The World Shrinks, Early Modern Era 1450-1750: the Transformation of the West

The World Shrinks, Early Modern Era 1450-1750: the Transformation of the West

The World Shrinks, Early Modern Era 1450-1750: The Transformation of the West


Walker AP World History Ch 17 Reading Study Guide #1 P. 368-375

1. According to the Philippe Aries, how did European attitudes toward children change from pre-modern to modern times?

2. What did Aries study to reach his conclusions?

3. Why do you think there was such a shift in the attitudes toward children and childhood?

(Timeline P. 370) 4. When did the printing press com into use in Europe?

5. When did Martin Luther spark the Protestant Reformation?

6. What were the years of the “Religious Wars” in Europe?

7. When did the English defeat the Spanish Armada?

8. What were the years of the reign of Louis XIV? (The Sun King)

9. When was the “Glorious Revolution” in Britain?

10. How did the Renaissance challenge ideas and attitudes of the Middle Ages?

11. Who are the two principal artists of the 15th & early 16th Century Italian Renaissance?

12. What famous political theorist comes from this era?

13. What is humanism?

14. What breakthrough occurred in diplomatic circles?

15. How was the Northern Renaissance somewhat different from the Italian Renaissance?

Who does Stearns cite as three important authors from this tradition?

16. 17. 18.

19. Which French monarch is cited as a patron of the Renaissance?

20. What was the impact of the printing press? Who invented it?

21. What is a European-style family?

22. Who sparked the Protestant Reformation? How? Why?

23. How did this lead to new social upheaval among the peasant classes in Germany?

24. Who set up the Anglican Church in England? Why?

25. What were the principal teachings of John Calvin?

26. How did the Catholic Church counter these trends? Who were the Jesuits?

27. What was the Thirty Years War fought over? What was the outcome?

28. What issues were at stake in the English Civil War?

29. Why did the Age of Religious War in Europe lead to a grudging religious pluralism?

30. Which countries became more powerful in this era? Which one declined?

31. How did the increase of literacy (as in Durham, England) impact European society?