Cllr S Marison (Chairman), Cllr D Howe (Vice-Chairman), Cllr J Dove, Cllr P Hallett, Cllr C Howe, Cllr W Lynn, Cllr M Rogers, Cllr D Smith, Cllr J Stott, Cllr J Wilkins, Cllr D Westbury, the Clerk Mrs T Pacey & two members of the public.

Meeting commenced at 7.00 pm.



The Chairman advised that Cllr D Howe had received an anonymous letter complaining about the garden next to the snooker hall & the handyman. There is a reply to be posted in the Post Office window inviting the person who wrote the letter to come forward & provide their contact details if they want the parish council to reply. The parish council would like to point out that they will not respond to nuisance or malicious correspondence. If any parishioner has a genuine query regarding the parish council’s activities, please contact the clerk or councillor in the normal manner.


Apologies noted from Cllrs Bellwood, Dyer & Franklin. Cllr S Runyard was also absent (his apologies having been accepted previously).

District Cllr I Fleetwood also sent his apologies.


District Cllr I Fleetwood was not in attendance. No police representatives were in attendance. The police did send the Nettleham Neighbourhood Policing Team Areas Update which will be available at the parish office & a copy will be posted on the parish council website.



No issues were raised. Members of the public in attendance had come to ascertain the outcome of Agenda Item 14 - Allotments. Cllr D Smith therefore proposed that the open session be closed and that Agenda Item 14 be dealt with as the next item of business. This was seconded by Cllr Westbury. RESOLVED that the open session be duly closed and that the next item of business would be Agenda Item 14 – Allotments.



99/10.1 – Requests received from allotment holders for the following:-

(a)To have 6 ducks & 4 geese on a plot.

(b)To have 2 turkeys on a plot.

RESOLVED that these requests are acceptable subject to each tenant following all current regulations regarding the housing of such birds and have obtained all necessary licences & permissions from outside authorities as required. All structures to house such birds must be adequate for their needs, subject otherwise to the terms and conditions of their allotment tenancy agreement. No charges to be made for same.

All members of the public left the meeting.

99/10.2 – Notes of the allotment working party meeting held on 23rd June 2010 already circulated to members. Items requiring permission to proceed with:-

(a)A lady has approached the parish council asking to rent several acres of land for horse grazing on a long term lease. RESOLVED that the working party can negotiate an agreement to rent out land for horse grazing subject to rent being agreed by the full council at a later date.

(b)Allotment holders are asking for a water supply to the plots. There are various concerns over this, including costs/how to administer as not all plot holders are prepared to pay for a water supply. IBC’s are to be installed for everyone to use. RESOLVED that the parish council will not pursue the option of installing a stand pipe at the present time & will continue to look into providing IBC’s or similar instead.

(c)Overgrown plots. Several plots, all the pathways and other areas that the parish council are responsible for have overgrown considerably. The parish council have got to cut these areas back and maintain thereafter. The Chairman has had a quote to hire a ride on brush cutter which will cut all the pathways, individual plots & the car park area. Mr Armstrong has cut the large area at the rear of the site. RESOLVED that the brush cutter can be hired for as long as necessary to cut the allotment site down. The parish council will then look into purchasing equipment suitable to maintain this area thereafter.


None declared.


The notes of the meeting had already been circulated to Members. Item 80/10 (f) should read driving licence not diving licence!. Item 91/10.1 the bench is to be installed alongside the WI bench not behind it. RESOLVED that the subject to these amendments the notes of the parish council meeting held on 3rd June 2010 are confirmed as a true record and can be duly signed as such.


Clerk’s report already circulated to members, summary as follows:-


British Sugar have advised that they will be strimming the areas of the field that are immediately behind the houses on HarveyKentGardens.

At the end of the month, they have advised that the entire field will be cut.


Ian Ward at Lincs County Council (Highways) Dept was contacted regarding the grass verge cutting. They have just appointed a new contractor, and they are behind schedule (approx 3-4 weeks). The verges will be cut in due course but a definite date could not be given. Update:- Contract for our handyman to take over received & checked (no alterations from the previous one). Contract has been signed and returned to Lincs County Council. Handyman is now responsible for amenity grass cutting in Bardney (there is no amenity grass cutting done in Apley, Stainfield or Southrey). Grass verges to be cut week commencing 29th June.

LOCAL COUNCIL ADVISORY SERVICE (LCAS) ANNUAL SEMINAR.Wednesday 7th July 2010 at Parklands Connexions, Nottingham. The clerk & Cllr Marison can not now attend this seminar, therefore this has been cancelled.


The now disbanded twinning association have forwarded a cheque to the parish council in the sum of £1065.78. The parish council have previously agreed that they will ‘ring fence’ this money to be used for future twinning activities (minute item 110/08 refers). The parish council budget has therefore been amended to reflect this change. Please note that this money can not be used for anything other than twinning activities as this was a condition of it being handed over.


Trevor Hines at Lincs County Council Highways has advised that the reason they have not yet been done is that the existing contractor let them down & pulled out of contract a week before it was due to end. The work has now all got to go to the new contractor for them to continue. He has also advised that the slurry cleaning will be done around August/September 2010.


