The WTD 2017 theme is “Grow”

Sunday, February 26, 2017, 2:00 pm to 5:30 pm

At Vineyard Elementary School, Templeton, CA

Cost $15.00 per Troop Registration Fee plus $2.00 per Patch

Check in and Set up: 1:00 pm to 1:50 pm

Opening Flag Ceremony: 2:00pm

Travel Rotation Time: 2:20 pm to 5:20 pm (Bathroom break 3:30 to 3:45pm)

Clean up for all troops: 5:20 pm to 6:00 pm

Troops sign up for a country to research and present. See below for more information on what to do and bring. 15 minute break time can be used as a free-visit and restroom break period.Please encourage your girls to use the restroom at this time so as not to disrupt the presentations during rotations. You can provide your girls with a limited number of swaps for the break time, but make sure the girls have enough swaps left for their second rotation of visiting countries. THIS IS UP TO THE TROOP LEADER TO MANAGE.

No Tagalongs allowed at the event. Please limit the adult attendance to the minimum required to run your station well. (Excess adults distract from the girls’ experience.) All attending adults must be registered Girl Scouts. Please instruct attending adults to speak in low voices so girls can be heard. Ask parents to drop off quickly and wait until end of event at 5:30 pm to pick up (Girls must be signed in and out with their troop leader)

Event Registration Form & Payment ($15.00) Return Deadline is February 3, 2017.

If your Troop Registration Form is not received by Feb. 3rd we cannot guarantee electricity, a location with outdoor access, OR that your troop will be included in the Event Rotations.

Please e-mail attendance totals to Venus at

Mail Troop Registration Form as instructed below.

Patch Order deadline is March 2nd (form will be provided in event packet day of event)

The Day of the Event You Will Need to:

●Bring your own card table (no bigger than 6 feet and only one per country) and your own chairs.

●Have girls make a display board (tri-fold type) with information about the country. (Include Girl Guide info.)

●Have your girls prepare a short presentation about the country they are representing.

●There will be seven 10-min. sessions per 1st & 2nd Travel Rotations. During this 10-min. Travel Rotation your troop will need to include a Country Presentation, a SWAP, a Food, and a Game/Song/Dance/Craft.

●Make swaps representing your country to trade with others. (Go over SWAP etiquette with girls before event)

●Make a food item from your country to share with other Troop travelers who will be rotating by your station

●Have a Game, Song, Dance OR small Craft representing your Country to share with others.

●Be sure to bring a plastic trash bag and/or trash can for trash. You will be responsible for your own clean up.

●Optional: Girls can dress up as Girl Guides or as native people from your selected country.

●For more information, please contact Venus at or Chandra at 805-550-1399(text ok)

May bring $1 per girl to the event to donate to the Juliette Low World Friendship Fund(optional)

Troop Registration Form------World Thinking Day 2017, Sunday. February 26, 2017

Troop #______Number of girls ______Level: ______Adults ______

Leader Name______Phone______E-mail______

Do you need an electric outlet? Yes______No______Would you like an outdoor space? Yes ______No_____

Please make $15.00 check payable to CDN and give to Venus Powell at the February SUM or mail so it is received by Feb 3rd to SU to: Venus Powell 1220 Bennett Way #10, Templeton CA 93465 or hand deliver to mail box on porch