FABE Seminar Series

Theme:Graduate Education as a Pathway to Professional Success

Tuesdays: 1:50 PM – 2:45 PM

Autumn, 2016

Most seminars will be given by graduate students that Professor Ward has advised during a 30 year career in the Agricultural Engineering Department. In addition, a seminar will be given by the recipient of our Distinguished Alumni Award, Mac Ware a lecturer in the Department who lead student educational experiences to Honduras this past summer, and several graduate students who will graduate this semester.

August 23Graduate Education as a Pathway to Professional Success.

Overview of the seminar series on this topic and organizational meeting. Andy Ward, Professor in FABE.

30Seminar by our Distinguished Alumni Recipient

Darren Drollinger, ASABE CEO.

September 6Crook Branch Stream Restoration

Matt MacFarland, Project Engineer, Wetland Studies and Solutions, Inc. - Gainesville, VA. (OSU: BS , 2010 and MS, 2012, from FABE)

13Working with Farmers in the Western Lake Erie Basin

Dr. Jessica D'Ambrosio, Project Director, Western Lake Erie Basin Agriculture., The Nature Conservancy. (OSU : MS, Environ. Science, 2004; PhD, FABE, 2012)

September20Applied Educational Experiences in Honduras for OSU Students.

W. Mac Ware, Lecturer, Ohio State Construction Systems Management

(BS degree in Mech. Engineering Technology and MS in Science Administration)

27 Smart Mobility Solutions: Why International Collaboration is Essential and What to Expect for Europe and the USA

Dr. Peter van Deventer, Diplomatic Liaison, Consulate General of the Netherlands/Governor's Office California, San Francisco/Sacramento.

(OSU: PhD in Agricultural Engineering, 1992)

October 4To Be Announced.

11Hydrologic Modeling for Land and Water Resources Assessment, Management and Protection.

Joan Wu, Professor, Department of Biological Systems Engineering, Washington State University, Puyallup Research & Extension Center, Puyallup, WA. (OSU: PhD in Agricultural Engineering, 1994)

FABE Seminar Series (continued)

Autumn, 2016

18Satellite-based evapotranspiration modeling for crop water use mapping and drought monitoring at multiple spatio-temporal scales.

Gabriel Senay,Research Physical Scientist,U.S. Geological Survey Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS Center/North Central Climate Science Center,Fort Collins, Colorado. (OSU: Ph.D., in Agricultural Engineering, 1996)

25Global Food Security Support Analysis Data from Satellite Remote Sensing using Cloud Computing and Machine Learning Algorithms

Dr. Prasad S. Thenkabail, Ph.D. Research Geographer-15, U. S. Geological Survey (USGS), Flagstaff, AZ.

November 1Research and Outreach at the Washington Stormwater Center

Anand Jayakaran, Assoc. Professor, Washington State University – Washington Stormwater Center, Puyallup, WA. (OSU: MS in Civil Eng., PhD in FABE, 2006)

November8Applied Research to Address Water Resource Issues

Jon Witter, Asst. Prof., Agricultural and Engineering Technologies, Ohio State ATI, Wooster, OH (OSU: BS Surveying, MS Civil Engineering; (Remote Sensing/GIS); PhD in Agricultural Engineering, 2006)

15 How I Have Used what I Learned at The Ohio State University: Education, Relationships, Sports

Patrick Nortz, C.P.G., P.E., Principal Engineer/Associate, NTH Consultants, Ltd. Infrastructure and Environmental Engineering Services, 8001 Sweet Valley Drive, Suite 15 Valley View, Ohio 44125. (OSU PhD in Agricultural Engineering, 1991)

22Irrigation Management in the Texas High Plains: Present Status, Challenges and Opportunities

Prasanna H. Gowda, Research Leader, Forage and Livestock Production Research Unit, USDA-ARS Grazinglands Research Laboratory, El Reno, OK 73036. (OSU: PhD in Agricultural Engineering, 1996)

29Graduating Graduate Students

December 6Graduating Graduate Students