Jon Hinchliffe, 19 Mountbatten Road, Braintree, CM7 9EY

01376 346198 / 07811 326226 e-mail

11 October 2018

December Update

Dear Cubs/Beavers/Parents,

Christmas Celebration

On Sunday 11 December 2005 Braintree District will be holding its annual Christmas Celebration. Cubs and Beavers from all over the district will be going to Tabor High School between 16.00 – 17.30 and singing carols and watching sketches performed by some of the districts Scouts. The event has always been very popular and despite the short notice we are giving you we have decided to make the event available to the group if people have the time to spare.

If you wish to attend can you please fill out the permission slip below and bring it to TaborHigh School on 11th December 2005.

Cubs tonight will have been making some Sheeps and Cows and Beavers some Stars and Latterns. If you do wish to attend you might like to bring these along as they will be used during the celebration.


I have also received an invite to another popular Cub and Beaver district activity. If you would like to attend this please return the permission slip and cheque by 16th December.




Dear Parents / Carers

Beavers and Cubs in the Braintree District are invited to watch this specially written pantomime at the Institute in Braintree on this date for the 11.00 a.m. performance. Leaders will be able to tell you when to meet.

All Beavers and Cubs should be in uniform and will be accompanied by leaders and helpers. The pantomime should finish by about 1.00 p.m. We are asking adults to sit at the ends of rows or at the back so that the youngsters can see the performance easily.

The cost will be £5 per person and this will include the cost of refreshments on the day. Other refreshments will also be on sale. Cheques should be made payable to “1st RAYNE SCOUT GROUP”.

Pantaloons, the drama company responsible for the Pantomime, make a big contribution to local charities every year.

This has always been a highlight of the year in local scouting and we hope you will want to come. As seats were heavily in demand last year. To be sure of places you are strongly recommended to return the slip below to your group leader as soon as possible if you are interested .


Child’s Name …………………………….. Beaver/Cub Group …………………

I give permission for my child to visit the Pantomime ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’ at the Institute in Braintree on Saturday January 21st 2006.

I require ……………. places (£5 per place) and enclose ……………. as payment.

My contact telephone number for this day will be ………………………………

Signature of Parent / Carer ……………………………………

Permission slip for the Christmas Celebration:

I give permission for my son/daughter______to attend the Christmas Celebration on 11 December 2005. I understand that the activity leader reserves the right to send any participant home if necessary.

In the event of an emergency I may be contacted on ______, my address is ______

I also give permission for the Scouter in charge of the event to seek emergency medical treatment if needed.

Signed ______parent/guardian. Date______