School-wide Positive Behavior Plan (SPBP)

To be implemented in pre-planning 2017

Elements have changed in the SPBP.

Before completing, go to → School-wide Positive Behavior Plan for:

ü  A NEW Brainshark for Principals. ACTION: Log in with your p # and watch the Brainshark before Jan 30th.

ü  A NEW mini-Brainshark Series for teams. These Brainsharks are divided into the Critical Elements of PBIS. Although

they are not mandatory to watch, they will show you “how to” write a comprehensive SPBP (and receive a high score!)

It is recommended that all school teams watch the Overview Brainshark at the URL above.

ü  A Feedback Rubric to ensure your team will correctly complete the SPBP and develop a meaningful plan.

To provide consistency across the District, only plans entered in the district template will be accepted.

ACTION: Download, complete, and upload the SPBP in your SIP Plan, BP # 2, before May 1, 2017:

School Name: Rock Island Elementary
School Number: 3701
SPBP Contact Person: Tonya Wallace
Direct Phone Number: 754-322-8300
CRITICAL ELEMENT # 1: Functioning Team and Administrative Support

1A. List your current (SY 2016/17) team members: (must have 6-8 team members)

Each name on this list verifies attendance in ongoing team meetings and participation in developing this SPBP. Each member is responsible for representing stakeholders (i.e. Educational Support Personnel, grade level teachers, specials teachers, support staff, etc.) and sharing SPBP content and updates with respective groups.

Full Name / Position / Stakeholder
Mr. Stephen Decotis
Mrs. Marie Rumble-Wise / Principal
Assistant Principal / Administration
Mrs. Tonya Wallace / SPBP Point of Contact / Support Staff
Ms. Shlonda Brown / Parent/Community Representation / SAC
Mr. Campos / BTU Representative/Specials Teacher / Specials Teacher
Ms. Avian Mckie / Intermediate Grade Level Teacher / Grade Level Teacher
Mrs. Casandra Cruz / Primary Grade Level Teacher / Grade Level Teacher
Ms. Genvieve Stephenson / Guidance Counselor / Support Staff
Mr. Jackie Wilson / Behavioral Technician / Support Staff

1B. Schedule and document your team meetings for 2017/18 school year: (minimum of 4)

Also enter in the school’s master calendar.

Meeting Date / Time / Responsible Person
Pre-planning August 10, 2017
October 20, 2017 / 11:00a.m.
9:00am / SPBP Contact
December 22, 2017 / 9:00am / SPBP Contact
March 23, 2018 / 9:00am / SPBP Contact
June 1, 2018 / 9:00am / SPBP Contact
CRITICAL ELEMENT # 2: Faculty & Stakeholder Commitment:

2A. Indicate the action steps completed in the 2016/17 school year that increased faculty and stakeholder understanding and knowledge of the SPBP:

Action Steps: / Date(s)
(Before April 30th THIS YEAR) / Content
(2-3 sentences)
Presented the 2017/18 SPBP to Staff / Click here to enter a date. / March 29, 2017 the 2017/2018 SPBP was presented to staff at the monthly staff meeting.
Presented the 2017/18 SPBP to stakeholders (parents and community) / Click here to enter a date. / April 25th, 2017, the SPBP was presented to all stakeholders at the monthly SAC and PTA meeting and was approved 100%.
Held a faculty vote on the 2017/18 SPBP / Click here to enter a date. / % approved: 100%
March 29, 2017 the 2017/2018 SPBP was presented to staff to vote on and was approved by 100% of staff.

2B. Plan the activities for 2017/18 school year to increase faculty and stakeholder understanding and implementation of the SPBP:

Action: / Date(s)
(NEXT YEAR) / Content
Provide a professional development on the 2017/18 SPBP for all staff / Prior to students’ 1st day:
August 14th, 2017
1. Click here to enter a date. / The team will present the SPBP for the 17/18 school year on August 14, 2017. Details of modifications and updates will be included. All stakeholders will be provided with access to the SPBP. Feedback will be collected for future team meetings.
The SPBP will be presented to stakeholders on Friday, August 18th, 2017 at the 2017/2018 Meet and Greet.
Present the 2017/18 SPBP to stakeholders (parents and community) / Prior to Oct 1st, 2017
1. August, 18th, 2017Click here to enter a date.
Present updated fidelity of implementation from Critical Element 10A and student outcome data from Critical Element 10B to all staff
(Quarterly: minimum of 4 each year) / 1. Click here to enter a date. / The team will share the updated implementation data in 10A including: the “marketing” of expectations and rules, lesson plan implementation, and discipline processes on 10/20/17, 12/22/17, 3/23/18 and 6/1/18.
The team will share the updated student outcome data in 10B including: top 3 event locations, type of behavior incidents, and core effectiveness data as well as analysis of this data.
10/20/17, 12/22/17, 3/23/18 and 6/1/18.
2. Click here to enter a date.
3. Click here to enter a date.
4. Click here to enter a date.
CRITICAL ELEMENT # 3: School-wide Expectations

