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20thInternationalConference onISO &TQM 20-ICIT

Theme: “ISO & TQM for Lean Production and Sustainable Organizational Development”

Date: 26-28 Sep 2016(Mon. – Wed.)

Venue: University of Buraimi, OMAN

Sponsored by: Top Emerald Portfolio of Academic Journals, UK (including the TQM Journal)

~ Listed on the Thomson Reuter citation index–ISI

With Special Editionfrom the TQM Journal
(Grade-Bjournal ranking in the Australian Research Council and 1-star ranking in the ABS Journal Quality List)

International Journal of Strategic Business Alliances

Conference Programme (v.1)

25 Sep 2016(Sun.):Day-0evening
7:00 - 9:00pm / Welcome Drink for Keynote Speakers & Overseas Presenters at the G/f Lounge, Mahadha Hotel
Time / Session (*) / Rm. / Speaker / Paper Title
26Sep 2016 (Mon.): Day-1 morning sessions
8:15-8:45am / Registration (at the Conference Hall Lobby) be seated for the Opening Ceremony
9:00-9:15am / A / Conference Logistic / Prof. Hesham Magd & Prof. Sam Ho (Co-Chairs)
9:15-9:30am / VIP entry, National Anthem, Doha / Senior Government Officials and VIP
9:30-10:30am / Opening Ceremony & Speeches / Senior Government Officials, VIP and
Prof. Hesham Magd
10:30-11:00am / Tea Break
K-1 / A / Prof. Stan Karapetrovic / (as Convenor)
11:00-11:45am / 6.1DK / Prof. Hesham Magd
(VC & Dean, UoB) / DKP: Globalization, Education Policy and Quality Assurance in Higher Education in Developing Countries
11:45-12:30pm / 1.1DK / Prof. Andrew Leung
(Ex-DG, HKSARG Economic & Trade Office in London) / DKP: How Oman can leverage China's OBOR to achieve Diversification - Gaining more with less
12:30-2:00pm / Lunch & Networking
Time / Session (*) / Rm. / Speaker / Paper Title
26Sep 2016 (Mon.): Day-1 afternoon sessions
K-2 / A / Dr. Palmira López-Fresno / (as Convenor)
2:00-2:45pm / 1.3K / Prof. John Hamilton
(Chair of Management., CBLG, JCU, Cairns, Australia) / KP: Tomorrow's Leading-edge Disruptors: 2025 quality areas enlisted across hyper-connective corporates
2:45-3:30pm / 1.4K / Prof. Sam Ho
(Founder Chair, ICIT, I5SO & APBEST Academy, HKSAR) / KP: TQM Excellence Model for Lean Production & Sustainable Organisational Development
3:30-4:00pm / Tea Break
S-1 / A / Dr. Fernando Gonzalez / (as Convenor)
4:00-4:45pm / 1.6 / Dr. Eric V.Bindah
(Ast. Prof., UoB, Oman) / Adoption of Effective Standard Key Performance Indicators to Sustain Quality Assurance in Oman Institution of Higher Learning
4:45-5:30pm / 1.7 / Prof. Hesham Magd
(VC & Dean, UoB, Oman) / The Evolution of Higher Education Institutions' Quality Outcomes in Oman: A review for process improvement
S-2 / B / Dr. Adalia Martin / (as Convenor)
4:00-4:45pm / 2.3 / Dr. Reynaldo O. Cuizon
(Lecturer, Gulf College, Oman) / Does Accreditation Matter? A Case of an Educational Program Transformation from Mediocrity to Quality
4:45-5:30pm / 4.5 / Dr. Singwhat Tee / John
(Head – IS, College of Business, Law & Governance, JCU, Aus.) / Canterbury Resident Commentary of Correct Disposal of Recyclables Wastes
7:00pm + / Conference Dinner at the Hotel Ballroom :
Provides good opportunities to delegates for networking and to have fun.

(*)Underlined paper numbers (with K) are Keynote Speeches

NOTE:1. Please test your Flash Memory, or Notebook Computer during the session break before your presentation.

