This worksheet allows students to use a primary source document to learn about start of the Holocaust in Poland through the diary of a Polish doctor.

This activity is very easy to use. All you have to do is print off the primary source from the following website for classroom use or direct students to the website to answer the worksheet questions:

The primary source document is labeled (The Nazi Occupation of Poland)

Students read the document and answer the questions on the worksheet. The worksheet includes 13 questions and has an answer sheet for the teacher. The worksheet can be used to generate classroom discussion or be used as homework. Feel free to modify this assignment as needed for your classes.


The History Wizard


Use complete sentences as you answer questions from the following website.

The Nazi Occupation of Poland

  1. What two countries invaded Poland in September of 1939?
  1. How was Poland divided up in 1939?
  1. Once Poland was freed from Nazi Germany in 1945, who took over Poland and ruled it?
  1. What did Dr. Zygmunt keep that would have meant a death sentence if it was found by the Nazis?
  1. In October, 1939 what were Jews being forced to do in the village of Szczebrzeszyn?
  1. What was happing to the mentally ill patients at Chelmo Hospital?
  1. On the morning of October 21, 1942 what did the Germans start doing to the Jewish population in Szczebrzeszyn?
  1. What started happing to the Jewish population in Szczebrzeszyn by the afternoon of October 21, 1942?
  1. What was the penalty for hiding Jews in Poland? What did you get if you showed the hiding place of Jews?
  1. Starting on October, 22 who helped the Nazis round up and kill Jews in Szczebrzeszyn?
  1. Why and how was the Bartozewski family executed?
  1. What did the people around Szczebrzeszyn start fearing in 1943?
  1. How did the German treatment of Jews change from 1939 to 1942?

Teacher Answer Sheet

Use complete sentences as you answer questions from the following website.

The Nazi Occupation of Poland

  1. What two countries invaded Poland in September of 1939?

Germany and the Soviet Union or Russia invaded Poland in 1939.

  1. How was Poland divided up in 1939?

Poland was divided between Nazi Germany in the West and the Soviet Union in the East.

  1. Once Poland was freed from Nazi Germany in 1945, who took over Poland and ruled it?

After World War II the Soviet Union took over Poland.

  1. What did Dr. Zygmunt keep that would have meant a death sentence if it was found by the Nazis?

Dr. Zygmunt kept a diary.

  1. In October, 1939 what were Jews being forced to do in the village of Szczebrzeszyn?

Jews were being forced to clean the streets and public bathrooms.

  1. What was happing to the mentally ill patients at Chelmo Hospital?

The mentally ill patients were being executed.

  1. On the morning of October 21, 1942 what did the Germans start doing to the Jewish population in Szczebrzeszyn?

The Germans started rounding up Jews in the city..

  1. What started happing to the Jewish population in Szczebrzeszyn by the afternoon of October 21, 1942?

Some of the Jews were executed and put in mass graves.

  1. What was the penalty for hiding Jews in Poland? What did you get if you showed the hiding place of Jews?

If you hide Jews in Poland you would receive the death penalty. If you showed the hiding places of Jews you would receive a special reward.

  1. Starting on October, 22 who helped the Nazis round up and kill Jews in Szczebrzeszyn?

Some of the local people helped round up and kill Jews in the city.

  1. Why and how was the Bartozewski family executed?

The Bartozewski’s son was able to escape from jail, so the whole family was publicly executed in revenge.

  1. What did the people around Szczebrzeszyn start fearing in 1943?

The people start fearing arrest and deportation to Germany.

  1. How did the German treatment of Jews change from 1939 to 1942?

Answers will vary, but it should explain how the Jews are more harshly treated and killed over time.