The YPO yearbook is one of our most important assets. It is our history, our “office”, our guidelines and rules, and defines our group as well as listing all of our members. It is important to keep the integrity of it always by including the history of the organization, our programs, our award winners, our past presidents, our by-laws, etc. Take care not to loose these important components of the yearbook!

GOALS AND PURPOSE: Accurate record of YPO’s history, award winners, current YPO membership, committees, and governing regulations.

CONTACTS / MENTORS: Julie Todaro, Lise-Marie Wertanzl

FINANCES / BUDGET: Listed in the budget (printed in the yearbook). This budget needs to include not only the costs of printing but the mailing of those that are not distributed by the November meeting.

COMPOSITION OF MEMBERS: Editor and proofreaders; distributors

SIZE OF COMMITTEE: 2-4: One editor-in-chief, a couple of proofreaders, and perhaps a couple of people to help with mailing/distribution

SPECIAL SKILLS: Computer skills (Microsoft Word)


  • April/May: Obtain the updated member information and committee choices (as gathered from the membership forms we give out each Spring) from the YPO incoming President. The technology chair keeps the member database so either she or the new President can send you all the updates and new committee lists.
  • June/July: Compile yearbook, including any membership and bylaws changes, with committee assignments and meetings information provided by President, FGO information from FGO, birthday updates, etc. Be sure to update the Award pages listing those who won the Gold Star, Educator of Note and Shooting star awards as well as listing the new immediate past president on the president’s page.
  • August: Yearbook goes to the printer so that it is ready for September meetings. It should be proof read by the President (and we high encourage you have at least 1 0r 2 others proof it) before it goes to the printer and printed by August 31st. (See 2nd page for printer info.)
  • September: Give out yearbooks at General Meeting. (You can start giving them out at the Sept. board meeting if you want.) Mail the rest to anyone who wasn’t at the meeting..
  • October & November: Continue to hand out books at Board and General meetings. After the November meeting, mail out the rest of the member’s their books. Everyone should have their book before the end of the calendar year.


  • The yearbook has traditionally been produced in Microsoft Word, half page size. Because of its large content and photos, it has been dived into 5 sections. (It’s best to keep it in these sections since every time it has been put together as one in MS W, it will crash.

Section A: The beginning pages including the president’s message, board list, budget, etc.

Section B: These pages need MINIMUAL updates and include the history, our programs, FGO info,etc. (please don’t change the history pages or take any of it out without talking to some active past presidents like Julie Todaro or Barbara Reese)

Section C: The FGO info, our meetings, committees (This will need to be updated with all the information you gather – you will work closely with the President on this information.

Section D: The membership contact info (work with the technology chair on this)

Section E: The by-laws (the By-Laws chair can give you updates on this)

* Divider Pages (they go between certain sections of the book – and are a weightier stock of paper – different color). They are not a necessity but we typically have them.

  • The President chooses a cover page and the “divider pages” color. It is her decision how she wants the cover and color scheme to be. The President is also responsible for providing all committee assignments, meeting dates, meeting times, and meeting locations. She should also give you (or have the database person give you) updated photos, membership information, committee lists.
  • Florida Grand Opera provides their staff information and opera dates. The President can gather this information or tell you who to contact at FGO for this info.
  • The yearbook editor compiles pages and makes sure that it is proofread, by the President and at least one other person.
  • Once you have completed the book, turn the documents into PDF files and send them to the printer.
  • Enough yearbooks will be printed so that ALL members will receive one. However, you should account for an additional 25 books: (10-12 books for the incoming provisional’s we’ll get in the Spring, approx. 3 books to FGO, one for the ISO director, and a few more for members who want to purchase them. A few members like to have a couple (ex: home and car) so we always sell a few ($5 a piece).
  • Yearbooks are available at the September general meeting. Be sure to print out a list of all the members to check off names on a list when they get their book. A signature is required for all yearbooks that are picked up.
  • Any yearbooks not picked up will be mailed before November 1st! IMPORTANT NOTE: Give out what you can at the Sept. meeting and then start sending out yearbooks in the mail to those who do not come to meetings anymore (ex. Past President’s should get them first). You can hand out more yearbooks at the Oct. meeting and even November but any left over after that meeting should be mailed. (Or, if you can’t be at the Nov. meeting, just send out the rest after the Oct. meeting. It’s best to get them out as soon as possible).
  • Members may purchase extra yearbooks at a price to be determined by the committee. (usually $5 per yearbook but the President can give direction to you if YPO should charge more – see how much they are per book).

Pages that must be in the yearbook:

  • President’s message
  • Budget
  • Board of Directors (& Executive Board)
  • YPO History
  • Roberta Rymer Balfe page
  • Louise P. Todaro page
  • Education programs

In-School Opera (including the list of shows we’ve performed)

Teacher’s Workshop

Girl Scout Workshop

Opera Funtimes

  • Junior Opera Guild
  • Educator of Note Award (and list of past winners)
  • Shooting Star Award (and list of past winners)
  • Gold Star Award (and list of past winners)
  • Past Presidents
  • Website Page
  • Calendar of Events
  • Member’s birthdays
  • List of all committees (who’s on what committee)
  • Listing of all board and general meetings
  • FGO – important numbers
  • Listing of all members (all statuses)
  • Articles of incorporation
  • By-Laws
  • Standing Rules

Also is typically listed or have been in the past but are not a necessity:

  • Member’s business list

Pages we use to have but don’t anymore include:

  • Press Contacts
  • donation form

(Note: any pages that can be torn our [e.g. a donation page] should not have anything on the back of it. )

Printer we’ve used for the last few years is:

Press Concepts

8774 SW 129th Street

Miami, FL 33176


Attn: Manny