(Based on National Association of Schools of Theatre [NAST] 2014-2015 Handbook)

College of Education


Union, NJ07083

Dr. Susan Polirstok, Dean



Cooperating Teacher Name:

Cooperating Teacher Email:

District, School and Grade:

Professional Intern:

(Last, First, Program, Status, OCC Student)

Intern Email Address:

University Supervisor/Clinical Instructor:

University Supervisor/Clinical InstructorEmail Address

Program Email Address

DIRECTIONS:This assessment is based on the National Association of Theatre (NAST) Standards for teaching competencies that the student should be achievingthroughout the internship and focuses directly on whatteacher candidates should know and be able to do. Rate the student for each standard. This assessment should be discussed with all parties and submitted after the candidate’s final assessment.

This assessment must be submitted online. Go to and click on Submit Online Assessment in left-hand menu. (Further information on submitting online assessments, including the password to submit the assessment, can be located in the cooperating teacher packet that was received at the beginning of the semester.)

Scoring Rubric

Target / Acceptable / Unacceptable
Teacher candidate has significant weaknesses in knowledge/teaching skill and shows an unproductive and ineffective use of the standard/element to further student learning. / Teacher candidate’s knowledge/teaching skill is appropriate for this level in the program and shows a positive and generally effective approach to supporting student learning. / Teacher candidate’s knowledge/teaching skill is often beyond that expected of this level. Consistent and effective use of standard/element contributes to student learning.

TheatreEducation Basic Theatre Competencies

1. Production Foundation

Unacceptable / Acceptable / Target
1.a: Teacher candidate is familiar with the basic expressive, technical, procedural, and organizational skills, and conceptual insights essential for theatrical performance. /  /  / 
1.b: Teacher candidate has the understanding to make pupils emphatically aware of the all-important process of artistic creation from conceptualized image to finished work. /  /  / 
1.c: Teacher candidate is a competent director, able to create expressive performances with various types of groups and in general classroom situations. /  /  / 

2. Aesthetics, Theatre History, Literature, Theory, and Criticism

Unacceptable / Acceptable / Target
2. Teacher candidate has an understanding of contending philosophies of theatre, the development of past and contemporary theatre forms, major styles and periods of theatre history and dramatic literature, theories of criticism, and an understanding of the fundamental and integral relationships of all these to the theatre performance. /  /  / 

TheatreEducation Teaching Competencies

Unacceptable / Acceptable / Target
1. Candidate demonstrates an understanding of child development and the identification and an understanding of psychological principles of learning as they relate to theatre education. /  /  / 
2. Candidate demonstrates an understanding of the philosophical and social foundations underlying theatre in education and the ability to express a rationale for personal attitudes and beliefs. /  /  / 
3. Candidate demonstrates an ability to assess aptitudes, experiential backgrounds and interest of individuals and groups of pupils, to devise learning experiences to meet assessed needs, and to manage classrooms and rehearsal effectively. /  /  / 
4. Candidate has the knowledge of current methods and materials available in all fields and levels of theatre education. /  /  / 
5. Candidate has the basic understanding of the principles and methods of developing curricula and the short and long-term instructional units that comprise them. /  /  / 
7. Candidate demonstrates an understanding of evaluative techniques and applies them in assessing both the progress of students and in the objectives and procedures of the curriculum. /  /  / 
8. Candidate demonstrates an awareness of the need for continuing study, self-evaluation, and professional growth. /  /  / 
1. Candidate demonstrates an understanding of child development and the identification and an understanding of psychological principles of learning as they relate to theatre education. /  /  / 


Theatre Supplemental Program Assessment WorksheetRev. November 2014