To be held on Saturday 16th October 2010 at HorncastleCollege if anyone would like to attend. Cllrs Marison, Rogers, Hallett, Smith & D Howe confirmed that they would like to attend this.


103/10.1 General correspondence (already circulated for consideration) summary as follows:-


LALC (from clerk’s e-group) – Open Source Green Paper.

The Conservatives have put out a green paper on planning that may lead to a greater role for parish councils. East Midlands Planning Aid’s preliminary notes circulated. Key Points in the green paper:-

A national planning framework will be introduced to include national standards on environmental, architectural, economic & social standards. Will then move straight to local plan. Will introduce a duty to co-operate between councils, PCT’s & other service providers so greater transparency. Local Plan – prepared based on collaborative democracy. Must conform to national framework but after that up to locals to decide. Green paper uses Village plans as an example of collaborative democracy. Immediate neighbours – if more than a small minority of residential neighbours object to the proposal this must be formally assessed by Local Planning Authorities (LPA). Parish Councils classed as immediate neighbours so developers will tend to negotiate with them about their plans & may choose to negotiate a voluntary agreement with the parish to compensate for any loss of civic amenity. Use classes order – much looser so people can change use class without needing planning permission so long as allowed by community in local plan. Third party right of appeal but only on procedure. Local Housing Trusts – if community set these up & 90% of the community want development there will be a presumption in favour of development.

It is early days, and more information will be circulated as this develops.

It does, however mean that it may be prudent to prepare a Village Design Statement to ensure greater say in what developments are carried out in the parishes.

West Lindsey District Council (WLDC) – Grants for flooding.

WLDC have set aside £110,000 to help beat water getting into people’s homes. A total of £100,000 will go towards helping partners with the costs of major projects & £10,000 is available to help parish council’s manage flood risks. Grants can be used to train flood wardens, supply flood wardens with PPE or to pay for equipment & tools that may be needed during a flooding event. Funds are only available for the 2010/2011 financial year therefore applications should be sent asap. Cllr Dove has already approached Chris Allen (Public Protection Services Manager) to see if our parishes are eligible for a grant.

WLDC – The West LincolnshireBoston Family Intervention Service (FIS).

New service being introduced to help families make better lifestyle choices. The service will help families in West Lindsey, Lincoln City & Boston. Families are referred to the scheme as a last resort & could face some kind of enforcement action including exclusion from school; eviction; action by children’s services; criminal justice or ASB team involvement. The scheme aims to create structure & improve lifestyles to improve outcomes for all the members of the family. Each family is assessed & must sign a contract to support all agencies involved. The team comprises 6 key workers & 1 business support officer trained to deal with families including:-

ASB tools & powers; Substance misuse; First aid; Lone working; Domestic abuse & conflict resolution. More information on the scheme can be obtained from Lisa Woolford, tel 01427 675152. email:


British Gas Business – Letter advising they will be installing a smart meter at the old office. Email sent asking them to contact landlord as we no longer occupy the premises.

British Red Cross – Letter enclosing poster advertising Yorkshire three peaks fundraising walks on Saturday 17th July 2010. Poster will be displayed on notice board (space permitting).

Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE) – Lincolnshire Branch.

Letter received thanking the parish council for our affiliation fee for this year.

Community Lincs – Lincolnshire Best Kept Village & Small Towns Competition 2010.

Letter advising first round of judging has taken place. A list of villages through to the second round was enclosed. Bardney did not get through to the second round.

CPRE – AGM. Invitation to AGM Wednesday 14th July 2010. All Cllrs notified 21/6/10.

Lincolnshire Joint Planning Unit - Central Lincolnshire Statement of Community Involvement (SCI).

Letter advising that this is a new Local Planning Authority created in Central Lincolnshire to undertake a joint Local Development Framework on behalf of the 4 local authorities operating in this area (City of Lincoln Council, North Kesteven District Council, West Lindsey District Council & Lincolnshire County Council). Part of the process is to adopt a new Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) for Central Lincolnshire. This will set out how the unit will consult others during the preparation of the Development Plan Documents & during the determination of planning applications. They would like the parish council to make representations about what the contents of this new SCI might be. Comments must be submitted b 28th June 2010. All Cllrs notified 9/6/10, comments to be returned to clerk by 24th June so the deadline can be met.

No comments made.

Old Photograph
A lady has sent in a photograph of a woman holding a baby believed to have been taken circa 1934 in “Mrs Dixon’s garden” in Apley. The lady is asking for any information on who the picture might be of etc. It was found in her mother’s belongings in Bradford (and is not a picture of her mother!). A copy of the photograph & letter given to Tony Green local historian. Mr Green informs me that through some digging, the lady is now in contact with a Mrs Rex Dixon of Apley who and they are solving this between them.

E.ON – Letter advising changes to format of their bills.

Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) – Community Risk Register for Lincolnshire.

Booklet sent which provides information on emergencies that could happen in Linconlshire together with an assessment of likelihood & consequences. They want to work with parish councils to produce local flooding & emergency plans. A new emergency plan template has been issued for parish councils to complete & return to LCC. The parish council have already started to gather information to produce an emergency plan, the new template will now be completed & returned to LCC asap.

