Theme House Proposal

Theme House Proposal

Theme House Proposal for the 2008/2009 Academic Year

Proposed Name of Theme House: Chemistry/Biochemistry Theme House

Faculty Advisors: Dr. Douglas Fantz (assistant professor of Chemistry and co-director of the Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Program (BMB)) and Dr. Leon Venable (associate professor of Chemistry) have agreed to be the faculty advisors for the Chemistry/Biochemistry Theme House. The student leaders are Elizabeth Wilson (Chemistry Major -‘09) and Elizabeth Butterworth (BMB major -‘09). The proposed RA candidate for the theme house is Ivy Fitzgerald (Chemistry Major -‘09).

Purpose and Mission: The mission of the Chemistry/Biochemistry theme house has three parts. The theme house will support the …

-teaching of science in the community through tutoring and demonstrations in the local school systems.

-generation of study groups and student collaboration in the sciences to foster scientific learning and research at ASC. It is hoped that these collaborations will extend beyond the members of the theme house.

-exposure of chemistry in particular and science in general to the campus community through fun and practical organized activities.

Requirements and Eligibility for Residents:

-Students must be a declared (or declaring in the spring) a biochemisty or chemistry major.

-Students should have taken the introductory courses in their major by the end of the Spring 08 semester.

-Students should have demonstrated interest and participation in previous chemistry and biochemistry events such as the student ACS or  organization (previous participation expectations of first and second year students will be less)

-Students should express a commitment to participate in the outreach activities of the house and volunteer to lead a portion of these activities.

-Students should have a clear understanding of the purpose of the theme house.

-If possible, the final cohort in the theme house should consist of students from a range of classes so that upper-class students can mentor younger students.

-GPA in a student’s science courses will not be considered. It is believed that serious students with a relatively low science GPA may benefit greatly from a theme house environment.

Expectations & Rules: Students will be required to participate in the theme house sponsored activities outlined in the “Proposed Activities” section of this proposal. Specific rules regarding visitations, use of common space, kitchen maintenance, etc. will be generated at the spring meeting by the confirmed residents. Each student will complete the Agnes Scott Residence Life Roommate Agreement and be expected to abide by the rules within. Resident conflicts will be initially addressed by the theme house RA and, if necessary, be taken to the Residence Life Office. Participation in house activities will be monitored by student leaders, and lack of participation will be addressed by Dr. Fantz.

Procedure for Recruitment and Confirming Residents: During the spring of 2008, two information/interest meetings were held regarding the possibility of instituting a chemistry/biochemistry theme house for the ‘08/’09 academic year. These meetings were advertised by emailing students taking chemistry courses or introductory biology courses or through announcements by professors during class. As a result of these meetings, nine students have made preliminary commitments to residing in the theme house. If this theme house is granted, an additional meeting will be announced to Science Center students and held in the first week of March to notify students of the procedure for selecting students for the house. Interested students will be interviewed by Dr. Fantz and will be ranked based on the criteria outlined in the “Requirements and Eligibility for Residents” section of this proposal.

Proposed Activities:

- Spring Meeting of Residents

There will be a meet-and-greet style meeting in the science center once residents are selected. Faculty in the chemistry and biology departments will be invited in order to promote departmental involvement in house activities

-First semester events

  • There will be a science-themed movie night at the theme house. This event will be publicized to the campus community.
  • The theme house will participate in an American Chemical Society (ACS) open house. Activities will occur in the Science Center and at the theme house. This event will be open to the campus community.
  • For theme house residents, there will be a pot luck dinner with science faculty near the beginning of the semester to promote collaboration between faculty and students.

-Second semester events

  • A second science-themed movie night at the theme house. This event will be publicized to the campus community.
  • The theme house will participate in a second ACS open house. Activities will occur in the Science Center and at the theme house. This event will be open to the campus community.
  • The theme house will host a “cooking with chemistry” night that will be open to the campus but done by reservation in which students could come eat delicious food while gaining knowledge about the chemistry behind cooking.
  • The theme house will host a presentation by faculty and alums designed to inform science students about how to apply for graduate school, what to do with your major, and what research opportunities are available on campus. This presentation will be open to the campus community and will be held at the theme house unless interest is too high to safely accommodate it.

