THEA 176 - Theatre Participation

Instructor: W. David Wheeler

Office: 166 PT (Scene Shop)

Phone: 831-5838


Office Hours: By Appointment

Name______Semester: Fall/Spring Year:______

(Circle One)


  1. Accrue 60 hours of involvement within the semester on departmental productions.75%
  2. Attend introductory meeting.2%
  3. Provide a plan, by email, for achieving the required hours by date specified.3%
  4. Attend mid-semester meeting5%
  5. Provide progress report at mid-semester meeting.5%
  6. Turn in signed form(s) and timesheet(s)10%

You must attend all main-stage strikes. There is a letter grade deduction per strike missed. If you cannot attend a strike, you must provide an adequate reason with a minimum of a week notice. You will be expected to make up the hours in a way determined at that time.

Grading Policy:

You are accessed a grade based on your completion of the 60 hours and the other requirements above. Your level of responsibility and professionalism while achieving your hours will be factors in this assessment. If you do not complete the required number of hours, that portion ofyour grade will be assessed based on the percentage of hours completed.


A = 91-100%B = 80-90%C = 70-79%D = 60-69%F = 59% or below

Hour Rewards:(exceptions to these values may, at times, exist depending on the extent of the assignment)

Cast in Mainstage or Studio Show40 hrs.

Production Crew Position (Mainstage and Studio)20 hrs.

All Pre-Production CrewsHour for hour in shops, box office, or ushering

Cast in Directing 2 show (Studio)5-10 hrs. (Please see me)

Important Information:

The intention of this course is to have each student involved in a minimum of two productions in the semester. It is the responsibility of each student to contact me to express his/her intent for the semester by the date required. If you are not cast, you must find a pre-production, production or a box office / house management assignment. It is also your responsibility to have this form signed as each assignment is completed. Performers must have the director's or the stage manager’s signature. Crews must have the technical director's or the stage manager’s signature. If you have worked in the scene shop, you must have your time sheet signed by myself, the assistant technical director or a scene shop work-study student. All box office hours must have the box office manager’s signature. Students that wish to work in the costume shop must have a signature from the costume designer, the costume shop manageror a scene shop work-study student.

This form must be submitted to me by noon of the Monday of exam week.

Because this class does not meet regularly, most communication from me will be in the form of emails and notices posted on the theatre callboard. Be in the habit of checking the callboard daily. Since I use the University’s email roster, you are expected to check your RU email account regularly or forward your RU account to the account you check on a regular basis.

This form can be found at

If anyone ever has any questions regarding these policies, please contact me at anytime.

Name______Semester: Fall/Spring Year:______

(Circle One)

Production #1 / Proposed assignment / Appropriate Signature Upon
Completion of Assignment
Crew Assignment:
Box Office / Shop:
Production #2 / Proposed assignment / Appropriate Signature Upon
Completion of Assignment
Crew Assignment:
Box Office / Shop:
Production #3 / Proposed assignment / Appropriate Signature Upon
Completion of Assignment
Crew Assignment:
Box Office / Shop:
Production #4 / Proposed assignment / Appropriate Signature Upon
Completion of Assignment
Crew Assignment:
Box Office / Shop: