Seventh Framework Programme (FP7)
2011 call
Call identifier: FP7-KBBE-2011-5
Deadline : 25 January 2011 at 17.00 (Brussels local time)
Call identifier: FP7-OCEAN-2011
Deadline : 18 January 2011 at 17.00 (Brussels local time)
Call identifier: FP7-KBBE-2011-5Deadline : 25 January 2011 at 17.00 (Brussels local time)
2.1 Sustainable production and management of biological resources from land, forest and aquatic environments
2.1.1 Enabling research
Partner search profiles from:
KBBE.2011.1.1-01: Promoting conifer genomic resources / Collaborative Project (large-scale integrating project) / 1) Voronezh State University (VSU), Department of Genetics, Cytology and Bioengineering
2) Voronezh State Academy of Forestry and Technologies (VSAFT), Department of manufacturing automation
KBBE.2011.1.1-03: Efficiency of ruminant digestive systems and reduction of theecological footprint through a combination of systems biology, 'omics' and nutrition / Collaborative Project (large-scale integrating project targeted to SMEs) / Belgorod State Agricultural Academy, The Center of biotechnological researches, the Accredited in system Gosstandart of the Russian Federation Test laboratory
KBBE.2011.1.1-04: Sustaining and managing forest tree genetic resources / Collaborative Project (small focused research project) / 1) Voronezh State University (VSU), Department of Genetics, Cytology and Bioengineering
2) Voronezh State Academy of Forestry and Technologies (VSAFT), Department of Forest Stands and Breeding (Dr. Alexey Sivolapov)
3) Voronezh State Academy of Forestry and Technologies (VSAFT), Department of Forest Stands and Breeding (Dr. Igor Isakov)
4) Voronezh State Academy of Forestry and Technologies (VSAFT), Department of Forest Stands and Breeding (Prof. Alexj Chernodubov)
5) Voronezh State Academy of Forestry and Technologies (VSAFT), Department of manufacturing automation
2.1.2 Increased sustainability of all production systems(agriculture, forestry, fisheries and aquaculture); plant health and crop protection
KBBE.2011.1.2-01: Sustainable management of agricultural soils in Europe for enhancing food and feed production under climate change mitigation / Collaborative Project (small or medium-scale focused research project) / 1) Voronezh State University (VSU), Department of botany and mycology
KBBE.2011.1.2-02: Reducing mineral fertilisers and chemicals use in agriculture by recycling treated organic waste as compost and bio-char products / Collaborative Project (small or medium-scale focused research project targeted to SMEs) / 1)Voronezh State Academy of Forestry and Technologies (VSAFT), Chemistry department;
2) Voronezh State Agricultural University (VSAU), Agronomical department; Sub department of plant growing, feed production and agro technology; Sub department of selection and seed breeding
3) Orel State Agrarian University (OSAU), Orel Regional Centre of Agricultural Biotechnology
KBBE.2011.1.2-03: Development of cover crop and mulch systems for sustainable crop production / Collaborative Project (small or medium-scale focused research project targeted to SMEs) / 1) Voronezh State University (VSU), Department of botany and mycology
2) Voronezh State Agricultural University (VSAU), Agronomical department. Sub department of plant growing, feed production and agro technology; Sub department of selection and seed breeding
KBBE.2011.1.2-04: Translating knowledge on flowering time to improve breeding efficiency / Collaborative Project (small or medium-scale focused research project targeted to SMEs) / 1)Voronezh State Academy of Forestry and Technologies (VSAFT), Department of Forest Stands and Breeding (Dr. Alexey Sivolapov)
2) Voronezh State Agricultural University (VSAU), Agronomical department. Sub department of plant growing, feed production and agro technology; Sub department of selection and seed breeding
KBBE.2011.1.2-05: Root signalling, growth and development under abiotic stress conditions / Collaborative Project (small or medium-scale focused research project targeted to SMEs) / Voronezh State Agricultural University (VSAU), Agronomical department. Sub department of plant growing, feed production and agro technology; Sub department of selection and seed breeding
KBBE.2011.1.2-06: Strategies to replace copper-based products as plant protection products in low input and organic farming systems / Collaborative Project (small or medium-scale focused research project targeted to SMEs) / 1)Voronezh State Agricultural University (VSAU), Agronomical department. Sub department of plant growing, feed production and agro technology; Sub department of selection and seed breeding
2) Orel State Agrarian University (OSAU), Orel Regional Centre of Agricultural Biotechnology