-Community Service/ Volunteer Activities

The community service activities conducted by members of the Chemistry/Biochemistry theme will be focused on science education in the local school system. Science education will be promoted with four main efforts.

  1. Chemistry demonstrations: Members of the theme house will be required to conduct demonstrations of chemical principals. Many of these demonstrations will be conducted in collaboration with Dr. Venable who has expertise in leading science demonstrations at area elementary and middle schools. Two members of the theme house will be the “demonstration leaders” and will be responsible with coordinating with Dr. Venable, Dr. Fantz, and the local school systems in order to facilitate student involvement with demonstrations. The theme house will conduct at least two of these demonstrations each semester, and each resident will be required to participate in three demonstration events during the academic year.
  2. Tutoring:
  3. Members of the theme house will be required to tutor students in the Decatur city school system in science. One member of the theme house will be designated the “tutoring leader” and will be responsible for coordinating tutoring opportunities at nearby Glenwood Academy, Renfroe Middle School, and Decatur High School. Tutoring will occur at the schools. It is unclear at this point how often these schools will request tutoring, however, there will likely be a great desire for external assistance in the area of science education. A passing grade on a science section has recently been required by the Georgia State CRCT in order for students to be admitted into the 5th grade. It is likely that GlenwoodAcademy teachers will welcome assistance in their efforts to prepare students for this test as well as in their remedial offerings for students who need extra help. Theme house members will be required to participate in tutoring twice each semester.
  4. The theme house will be involved in the tutoring of ASC students in collaboration with the Chemistry and MathematicsLearningCenter. The chemistry tutoring associated with this center occurs in the ScienceCenter typically, however, the theme house will request that tutoring move to the theme house one evening each month. Faculty will be encouraged to attend, and the tutoring topic will be focused on a relevant and timely subject.
  5. Science Laboratory Generation: Members of the theme house will be required to assist in the construction and implementation of new science laboratories in the Dekalb school system. One member of the theme house will be designated the “laboratory leader” and will coordinate with Dr. Venable concerning the development of science laboratories in the DekalbSchool system. Dr. Venable will be generating “experiment kits” for science laboratories in the Dekalb school system and will require assistance from ASC students training in the basics of reagent preparation. The “laboratory leader” will coordinate with Dr. Venable in order to provide the most efficient assistance by the theme house. Each student will be responsible for providing assistance to Dr. Venable two times during the academic year.
  6. Environmental Service: Members of the theme house will be required to participate in an environmental service project. The specific service project will be determined through discussions by theme house members, however, it is hoped that the project will be scientific in nature in order to maintain the theme of the house.

-Specific house activities open to the campus community

Almost all of the first and second semester events outlined above are open to the campus community. Each event has specifically stated the level of inclusion.

-Specific Role of Faculty Advisors

Dr. Fantz is the primary advisor for this theme house and he has agreed to act as a budget manager and to assist the theme house activities in any way possible. This proposal was generated as a collaboration between Dr. Fantz and Elizabeth Wilson. Dr. Fantz will also oversee the selection process for theme house members using the criteria outlined in this proposal. Dr. Venable has agreed to assist in the community service projects of the house as outlined above. In addition, verbal support for this house has been acquired from members of both the chemistry and biology departments which will assist in theme house event publicity and participation next year.

-Specific Role of the Student Leaders

The student leaders are responsible for holding regular meeting within the theme house as well as overseeing the organization of events. They are not responsible for the sole planning of all events, but for assigning the task to various residents and overseeing the completion. It will be the job of the student leaders to make sure that all residents fulfill the requirements of volunteer work and community service.

-Acceptable Houses

All three theme houses would be acceptable for the chemistry/biochemistry theme house based on the amount of interest from students, however, based on discussions with potential members, a small preference exists. House #124 is most desirable since it would allow the largest number of students. If House #124 cannot be filled, then House#132 would be the second choice because of the larger kitchen.


Faculty Advisor

Student Leader

Student Leader

RA Candidate