The YMCA Of Hamilton/Burlington
The 42nd Golden Horseshoe Handball Tournament
September28th-30th, 2012
WHERE:Hamilton Downtown YMCA, 79 James Street South, Hamilton, ON L8P 2Z1 (905) 529-7102
PLAY:C.H.A./O.H.A. Tournament Rules, Matches 2 of 3.
Games to 21 points, tie breaker to 11 points
(Guaranteed two matches)
Play begins on Friday, Sept28th at 5:00 p.m. Call the above number for start times on
Thursday, September27th for your first playing time.
Players may enter one singles and one doubles event only.
OFFICIALNew 21 Ace for all adult divisions with the exceptions of (50+, 60+ and Novice) which may
BALL:usethe White Ace Ball if both players agree, otherwise the Ace 21 prevails. White Ace for Ladies Open .
ENTRY1st Event $90Cdn or $65. Cdnwith OHA or USHA membership
FEE(s):2nd Event:$20. Cdn.
*New* Junior age or college student
1st Event $60Cdnor $45 Cdnwith OHA or USHA membership
2nd Event $20Cdn
Entry includes unique souvenir, matches, hospitality, including a Saturday Night banquet.
Tickets for the Saturday Night Banquet are available for purchase for any guests you wish to invite.
ENTRYYour completed/signed entry form along with the appropriate fee must be received no later
DEADLINE:than Friday September 21/12. Cheques are to be made payable to:
Brian Goto (In Trust), 225 Juniper Dr, Burlington, ON L7L2T2
(Home) 905-637-8616
The committee reserves the right to seed, re-classify or re-assign players as entries for individual events require.
TOURNAMENT DIRECTORS: Brian Goto Telephone: (905) 637-8616 Email:
Adam Johnston Telephone: (289) 396-2917 Email:
42ndGolden Horseshoe Handball Tournament
September 28th-30th 2012
Official Entry Form - ENTRY DEADLINE: FRIDAY, September 21, 2012
Name: ______Age: _____ Birthdate: D___/M___/YR___
Address: ______, City: ______, Prov./State: ______
Postal/Zip Code: ______Phone: ( ) ______OHA/USHA Membership # ______
E-mail Address: ______
Doubles Category (complete only if applicable)
Partner's Name: ______Age: _____ Birthdate: D___/M___/YR___
Category: ______
LIABILITY WAIVER: In consideration of participation in this YMCA activity, I agree to waive and release the Hamilton/Burlington
YMCA, it's agents, officers, representatives, and participants from any and all claims, demands, costs, losses, and expenses which,
my heirs and my personal representatives may have arising out of my participation.
Registration Fee Enclosed, payable to: Brian Goto (In Trust), 225 Juniper Dr., Burlington, ON L7L2T2
In the amount of: $______Canadian Dollars -or- $ ______U.S. Funds
*Players may enter one singles and one doubles event only.*
Age categories calculated as of December 31, 2012
i.e. your age this year.
Singles: Open Singles
"B" Singles
"C" Singles
Ladies Open
Masters (40+) Singles
Golden Masters (50+)
Super Golden Singles (60+)
Junior Singles Age___ Years of playing experience___
Doubles: Open Doubles
"B" Doubles
”C" Doubles
Masters Doubles (40+)
Golden Masters Doubles (50+)
Super Golden Doubles (60+)
Diamond Doubles (70+)
Note:1. All losers must referee the next match.
- Proper wear of eye guards is mandatory and will be enforced.
- Players playing two events will be subject to tournament schedule, available court
time, and length of matches in determining rest period between matches.
The Hamilton Downtown YMCA has been a stronghold of Ontario handball since its beginnings. The facilities are among the finest in the area and have been continuously upgraded over the years. The Hamilton Downtown YMCA presently boasts four refurbished air conditioned courts, making play comfortable and enjoyable.
The Hamilton YMCA Handball Club is an active and enthusiastic organization that has sponsored and organized the Golden Horseshoe Handball Tournament for the past 41 years and once again, in its revival, and42nd year, the "Y" Handball Club invites participation from handballers of all ages. Join us Sept28th -30th, 2012. We are looking forward to hosting you.
As a participant of this event, included is a Saturday Night banquet. You are welcome to purchase tickets for this event for your guests at the registration desk on Friday, September 28th.
Parking is available behind or beside the YMCA on Jackson Street. ..