  1. The Session Convenor shall ensure that each presentation session will compose of 30-min. Presentation + 10-min. Q&A + 5-min. Change-over. A signal (such as striking the glass) should be made at the 25th minute into the presentation.

Paper Sub-theme Titles:1. TQM & Organisational Development

2. ISO 9001/14001, OH18001, etc.

3.5-S, Innovation & Ethics

4.Industrial & Service Excellence

5.IT & Knowledge Excellence

6.Education Excellence2.1

Conference Co-chairs:

-- Prof. Sam Ho (Founder Chair ICIT, HK5SA, I5SO & APBEST Academy)


-- Prof. Hesham Magd (VC & College Dean, UoB)


Conference Secretary:

-- Manal Al Balushi (UoB)

Tel: +968-2565-5707 x 196

Timeline / Session
(*) / Room / Speaker / Paper Title
27 Sep 2016 (Tue.): Day-2 morning sessions
8:45-9:00am / Be seated for the Morning Session
K-3 / A / Prof. Andrew Leung / (as Convenor)
9:00-9:45am / 1.2DK / Dr. Palmira López-Fresno
(VP, Spanish Asso. for Quality) / DKP: Quality Infrastructure: a Root for Organizational Development and National Competitiveness
9:45-10:30am / 2.1K / Dr. Pavel Castka
(Asso. Prof.,Dept. of Management, U. of Canterbury) / KP: Experts' Opinions on adoption of ISO 26000 Standard for Social Responsibility: an insight for the ICIT community
10:30-11:00am / Tea Break
S-3 / A / Dr. Barry Mak / (as Convenor)
11:00-11:45am / 2.6 / Dr. FotisVouzas
(Asso. Prof., Dept. of Bus. Adm., U. of Macedonia, Greece) / ISO 9001 and Business Excellence Models - How "Human" they are? - the case in Greece
11:45-12:30pm / 3.3 / Dr. Botjan Gomiek
(Faculty of Business, U. of Wollongong in Dubai, UAE) / TQM Sustainability-oriented Innovation Practices and their Contribution to Organizational Performance
S-4 / B / Dr. Eric Bindah / (as Convenor)
11:00-11:45am / 3.4 / Prof. SongbaiLiu
(Professor, Beijing Normal University) / Issues in Utilizing Social Networking as an Informal Organizational Communication Channel: evidence from China
11:45-12:30pm / 5.4 / Prof. John Hamilton
(Chair of Management., CBLG, JCU, Cairns, Australia) / Local Resident Knowledge regarding Correct Disposal of Recyclables Wastes
12:30-2:00pm / Lunch & Networking
27Sep 2016 (Tue.): Day-2 afternoon sessions
S-5 / A / Dr. Minerva Bunagan / (as Convenor)
2:00-2:45pm / 2.5 / Dr. Adalia Martin
(Head, QA Centre, Oman College of Mgt. & Technology) / ISO 9001 Impact on Operational Performance
2:45-3:30pm / 3.5 / Ms. Kylie Prince
(Mgt. Consultant, Collective Leadership Org., Australia) / Collective Affective Identity: a socio emotional engagement tool for inter-generational integration
S-6 / B / Dr. Reynaldo Cuizon / (as Convenor)
2:00-2:45pm / 4.1 / Dr. Oluwayomi Babatunde
(Lecturer, School of Const. Economics & Management, U. of the Witwatersrand, S. Africa) / TQM Practices among South Africa's Construction Firms
2:45-3:30pm / 4.3 / Mr. Rohit Ramanujam / John
(R&D Manager, APTEAN India LTD) / Management Consulting: delivering competitive business value within IT firms in India
3:30-4:00pm / Tea Break
Conference Workshops
4:00-5:30pm / 2.2W / A / Prof. Stan Karapetrovic
(Dept. of Mech. Engg., U. of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada) / WS1: Sustaining ISO 10000 Augmentative Integration
4:00-5:30pm / 3.1W / B / Prof. Sam Ho
