Phillip Presswood, M.A.
INRW 0303
Spring 2014
Multimodal Composition Assignment #1
Theme: Writing About Images
Flip through the textbook and choose a photo that represents your educational journey. Analyze it according to the five step process outlined on p. 42-43. Your submission should be around 150 words in length (half a page typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman font size 12). Be sure to provide the textbook page number from the book where you found the photo.
Phillip Presswood, M.A.
INRW 0303
Spring 2014
Multimodal Assignment #2
Theme: Composing with Text and Film
Step 1: Visit the Multiliteracy Center (MLC) in N-119 and find a YouTube clip about "multimodal composition." Any clip that appeals to you and is about multimodal composition or multiliteracy is fine! Tutors are available to help you.
Step 2: After watching the clip, write a paragraph describing the clip to your friend.
Step 3: Then, write a paragraph describing the clip to your English instructor.
Your submission should be around 200 words in length. Include a link to the video clip you find.
Note: You must sign in at the front desk of the MLC to receive credit for this assignment.
Phillip Presswood, M.A.
INRW 0303
Spring 2014
Multimodal Composition Assignment #3
Theme: Text and Sound
Step 1:Building upon your description assignment from Assignment #2, write your own definition for "multimodal composition" and describe how it can be used in colleges to teach writing skills. You might also mention how this type of writing instruction better prepares students for the workplace, compared to traditional writing assignments. This should be around 250 words in length (one page, double-spaced in MLA format).
Step 2:Using audio recording software in the Multiliteracy Center (N-119), create an audio essay in which you record yourself reading what you wrote for the above. Tutors and your instructor will be on hand to assist you as you learn computer literacy skills during this assignment.
Phillip Presswood, M.A.
INRW 0303
Spring 2014
Multimodal Composition Assignment #4
Theme: Words and the Workplace
Explore vocabulary about writing, digital media, multiliteracy, and multimodal composition. Create a list of five words with which you are unfamiliar. In your group, pretend you are giving a presentation at a business meeting where you need to sell the idea of the importance of digital media to your boss (in other words, make a presentation that explains how digital media is important). Create a PowerPoint presentation and record yourselves narrating the slides.
Phillip Presswood, M.A.
INRW 0303
Spring 2014
Multimodal Composition Assignment #5
Theme: Interview and Public Speaking
Select an academic program (major) from the Galveston College catalog of interest to you. Perform research on the program, being sure to look for prerequisites, course sequences, length of time to complete, and program outcomes and objectives. Then, schedule a short 5-10 minute interview with the Program Coordinator of that program and ask him/her about the degree/program, why they chose to enter the field, what the job opportunities are in the field, and why the program is relevant to the "real world."
Phillip Presswood, M.A.
INRW 0303
Spring 2014
Multimodal Composition Assignment #6
Theme: Combining Skills
Pretend you are creating a documentary about Galveston culture. Using a video camera and working in your group, record something of interest related to Galveston culture (ethnic cultures, art culture, historical culture, educational culture, travel culture, etc.). After recording video clips that you feel represent something important about the culture you selected, compose an essay to accompany your video clips. You should record yourselves using video to narrate your project. Your project must include background music.
Phillip Presswood, M.A.
INRW 0303
Spring 2014
Multimodal Composition Assignment #7
Theme: Peer Review
Using concepts of peer review learned in class and through meetings with tutors, assist other groups in composing and editing their documentary projects.