KBBE.2011.1.2-07: Preserving the multifunctionality of EuropeanMountain forests / Collaborative Project (small or medium-scale focused research project targeted to SMEs) / Voronezh State Academy of Forestry and Technologies (VSAFT), Department of Forest Stands and Breeding (Dr. Alexey Sivolapov)
2.1.3 Optimised animal health, production and welfare across agriculture, fisheries and aquaculture
KBBE.2011.1.3-01: New/next generation of researchers for Neglected Zoonoses at theanimal-human interface – Mandatory ICPC / Coordination and Support Action targeted to SMEs / 1) Voronezh State University (VSU), Division of Zoology and Parasitology of the Faculty of Biology and Soil Sciences
2)Kyrgyz -Turkey University of “Manas”, Faculty of Veterinary/ Department of fundamental disciplines
KBBE.2011.1.3-03: European interprofessional network addressing zoonotic diseases
transmitted via companion animals / Coordination and Support Action / 1) Voronezh State University (VSU), Division of Zoology and Parasitology of the Faculty of Biology and Soil Sciences
2)Kyrgyz -Turkey University of “Manas”, Faculty of Veterinary/ Department of fundamental disciplines
KBBE.2011.1.3-04: Management and control of increased livestock helminths parasite infection risks due to global changes / Collaborative Project (small or medium-scale focused research project targeted to SMEs) / 1) Voronezh State University (VSU), Division of Zoology and Parasitology of the Faculty of Biology and Soil Sciences
2)Kyrgyz -Turkey University of “Manas”, Faculty of Veterinary/ Department of fundamental disciplines
Activity 2.2: Fork to farm: Food (including seafood), health and well being
2.2.2 Nutrition
KBBE.2011.2.2-01: Development of functional foods and ingredients / Collaborative Project (large-scale integrating project targeted to SMEs) / 1)«Firm «LENA» Ltd. (Novokuznetsk)
2.2.3 Food processing
KBBE.2011.2.3-01: Sustainable cleaning and disinfection technologies / Collaborative Project (small or medium-scale focused research project
targeted to SMEs) / 1) Voronezh State University, Department of Inorganic Chemistry
2) Kuban State University (KSU), Physico-Technical Faculty / Department of Radio Physics and Nanotechnology
KBBE.2011.2.3-04: Satiety control through food structures made by novel processing / Collaborative Project (large-scale integrating project targeted to SMEs) / 1) Voronezh State University, Department of Inorganic Chemistry
2) «Firm «LENA» Ltd. (Novokuznetsk)
2.2.4 Food quality and safety
KBBE.2011.2.4-01: Safety and quality of ready-to-eat foods / Collaborative Project (small or medium-scale focused research project targeted to SMEs) / Lipetsk State Technical University (LSTU), The Department of Chemistry
2.2.5 Environmental impacts and total food chain
KBBE.2011.2.5-02: Reducing post-harvest losses for increased food security - SICA / Collaborative Project (small or medium-scale focused research project) for Specific Cooperation Actions dedicated to International Cooperation / Kuban State University (KSU), Physico-Technical Faculty / Department of Radio Physics and Nanotechnology
Activity 2.3: Life sciences, biotechnology and biochemistry for sustainable non-food products and processes
2.3.1 Novel sources of biomass and bioproducts
KBBE.2011.3.1-02: Perennial grasses: optimising biomass production – SICA / Collaborative project (small or medium-scale focused research projects targeted to SMEs) for Specific Cooperation Actions dedicated to International Cooperation / Kuban State University (KSU), Physico-Technical Faculty / Department of Radio Physics and Nanotechnology
2.3.4 Biorefinery
KBBE.2011.3.4-01: BioWASTE – Novel biotechnological approaches for transforming industrial and/or municipal biowaste into bioproducts – SICA / Collaborative Project (small or medium-scale focused research project
targeted to SMEs) for Specific Cooperation Actions Dedicated to International Cooperation / 1)Voronezh State Academy of Forestry and Technologies (VSAFT), Chemistry department
2)Southern Federal University, Research Institute of Biology, Laboratory of industrial microorganisms
Call identifier: FP7-OCEAN-2011
Deadline : 18 January 2011 at 17.00 (Brussels local time)
Partner search profiles from:
OCEAN.2011-2: Marine microbial diversity – new insights into marine ecosystems functioning and its biotechnological potential / Collaborative Project (large scale integrating project) / 1)Southern Federal University, Research Institute of Biology, Laboratory of industrial microorganisms
2) Kyrgyzstan -Turkey Manas University, Faculty of Engineering, department of Environmental Engineering