(Founder Chair, ICIT, I5SO & APBEST Academy, HKSAR) / WS2: International Green 5-S Standard & Auditing for Business & Industry
4:00-5:30pm / 1.5W / C / Dr. Palmira López-Fresno
(VP, Spanish Association for Quality – AEC, Spain) / WS3: EFQM’s Emphasis on Innovative & Sustainable Development
7:00pm + / Buraimi Night Tour & Networking
Provides good opportunities to delegates for networking and have fun.
(Self-organised and depart from the Lobby of the Conference Hotel)
Timeline / Session
(*) / Room / Speaker / Paper Title
28Sep 2016 (Wed.): Day-3 morning sessions
8:45-9:00am / Be seated for the Morning Session
K-4 / A / Dr. Pavel Castka / (as Convenor)
9:00-9:45am / 3.2K / Dr. Fernando F. Gonzalez
(Ex-Head, Neurology, Hospital Central de Asturias, Spain) / Synergy between Management & Medicine: Internal communication & rumour viruses
9:45-10:30am / 5.1K / Dr. Barry Mak
(Asso. Prof., SHTM, HK Polytechnic U.) / The Tourism and Hospitality Industry Quality Management System in the Middle East
10:30-11:00am / Tea Break
S-7 / A / Dr. Farzaneh Yarahmadi / (as Convenor)
11:00-11:45am / 5.2 / Dr. Ghada Abaido
(Ast. Pro., Canadian U., Dubai)
Prof. Haythem El-Messiry
(Prof. – IT, Al Dar UC, Dubai) / Efficiency of WhatsApp as a Means of Disseminating Educational Information
11:45-12:30pm / 5.5 / Mr. Mohamed Nazir / John
(PhD Candidate., CBLG, JCU, Cairns, Australia) / Virtual World as a New Media for Business and Marketing
S-8 / B / Dr. Botjan Gomiek / (as Convenor)
11:00-11:45am / 6.2 / Dr. Eric V. Bindah
(Ast. Prof., College of Business, UoB) / Higher Education Institutions Approaches to Internationalization: Challenges and Opportunities of adopting International Curriculum in Oman
11:45-12:30pm / 6.3 / Dr. Minerva M.Bunagan
(Quality Director, UoB) / Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: Guide from Accreditation and Audit Review Experience
12:30-2:00pm / Lunch & Networking
28Sep 2016 (Wed.): Day-3 afternoon sessions
S-9 / A / Dr. Fotis Vouzas / (as Convenor)
2:00-2:45pm / 6.5 / Dr. Anwar Saqr
(Ast. Professor, Al Buraimi University College, Oman) / Examining Mathematics Anxiety among Omani Students:Case Study for Al Buraimi Uni. College
2:45-3:30pm / 6.6 / Dr. Farzaneh Yarahmadi
(Ast. Prof., College of Business, UoB) / Factors Affecting the Readiness of Higher Education Institutions' Environment for the Establishment of Total Quality Management in Oman
S-10 / B / Dr. Karen Guan / (as Convenor)
2:00-2:45pm / 5.3 / Mr. Mohammad Azeez Alshomali / John
(Lecturer, College of Sc.; U. of Mustansiriyah, Iraq) / Identifying Ways of supporting Software Development in the Open Source Community
3:30 – 4:00pm / Tea Break
4:00-4:30pm / A / Prof. Stan Karapetrovic
& Dr. Palmira López-Fresno / 20-ICIT Review
4:30-5:00pm / Prof. Stan Karapetrovic
Prof. Sam Ho
Prof. Hesham Magd /

Best Sub-theme Paper Award Ceremony

5:00-5:30pm / Asso./P Pavel Castka
Co-chair, 21-ICIT / 21-ICITBriefing: U. of Canterbury – NZ
Farewell & Photo Sessions

NOTE:In view of the very tight conference schedule, punctuality will be much appreciated. Please talk to the Conference Reception if you need any help. Finally, we wish you an enjoyable and fruitful conferencing experience at the 20-ICIT!

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