3A. Collect behavior data from BASIS 3.0: 3B. Group similar problem behaviors to develop:

Top 10 Behavior Incidents
(put N/A in any blank spaces) / 3-5 Negative Characteristics
1.  Disobedience/Insubordination / Disobedience and Defiance
2. Disruptive/Unruly Behavior / / Disruptive Behavior/Unruly Behavior on Campus
3. Fighting/Minor Altercation / Fighting
4. Disruption on Campus (Minor)
5. Insulting/Profane Language
6. Bus Violations (Level 3) /
7. Defiance of Authority (Habitual)
8. Bus Violations (Level 2)
9. Assault/Threat (Medium)
10. Fighting (Medium)

3C. List the opposites of the 3 - 5 negative characteristics to develop:

3 – 5 Positive Replacement Characteristics = your School-wide Expectations
Be Respectful: Communicate to staff and peers in an appropriate manner.
Be Responsible: Acknowledge and appropriately accept consequences for inappropriate actions.
Be In Control: Be in control of yourself an your actions. Appropriately respond to adult and peer directives and in frustrating situations.
Be Kind: Interact appropriately with peers and adults during conflict situations.

3D. Using the expectation lesson plan templates, complete 3 – 5 lesson plans, 1 for each of the above listed school-wide expectations. (e.g., if you have 4 expectations, you will use 4 lesson plan templates). Delete any empty templates you do not use.

Teaching School-wide Expectations

Lesson Plan

School-wide Expectation #1: Be Respectful

Definition of expectation:
Be respectful to yourself and others.
Rationale for having this expectation
During the 2016-2017 school year, there were approximately 80 referrals for defiance, insubordination, and disobedience. When students show respect for self and others, the overall learning environment improves. Students need to learn the true meaning of respect, that it is reciprocal and that others will treat them with the same amount of dignity and respect they show for themselves and others.
Positive examples: “looks like” / Non-examples
Raising hand when in need of assistance / Yelling across the room
Using good manners (please, thank you, excuse me) / Using profanity
Walking quietly in the hallways / Running in the hallways
Students begin tasks quickly, follow activity directions, and participate in class / Not participating or following directions, refusing to complete assigned tasks
List 2 resources (website addresses, curriculum with location, books with page numbers, programs with lesson plan number, etc.) you will use to teach this lesson plan. Be specific enough so the resources can be located by anyone.
1.  LEAPS Lessons – RIE LEAPS SharePoint Folder, LEAPSs lesson will be taught Monday – Wednesdays.
Showing Respect (4/5), Respecting Others (K-3)
2.  PeaceBe Character Education – packets with books are located in each classroom. Additional packets will be kept in the PLC Room. PeaceBE lessons will be taught Thursday – Friday as a reinforcer to the LEAPS lessons.
The Mystery Airplane by Leneen Faith pg. 34-36.
List the steps of this lesson plan (Include lesson format, activities, and materials). Be detailed enough so the lesson can be implemented by anyone.
1.  LEAPS Day 1: Teachers will share expectations with students during Morning Meetings and throughout the day and will be introduced during the morning announcements. Teachers will introduce the character trait of Respect and explain what it means. Teacher will read Showing Respect (grades 4 & 5 and Respecting Others (grades K-3).
Students will be led in a discussion of how students can show Respect at home, school and in the community.
Respect means to take good care of the people, places, and things around you.
2.  LEAPS Day 2: Teacher will review the passage read and prompt students by asking questions related to the passage. (Who, What, Where, When, Why)
Teachers will model "right ways" and "no ways" of the expectation, and utilize discussion points noted in the LEAPS lesson plan. Teachers will utilize a graphic organizer to highlight examples and non-examples.
3.  Days 4 PeaceBE: Teachers will read the Mystery Airplane and discuss the following:
a.) How did James and PeaceBe felt when their classmates were not being respectful?
b.) Compare and contrast how the day was when students were disrespectful to how the day could have been of the students were respectful?
c.) How can we demonstrate respect at home, school, and in the community?
4.  Day 5 PeaceBE: Students will compare both the LEAPs and PeaceBE lessons and identify traits of people who are respectful, discuss what respect means, brainstorm examples and non-examples, and discuss how they would like to be treated by others, learn the Golden Rule; Do unto others, and share by giving compliments and back pats.
5.  Day 5: Students will learn the consequences of not using appropriate skills as well as the benefits of using appropriate skills.
WHEN will this lesson plan be taught?
Beginning of school year date(s) and time(s): / August , 21st 2017- August 25th, 2017
8:00am – 8:30am
After long holidays / Use your quarterly team meetings to not only review and analyze your behavior data, but to plan and develop additional lesson plans you will use throughout the year to re-teach and reinforce this expectation.
3rd quarter
WHO will teach this lesson plan? / WHERE will the lesson plan instruction occur?
Classroom Teachers / In the classrooms during Morning Meetings