OCEAN.2011-3: Assessing and predicting the combined effects of natural and human-made pressures in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea in view of their better governance / Collaborative Project (large scale integrating project) for specific cooperation actions (SICA) dedicated to international cooperation partner countries / Southern Federal University, Research Institute of Biology, Laboratory of industrial microorganisms
Organization Name* / VoronezhStateUniversity (VSU)
Department/Unit* / Division of Zoology and Parasitology of the Faculty of Biology and Soil Sciences
Contact person (name, position in organization, title)* / Prof. Sergey Gaponov, PhD, DSci, Full Professor, Head of the Division of Zoology and Parasitology
E-Mail* /
Phone* / + 7 (4732) 208-884
Web-site /
Organization Address* / VoronezhStateUniversity, 1 Universitetskaya pl., 394006,Voronezh, Russia
Organisation type / University
Research Centre / SME
Large Company / Consultancy
Public Administration
Is interested in a project that will be prepared and submitted under the following topic:
Call identifier* / FP7-KBBE-2011-5-CP-CSATopic number* / KBBE.2011.1.3-01: New/next generation of researchers for Neglected Zoonoses at the animal-human interface – Mandatory ICPC
Topic number* / KBBE.2011.1.3-03: European interprofessional network addressing zoonotic diseases transmitted via companion animals
Topic number* / KBBE.2011.1.3-04: Management and control of increased livestock helminths parasite infection risks due to global changes
Call Deadline* / January 25, 2011
Role in the project* / Coordinator
Type of suggested activities* / RTD
Demonstration / Training …………..
Coordination ………. / Support …………..
Project proposal (for coordinators)/Expertise offered (for partners)* (max 500 words):
In many countries, including those economically developed, the problem of zoonotic disease is serious, and it is important to coordinate studies of vectors (mosquitoes, black flies, sand flies, hard ticks and mites) and vertebrate animals which occupy ecological niches in urban and suburban areas. Also, new zoonotic diseases continue to appear, such as swine and avian flu, prion diseases, and SARS. These spilled over into human populations due to interactions between the carrier host and domestic or agricultural (companion) animals. Highly mobile animals such as bats, mice, rats and birds may present a greater risk of zoonotic transmission than other animals, because they tend to be synanthropic. Inmanycases (avianandswineflu, rabies, toxoplasmosis, pyroplasmosis, some chlamidiosis, Lyme borreliosis) companion animalscan be the source of infection for human. Zoonotic diseases such as toxoplasmosis, some helminthosis (include toxocarosis, trichonellosis), wide-spread viral infections (e.g. rabie, hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome, tick-borned encephalitis) as well as bacterial diseases (e.g. Lyme disease, tularaemia, some typhus) now are wide spread in anthropogenic ecosystems in both Russia and European Union. Study of domestic and agricultural animals which are the reservoir of the pathogenic agents can be collaborated on mutual basis. Research of the vectors (e.g. mosquitoes, black-flies, ticks and mites) of the pathogenic agents of transmissive zoonosis can be the subject of bilateral scientific investigation. Study of dangerous wild animals which became to be synanthropic is another subject of mutual scientific activity. Based on bilateral (or multilateral) research it would be possible to create data base, models for forecasting, prediction and monitoring the situation concerned to zoonotic diseases in Russia and the countries of European community.The population dynamics, trophic nets, host preferences and seasonal activity of these animals have been studied for the last 10 years (or longer). For example, stray and feral cats in urban environments are definite hosts of Toxoplasma gondii, who in turn prey upon intermediate hosts, including mice, rats and birds found in the urban ecosystems. Stray dogs, as carriers of the rabies virus, are a source of infection for humans and domestic animals. Recently, some species of ticks and mosquitoes, both vectors of transmissive zoonosis, were observed in those areas. Some of bloodsucking arthropods connect with companion animals.
Study of synanthropic populations of cats and dogs and their contacts with domestic and agricultural animals should be conducted with participation of professionals in Zoology, Veterinary, Medicine and Ecology. It is really crucial to create a comparative data base about zoonotic diseases. It is one of the reasons of development scientific cooperation between professionals from different countries. In purpose of experience, data base, scientific results exchange we propose to arrange annual meetings for discuss the topic, establish network in purpose to share the results and data.