Lincolnshire County Council – Lincolnshire Alliance Area Highway Maintenance Teams.

Wef 1st April 2010 LCC entered into highways alliance with contractor May Gurney. As a result the previous Area Response Teams (ART) have now been replaced by the formation of Area Maintenance Teams (AMT). These AMT’s will be carrying out work within the parishes that the ART would previously have done. Any non-urgent work submitted is held until there is a cluster of work in the same area. LCC will write to parish council’s every 6 months to obtain a list of work that they would like to see addressed. Any urgent work should be reported to LCC customer service centre as usual. Work that an AMT can undertake:-

-Minor footway repairs (slabs, kerbs, blocks, minor footway patching)

-Minor carriageway repairs

-High speed road pothole repairs

-Minor tree works including hedging for safety purposes

-Minor siding works

-Minor highway clearance works (weeds, detritus)

-Minor drainage clearance works (gullies, offlets, drainage grips but not roadside ditches)

-Drainage investigation

-Trial holes prior to future highway works

-Minor sign works (removal, erection, cleaning)

-Minor ironwork repairs (gulley frames, manholes)

-Attendance to emergency responses (road traffic collisions etc if police request highway attendance)

-Renewal of carriageway markings

Work outside scope of the AMT - Litter picking/refuse collection/street sweeping (District/City/Parish Council responsibility).

They require a list of all works for our parishes that we would like the AMT to consider by 29th June 2010. All Cllrs sent copy of the letter & request that they let the clerk know any works for inclusion by the deadline date.

WLDC – Revised meeting dates for Audit Committee/Organisation & Resources Committee/Standards Committee. All Cllrs notified 1/6/2010.

WLDC – One Square Mile – Meeting the Accommodation needs of Gypsies & Travellers. DVD enclosed on this topic for all members to watch. Hoping to play DVD prior to next council meeting.


Butterfly Conservation (Lincolnshire Branch) – Butterfly & Moth Report 2009

Clerks & Councils Direct – July 2010

CPRE – Annual Report 2009-2010

Local Council Review (LCR) – Summer 2010

NHS Lincolnshire Research Newsletter - Spring 2010

Parish Matters – June 2010

West Lindsey News – Summer 2010


Culture Festival Lincoln – 18th & 19th June , various venues

Lincolnshire Police – Chief Constables review of his second year in post

Nubes (Clouds) Dance theatre – Lincoln Performing Arts Centre, Saturday 12th June (flyer only received 9th June!)

Trinity Arts Centre, Gainsborough – July programme poster


DT Leisure – BMX Tracks

Festive Lighting Company – 2010/11 brochure

Glasdon – Water Rescue Equipment brochure

Ivy Designs – Village Signs

Staples Direct – Sale brochure

Staples Direct Catalogue – May-August 2010

Viking Direct – Your workplace brochure (offers valid until 24th July 2010)

Viking Direct – Office Furniture brochure (offers end 31st July 2010)

Viking Direct – Stationery Cupboard brochure (offers end 25th Sept 2010)

Viking Direct – June Sale brochure (offers end 7th August 2010)

Wicksteed – Play equip


WLDC – Notice of Meetings of the Council for May, June & July 2010. All Cllrs given copy 12/4/10.

WLDC – Notice of meeting of the Council on Monday 19th April 2010. All Cllrs notified 12/4/10.

WLDC – Notice of meeting of the Council on Monday 24h May 2010. All Cllrs notified 18/5/10.

WLDC – Minutes of Committee Meetings published since the meeting of the council 1st March 2010.

The Chairman relayed details of the following itemof correspondence:-

(a)Letter from Southrey Dabblers Group thanking the parish council for their grant towards the art workshops.

(b)Letter from West Lindsey Citizens Advice Bureau thanking the parish council for their grant.

(c)Letter from Southrey Village Hall thanking the parish council for their grant towards the purchase of mowing equipment.

103/10.2 –Response to the following items of correspondence, details of which had already been circulated to members, details as follows:-

a)TNG (part of Avanta Enterprise Ltd). Appointed by the Department of Work and Pensions to deliver Community Task Force (CTF) activity to all unemployed 18-24 yr olds across Cambridgeshire, Suffolk, Norfolk, LincolnshireRutland. The CTF is part of the wider young persons guarantee available to all 18-24 yr olds who are approaching 12 months unemployment. Offering a max of 6 months work experience, CTF is designed to enhance the employability & work related skills of young people increase their chances of entering sustained employment and at the same time provide a benefit to the community. They are currently working with Mary Hollingsworth from WLDC. They would like to know details of any Community Projects (land clearance, horticulture, construction or environmental etc) or details of any charity or voluntary group that can offer voluntary placements in our area to young people who are looking to gain work experience and improve their work skills whilst giving something back to their community. Do the council wish to offer a placement for this scheme (i.e. for someone to work with the Handyman or clerk)? RESOLVED that the parish council agree to this in principle, further information to be obtained.