Theale Church of England Primary School

Design and Technology Policy

“Tell me and I forget – show me and I may remember- let me do it, and I learn.” Learning through making works! Prue Leith’s School of Food and Wine

“Design and technology is about making things that people want and that work well. Creating these things is hugely exciting: it is an inventive, fun activity.” James Dyson. Chairman, Dyson Ltd

The Importance of Design and Technology

Design and technology prepares pupils to participate in tomorrow’s rapidly changing technologies. They learn to think and intervene creatively to improve quality of life. The subject calls for pupils to become autonomous and creative problem solvers, as individuals and members of a team. They must look for needs, wants and opportunities and respond to them by developing a range of ideas and making products and systems. They combine practical skills with an understanding of aesthetics, social and environmental issues, function and industrial practices. As they do so, they reflect and evaluate present and past design and technology, its uses and effects. All pupils can become discriminating and informed users of products, and become innovative and enterprising. Through Design and Technology children learn to look and apply the principles of healthy eating enabling them to eat well, healthy and affordably in later life.

The National Curriculum for Design and technology.

National Curriculum guidelines are followed. Design and Technology is a foundation subject which is ideal for cross-curricular approaches. Some Design and Technology will be taught in a Blocked Week, making clear links to Literacy and Numeracy skills. All teachers are expected to have a working knowledge of the programmes of study and national curriculum requirements relevant to the groups that they teach. Design and Technology is taught through two strands – Design and Making and Food and Nutrition. Children will learn through a variety of creative and practical activities, gaining knowledge, understanding and skills needed to engage in an iterative process of designing and making.

At Foundation Stage: Design and Technology will be taught through Understanding the World, Physical Development and Expressive Arts and Design.

At Key Stage 1 pupils will be taught to:

·  Design purposeful, functional appealing products working to a design criteria.

·  Draw on their own and others’ experiences to generate, develop, communicate ideas and plan what to do next through talking, drawing, mock-ups, modelling and ICT where appropriate.

·  Select and use a range of tools and equipment to perform practical tasks following safe procedures and select from a wide range materials according to their characteristics.

·  Explore and evaluate a range of existing products and evaluate their own ideas and products against design criteria.

·  Build structures, exploring how they can be made stronger, stiffer and more stable.

·  Explore and use mechanisms in their products.

·  Use the basic principles of healthy and varied diet to prepare dishes.

·  Understand where food comes from.

At Key Stage 2 pupils will be taught to:

·  Use research and develop design criteria to inform the design of innovative, functional, appealing products that are fit for a given purpose.

·  Generate, develop, model and communicate design ideas in a variety of ways such as discussion, annotated sketches, prototypes and pattern pieces.

·  Select from and use a wider range of tools safely and accurately. Selecting from a wider range of materials and components according to their functional and aesthetic properties.

·  Investigate and analyse a range of existing products and evaluate their ideas and products against design criteria, considering the views of others.

·  Understand how key events and individuals in design and technology have helped shape the world.

·  Apply their knowledge of strengthening, stiffening and reinforcing to more complex structures.

·  Understand and use mechanical and electrical systems in their work, applying their understanding of computing to program, monitor and control their products.

·  Understand and apply the principles of a healthy and varied diet.

·  Prepare and cook a variety of predominantly savoury dishes using a range of techniques.

·  Know where and how a variety of ingredients are grown, reared, caught and processed and understand how food is seasonal.

Our Policy

At Theale Church of England Primary School the children will:

develop design and making skills which reflect their knowledge and understanding.

develop their design technology capability in a safe environment.

have a positive attitude to the subject and the role it plays in their daily lives.

strive to achieve as high a standard as possible in the quality of their work.

develop a co-operative attitude when working in a group.

articulate and communicate ideas and opinions about their own work and that of others.

have confidence and competence in understanding design and technology

Supporting Information

Design and Technology involves applying knowledge, skills and understanding to designing and making products fit for their intended purpose.

Health and Safety

Teachers will demonstrate safe use of appropriate tools and equipment and then monitor their safe use in the classroom. Teachers will demonstrate appropriate hygiene in the handling and consumption of food products. Teachers will ensure work surfaces and equipment are cleaned appropriately before and after each session.

At both Key Stages pupils will be taught:

about hazards, risks and risk control

to recognise hazards, assess consequent risks and take steps to control the risk to themselves and others

to use information to assess the immediate and cumulative risks

to manage their environment to ensure the health and safety of themselves and others

to explain the steps they take to control risks

any foodstuffs stored in school will not be kept beyond ‘use by’ date

Time Allocation

Design and technology will be blocked as a focus for a week every term. In addition to this it is expected that at least 3 hours a term will be taught through other curriculum areas.


The scheme of work consists of allocated units of work from the Design and technology QCA scheme. School planning overviews for each KeyStage indicate the topics covered and the term in which they will be taught. The topics are planned for and taught in a blocked week week, the timing of which will often be matched to other areas of the curriculum that are being taught. Plans indicating the learning objectives, appropriate activities and NC links are produced for that week. In addition opportunities for Design and technology through other subjects are high lighted.

Teaching Methods

A variety of teaching methods will be employed in the teaching of Design and Technology:

Demonstration and explanation by the teacher

Effective questioning of pupils by the teacher and of each other

Providing the pupils with opportunities to investigate

Using a variety of stimuli to indicate work

Teaching the whole class, groups or individuals

Teaching Assistant working with small group in kitchen area under direction of class teacher


Each pupil’s progress and achievement will be assessed and reported to parents in an annual report. Where appropriate, pupils will use sketchbooks in which to record their designs and evaluations. Through their projects pupils will be given feedback and advice to improve their work. Photographic evidence will be kept of work covered. Annually the children’s progress will be recorded on trackers and passed on to their next teacher.

The Role of the Coordinator

A member of staff will be allocated to the role of coordinator to support class teachers and to help improve the overall quality and continuity of Design and Technology teaching in the school. The coordinator is responsible for:

·  Monitoring progress

·  Providing advice about Design and Technology

·  Keeping up to date through reading and attending relevant courses and passing on this information / advice to the rest of the staff


Tools and materials are stored centrally in the resource cupboard or in classrooms where appropriate. Kitchen equipment is stored in the kitchen area.

Equal Opportunities and Special Needs

Every pupil will be given equal opportunity to follow the National Curriculum or Foundation Stage Curriculum, irrespective of their ethnic or linguistic background, gender, disability or religious beliefs. Children with Special Education Needs will have full access to the Design and Technology curriculum, which will be modified to best meet their needs. Those identified as Able, Gifted and Talented in Design and Technology will be given opportunities to develop their skills.


The monitoring of Design and Technology will take the form of classroom observations, monitoring of planning, work scrutiny, interviews with children, learning walks and monitoring of displays. The subject leader, working with the head teacher is responsible for the monitoring of Design and Technology. The headteacher will report to governors through a termly report.