Short description of the organization* (max 12 lines):
The Division was founded in 1918 as the Division of Vertebrate Zoology. In response to the increasing scientific diversity which it embodies, the Division’s name has most recently been changed to the Division of Zoology and Parasitology. The current head of the Division is Sergey P. Gaponov. Several noted zoologists, particularly Sergey E. Puchkovsky, Ivan I. Schmalhauzen and Ilya I. Barabash-Nikhiforov, led the Division during different periods of the twentieth century. The work of T.V. Dmitrieva and S.L. Ovchinnikova in the field of Theriology was instrumental in the control of urban rodent populations. As a result, tularemia outbreaks were suppressed in the Region. Since the 1990s, modern parasitological studies have been conducted by L.N. Khitzova, Further development of this scientific discipline has been undertaken by Sergey P. Gaponov, The Division has the Laboratory of Zoonotic and Parasitic Diseases Research, which was organized in a collaboration with Zoological Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences. During the last decade, the divisions of Zoology and Parasitology of Voronezh State University have conducted abundant research related to zoonosis. For example, extensive collections of parasitic worms, pathogenic protozoa, parasitic mites and blood sucking ticks and flies show a diversity of eukaryotic pathogenic agents as well as vectors of viral and bacterial diseases.
Keywords: / zoonosis / parasite / host / vector / Data base
Publications on the topic (other references) (max 10):
- Gaponov S.P., Trankvilevsky D.V. Dynamics of the rodents species in Voronezh city and its vicinities in 2001-2007 years // Journal of NyzhnyNovgorodStateUniversity. 2009. # 1. P. 67-72.
- Gaponov S.P,Volgina I.S. Parasitosis of domestic carnivorous mammals in Voronezh-city environment // Theory and Practice of prevention of parasitic diseases. Moscow, 2009. – V. 10. – P. 93-95.
- Gaponov S.P., Volgina I.S. Toxoplasmosis serology of the cats in Voronezh-city // Biological Sciences of Kazakhstan. Pavlodar, 2009.– V. 3-4. - P. 93-101.
- Gaponov et al. Bioecology of the ticks (Ixodidae) in Voronezh city // Journal of Voronezh State University. Ser. Chemistry, Biology and Pharmacy. 2008. # 2. P. 71-77.
- Gaponov S.P. et al. Outbreak of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome in winter of 2006-2007 year in Voronezh Region // Medical Virology, 2008. – V. 24.
- Gaponov S.P. et all. Epizootological and epidemiological peculiarities of tularemia // Health environment – the factor of health of Population. Scientific proc. Of Federal Scientific Centre of Hygiene by F.F. Eversman. – 2004. – С. 691-694.
- Gaponov S.P. et al. Epizootology of rabie in Voronezh Region in the boundary of XX and XXI centuries // Health of population and environment. – Moscow, 2006. – V. 5 (158). – P. 11-15.
- Gaponov S.P. et all. Activity of the nidus of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome and ecological conditions of Voronezh Region // Ecology and scientific nature management.. Voronezh, 2007. P. 17-29/
- Budaeva I.A., Khitzova L.N. New data of mass reproduction of the black flies (Diptera, Simuliidae) in Voronezh Region. – Medical Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases. - 2006. - № 1. - P. 39-46.
Organization Name* / VoronezhStateUniversity (VSU)
Organization Address* / Universitetskaya pl., 1, Voronezh, 304006, Russia
Department/Unit* / Department of Genetics, Cytology and Bioengenering
Principal researcher / Prof. Vasily N. Popov, Head of Department
Web-site / ;
Organisation type / University
Research Centre / SME
Large Company / Consultancy
Public Administration
Contact person / Mrs Anna Kamynina, Leading specialist of Regional Information Centre for Scientific and Technological Cooperation with EU, VoronezhStateUniversity
E-Mail /
Phone/Fax / +7 (4732) 20-75-26
Is interested in participation in a project that will be prepared and submitted in the following topics:
Call identifier* / FP7-KBBE-2011-5Topic number* / KBBE.2011.1.1-01: Promoting conifer genomic resources
Call Deadline* / 25 January 2011 at 17.00 (Brussels local time)
Call identifier* / FP7-KBBE-2011-5
Topic number* / KBBE.2011.1.1-04: Sustaining and managing forest tree genetic resources
Call Deadline* / 25 January 2011 at 17.00 (Brussels local time)
Role in the project* / Coordinator
Type of suggested activities* / RTD
Demonstration / Training …………..
Coordination ………. / Support …………..
