A Pysanka is a Ukrainian Easter Egg decorated using wax-resist method. People that celebrate Pysanka are Ukrainian and many other ethnic groups. Also the North American and South America celebrate it too. You may wonder why we celebrate this holiday well let me tell you. We celebrate Pysanka because the egg itself was changed to represent not nature’s rebirth but a rebirth of a man. Also in many accent cultures Ukrainian worshipped a sun god. The sun was important. It warmed Earth and the source of all life and also those beautiful egg many European ethnic groups decorated using wax- resist for Easter.

The world’s largest Pysanka was made in Vergreville Alberta in1974. Did you know that museum collection of pysanka was destroyed by war and soviet region? But the oldest real Pysanka was dug up in Baturyn in 2008 and dates to the end of 17 century.

Ukrainian Easter eggs are decorated using a wax resist method. The Pysanka is not painted on its written on with beeswax. In the large family by Holy Thursday 60 or more eggs would have been completed by the women of the house. Everyone from youngest to oldest received a pysanka. The youngest people were given pysanka with the bright colors and dark pysanka were given to older people.

On Sunday morning people would take the eggs to church on Easter Sunday to be blessed. After which they were blessed people gave them away to kids that morning for breakfast to eat. I remember when I received 2 with bright colors and gods pictures drawn on there and we also had bread with white frosting on top of that. There’s was a lot of ways pysanka was used and a lot of meanings to it, for especially what you draw for example, eggs are fragile. No accent example of pysanka had survived. However similar patterns happen in pottery, metal, Ukraine embroidery and other craft many of which had survived. One interesting pysanka is geometric which a figure like a triangle.

For Pysanka most people were excited about the eggs and a lot of what’s going on for Easter, like a parades and parties. The one thing that people just love is the parades. People had on red and white and were waiting for the parade to begin. When the parade begins people were walking and dancing a Ukrainian dance.

There’s this huge Easter eggs and there were people onside it. I would probably say eggs and parades is the best part. I really love and enjoy this holiday because everybody comes together and spends time with our family and friends.