Teaching School-wide Expectations

Lesson Plan

School-wide Expectation #2: Be Responsible

Definition of expectation:
Follow adult directives and guard your decision making.
Rationale for having this expectation
Learning to be responsible is the foundation of early elementary education. Students need to learn how to sit down, pay attention to the task at hand, and complete work assignments. Students need to learn that their actions and words are theirs and they need to take responsibility and accountability for both.
Positive examples: “looks like” / Non-examples
Follow teacher directives the first time given / Horse-playing in class
Raising hand for permission to speak during instruction / Calling out
List 2 resources (website addresses, curriculum with location, books with page numbers, programs with lesson plan number, etc.) you will use to teach this lesson plan. Be specific enough so the resources can be located by anyone.
1.  LEAPS Lessons – RIE LEAPS Share Point Folder, LEAPSs lesson will be taught Monday – Wednesdays.
I am Responsible for Me (grades K-3) , Understanding Personal Responsibility (grades 4 & 5).
2.  PeaceBe Character Education –books are located in PeaceBE packets in each classroom. Additional packets will be kept in the PLC Room. PeaceBE lessons will be taught Thursday – Friday as a reinforcer to the LEAPS lessons.
PeaceBE's Spelling Test by Leneen Faith (pg. 28-29).
List the steps of this lesson plan (Include lesson format, activities, and materials). Be detailed enough so the lesson can be implemented by anyone.
1.  LEAPS Day 1: Teachers will share expectations with students during Morning Meetings and throughout the day and will be introduced during the morning announcements. Teachers will introduce the character trait of Responsibility and explain what it means. Teacher will read Understanding Personal Responsibility (grades 4 & 5 and I am Responsible for Me (grades K-3). Students will be led in a discussion of how students can show responsibility at home, school and in the community.
Being responsible means completing tasks without being reminded, and doing your best on that task. It involves taking care of the things that mean the most to you.
2.  LEAPS Day 2: Teacher will discuss the following:
a.) What does it mean to be responsible?
b.) Discuss a time when you were responsible at school.
c.) Why is it important to be responsible?
Students will create a graphic organizer to identify common traits in both the home and school.
3.  LEAPS Day 3: Teachers will model "right ways" and "no ways" of the expectation, and utilize discussion points. Teachers will utilize a graphic organizer to highlight examples and non-examples.
4.  PeaceBE Day 4: Teacher will read PeaceBE's Spelling Test. Students will identifying traits of the characters who demonstrate responsibility. Students will share by giving compliments and back pats to peers who have demonstrated responsibility.
5.  PeaceBE Day 5: Students will learn the consequences of not using this skill as well as the benefits of using this skill. Teacher will copy the following message and personalize it to their classrooms:
"Being responsible may seem like it's hard, but if you do a little each day you will have a great reward. Don't let things pile up day after day, do a little at a time, then you'll still have time to play. It's never too early to learn responsibility. Do you homework, follow my directives, and keep your area tidy. Try to be your best at home and school, be respectful and follow the rules".
WHEN will this lesson plan be taught?
Beginning of school year date(s) and time(s): / September 4th, 2017 – September 8th, 2017
8:00am – 8:30am
After long holidays / Use your quarterly team meetings to not only review and analyze your behavior data, but to plan and develop additional lesson plans you will use throughout the year to re-teach and reinforce this expectation.
3rd quarter
WHO will teach this lesson plan? / WHERE will the lesson plan instruction occur?
Classroom teachers / Classrooms during Morning Meetings

Teaching School-wide Expectations

Lesson Plan

School-wide Expectation #3: Be in Control

Definition of expectation:
Keep hands and feet to self.
Rationale for having this expectation