Short description of the organization* (max 12 lines):
VoronezhStateUniversity's total undergraduate student population numbers over 22,000. Almost 1,000 students are engaged in postgraduate work. 1,300 academic staff are currently employed at the University. Of these 230 are professors, 750 senior lecturers and 300 lecturers. On the whole, the University employs 3,000 academic and non-academic staff. 118 departments and 5 major research units are grouped into 18 faculties. The University occupies 9 buildings and 7 residence halls located mostly in city centre. Department of Genetics, Cytology and Bioengineering was established at 1934 as Department of animal Genetics. Now it consists of 2 professors, 3 dozents and 2 assistants. Department have Laboratoties of Molecular genetics, of Cell cultures, of Cytogenetics and of Plants bioengineering. The department researches were supported by grants of Russian Fund for Basic Research, Russian Federation Federal Targeted Programs international grants (CRDF, INTAS). Staff of Department has published more than 100 publication in last 3 years, including paper in FEBS Letters, Russian J. of Ecological Genetics, Russian J. of Biotechnology et al.
Competences in FP7 theme "Environment (including climate change)" Biodiversity Integrated forest research Risk assessment of chemicals and alternative strategies for testing Tools for impact assessment
Other spheres of competence
Publications on the topic (other references) (max 10):
- Popov V.N., Eprintsev A.T., Fedorin D.N. Light regulation of succinate dehydrogenase expression in Arabidopsis thaliana leaves // Russ. J. Plant. Physiol. 2007. V. 54, N 3, P. 409-415.
- Popov V.N., Eprintsev A.T., Fedorin D.N., Igamberdiev A.U. Succinate dehydrogenase in Arabidopsis thaliana is regulated by light via phytochrome A // FEBS Letters. - 2010. - V. 584, N 1. - P. 199-202.
- MashkinaO.S., TabackayaT.M., StarodubtsevevaL.M. MassclonalpropagationofKarelianbirchandpoplarthroughlong-termshootmultiplication // RussianJournalofPlantPhysiology, 1999. - Vol. 46, N6.- P.835-837.
- Mashkina O.S., Tabatskaya T.M., Burdaeva L.M., Isakov Yu.N. Use of tissue culture for clonal propagation and long-term storage of valuable gene pool of forest woody plants // Wood, breeding, biotechnology and industrial expectations // Abstracts of international conference (June 11 - 14, 2001, Bordeaux).- France, -2001.- P.71.
- Mashkina O.S., Isakov Yu.N. On Genetic-Breeding Improvement of Poplar // Lesovedenie. – 2002. – N3. – P.68-73. (In Russian)
- Mashkina O.S., Butorina A.K. Genetic Engineering of Forest Woody Plants // Russian J. of Genetics .— 2003 .— Vol. 39, N 3 .— P. 241-248.
- Matveeva T.V., Frolova N.V., Isakov Yu.N., Mashkina O.S., Lutova L.A. Horizontal Gene Transfer from Agrobacteria to Plants in Natural and Laboratory Conditions // Biotechnology in Agriculture and the Food Industry. – New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2004.– P. 109-114. (ISBN: 1-59454-119-1).
- Mashkina O.S., Kuznetsova N.F., Isakov Yu. N., Butorina A.K. Self-fertility in scots pine as a mechanism of resistance to chemical mutagens // Russian J. of Ecology. – 2009. – V. 40, №6. – P. 399-404.
- Mashkina O. S., Kalaev V. N., Muraya L. S.,. Lelikova E. S. Cytogenetic response of seed progeny of scots pine to combined anthropogenic pollution in the area of Novolipetsk metallurgical combine // Russian J. of Ecology Genetica. – 2009. - V. 55, №3. – P. 93-148.
- Mashkina O.S., Tabatskaya T.M., Gorobets A.I., Schestibratov K.A. Methods for micropropagation of various willow species and hybrids // Russian J. of Biotechnology, 2010. - №1. – P. 51-59.
Organization Name* / VoronezhStateUniversity (VSU)
Organization Address* / Voronezh state university, Universitetskaya Square, 1, Voronezh, 394006, Russia
Department/Unit* / Faculty of Biology and Soil Sciences, Department of botany and mycology
Principal researcher / Prof. Vladimir Agafonov, head of the Department,
Doctor of Biology, Assistant Professor
Web-site /
Organisation type / University
Research Centre / SME
Large Company / Consultancy
Public Administration
Contact person / Mrs Anna Kamynina, Leading specialist of Regional Information Centre for Scientific and Technological Cooperation with EU, VoronezhStateUniversity
E-Mail /
Phone/Fax / +7 (4732) 20-75-26
Is interested in participation in a project that will be prepared and submitted in the following topic: