
Workflow is the ability to electronically approve records, such as Absence Requests, Payroll Time Records, or other workflow-related entries, before committing them to the timesheet.

§  Workflow. The Workflow process directs you through an approval process by routing the appropriate records to you from your direct reports.

§  Time Entry. View Payroll Summary, Enter Time in Detail or Enter Time in Time Pairs windows display approval fields on the time records along with other editable fields.

Workflow Approvals

The Workflow Approval feature enables you to display and reconcile all workflow items that require your attention.

To approve or reject workflow items, perform the following steps in the Selection Area:

  1. Select the employee(s) in the Who list.
  2. Select Workflow Approvals in the What list.

Note: The From and To options are not used for this feature.

  1. Click the Go button. The workflow queues form will display in the Dashboard.
  1. Review the queues to see if any action is required. Click on the queue name to display the approval form.
  1. Click the Approve or Reject button to address this request (approve or reject this employee’s request to be out). If multiple requests were returned, you can approve or reject all of them by clicking on the Approve All or Reject All buttons.

Note: Use the Approver Reason field to add additional notes supporting your decision for approval/rejection.

  1. Click the Save button to save your entries. A message confirming your saved entries appears and your Workflow Message Inbox removes the Absence Request form.

Note: The associated employee will be notified through his/her message inbox of the status of the request.

Approval Summary

To view a list of approvals, such as approved, pending, or rejected employees in your group/team, perform the following steps in the Selection Area

  1. Select the employee(s) in the Who list.
  2. Chose Approval Summary in the What list.
  3. Enter or select the desired date or date range from the calendar in the From and To fields.
  4. Click the Go button. The Dashboard displays the Show Approval Request details. Select the items you wish to view.

The Show Approval Requests fields are described below.

§  Requestor(s): Displays the list of requestors based upon the selection in the Who field. You can change the selections by removing the highlighting from the names in the list.

§  Request Type(s): Displays a list of the available approval types. To select more than one type, hold the Ctrl key down and click on the desired type.

§  Request Status: Highlight the statuses you wish by clicking on the first, and while holding the Ctrl key down, click on the other desired statuses.

§  Request From: Displays the date range selected in the From and To options. To modify this information, click in the field, and enter the desired date in the format MM/DD/YYYY.

  1. Click on Show Request. A summary is displayed:
  1. For more information about a request, select the request and click on the Details button. The following screen will be displayed:
  1. Click on the Cancel Request button to cancel this request, or the Back button to return to the Approval Request Summary window.

Note: The associated employee will be notified of a cancelled request through his/her message inbox.