Homily suggestion for 31st Sunday of Ordinary time.

“The word of God is now at work in you who believe.”

This saying is from today’s second reading.This is what St. Paul tells the new community of Christians in Thessalonica. The word of God was truly at work in them even though they were under persecution. They had faith and believed in God and in his promises. Theyserved and cared for one another in thecommunity and sharedeverything that they had amongst them for the common good.

The first reading and the Gospel today are warnings not only to priests and Pharisees during those times in the past but to all of us who are baptized today. These readings challenge us to really look into our hearts and see if we truly believe and keep the ways of the Lord as the first Christians did in the city of Thessalonica.

However, we may not be quite ready to encounter God in his Word and allow Him to work in us like the Thessalonians did;

  • Perhaps our heart is not yet open to the Word of God,or
  • Wemay feel that we don’t have enough faith or, we just don’t want to commit to the high demands that the Word of God may ask of us, or
  • We may simply be afraid or may think that wea have long ways to go. At times, you may want to give up trying to believe and to let the Word of God work in your life.

Well, you are not alone because to be a Christian is hard. It has never been easy. Just take a look at a Crucifix or at the Christians that are being persecuted today in the Middle-East, and see what it takes to be an authentic Christian. We must carry our Cross if we want to be disciples of Christ.

  • Perhaps today you want to believe and you want the Word of God to work in you, but you may not know where to begin.

I would like to offer one way through which we can begin to open our heart to the Word of God and put into practice our faith.

We can begin with an attitude of gratitude, or thanksgiving. The practice of gratitude will help us to see all the good that is in our lives and how it all comes from God.

An attitude of gratitude will also help us to see the best in others.

Gratitude moves our hearts to love and honor God for all that He has done and has freely given us,and it will also move the heart of Godbringing an intimate encounter between your heart and the heart of God.

  1. We can begin by first reflecting about all the people and things that we are grateful to God for, and then thanking him for all of that.
  2. In thanking God, you will be making a very eloquent form of prayeras giving thanks to God is the highest form of prayer.

In fact, the celebration of Mass is the highest prayer of thanksgiving. The word “Eucharist” itself means “Thanksgiving.” At every Mass, we give thanks to God through Christ for everything, and the Mass is the most perfect prayer on earth and in heaven.

So how else can we practice gratitude? We can practice gratitude by giving back and being generous.

In our everyday lives, we can show our attitude of gratitude to God by giving and sharing our time, our talents, and treasures with God through our family, friends, and our communities.

And speaking about an attitude of gratitude, I want to thank you for all that you do for this parish. Thank you for all your time, your generosity with your talent and treasure, and all your sacrifices that you make to maintain this, your home parish. Thank you also for your consistent generous response to all the diocesan collections. Thank you very much!

And speaking of diocesan collections, today is our Annual Catholic Appeal “Pledge Weekend.” Please, prayerfully and with an attitude of gratitude, take this opportunity to generously thank God for all that He has given you in your life.

In your pew, you will find the Annual Catholic Appeal envelopes.

However, before we open the envelopes. I first want to share the ACA Promotional Video. You will see how the generous donations you are giving serve others in Central Washington.

If you have not donated to the ACA, I invite you today to make your generous commitment.

After the short video.

I will personally walk you through completing our pledge card for this year.

Start Video

End Video

Now, please open the envelope: You will find three items in the envelope.

  1. Pledge Card in English
  2. Pledge Card in Spanish
  3. ACA Information Sheet
  4. The sheet describes how the funds are used.

Let us walk through the pledge commitment card and complete it together.

First:If this is your first time donating to the ACA, please look at the “income chart” in the inside flap of the envelope.

We are working towards a stewardship commitment of:

1% to the ACA,

5% to your parish,

and 4% to other charities.

For 10% of overall giving.

Some of us can do less than 10% and others can do more than 10%. These percentages are a suggested guide and something to work towards.

If your yearly salary is $35,000, and you give 1% to the ACA, how much would you be donating?$350.If your commitment is $350, you have the option to pay it over 10 months starting in January, $35 each month, or to make a one-time payment.

Now let us pull out the pledge commitment form. Please make sure you print clearly.

Please indicate if you prefer to receive your reminder statements via Mail or Email.

It is important that you complete the pledge commitment card today. In a few moments, I will ask you to bring them to the front and offer a blessing for each of your commitments.

Let us go back to the pledge commitment card. Please indicate on the pledge card the amount you will include today. Please remember if you are not including an amount today, it is okay simplymark the “AMOUNT ENCLOSED”box with a zero “0.”

If you are using your credit card, debit card, and or electronic fund transfer, please complete the backside of the pledge commitment card. Again, please remember to print clearly and complete all the information.

It is important for you to provide an active phone number on the front side of the pledge card in case we have any questions.

I have almost completed my pledge commitment card. How are you coming along?

I will give a couple more minutes to complete your pledge card.

  • Ultimately, we can show God our gratitude by opening wide the gates of our hearts to allow the Word of God to enter and work in our lives so we can joyfully practice our faith like the Thessalonians. This is what God really wants from us, that we believe so that His Word can work in us and transform our lives.

“The word of God, is now at work in you who believe.” Begin with an attitude of gratitude and generously give what you have freely received from God.

Please come up to the altar and place your pledge commitment in the basket.