review.
  15. Serve as a member of the Intramural Committee.