P.S. 18Q

The Winchester School

86-35 235 Court

Queens Village, NY 11427

TEL #718-464-4167



Laurie Ann Careddu Leigh DiScala

Principal Assistant Principal

School Leadership Team (SLT) Meeting Minutes

February 23, 2016

4:30-6:30 pm


L. Careddu, principal L.DiScala, assistant principal

J. Gavros(PTA co-president), S. Peritz, ,M. Singh, N. Trombino M. Zambrano parents

M. Amft(UFT chapter leader) K. Cicio and A. Scala, teachers


-Motion to accept the January minutes

-Minutes accepted

PTA report

- Stop, drop and go program run by only John

- letters went out for volunteers

- Leigh suggested a flyer

- traffic concerns, councilman says lights can't be changed

- the light on Hillside Ave. doesn't allow a lot of time for cars to turn from school

- explore different options

Parent involvement

- Sending minutes of PTA does count as parent involvement

International night

- sending out a flyer

- May 20th at 6:30

UFT news

- breakfast in the classroom rolling out citywide

- in pilot schools is a disaster

- lots of questions like who is supervising, cleaning up

- across the district, SLTs should only be discussing CEP, budget, bylaws

Principal/AP report

- Ms. Naqvi- started in January

- Budget is in the red

- no money for per session, per diem, have to borrow money

- still getting enrollment- 2 more students enrolled today

- most capped school in district 26

- most likely won't have a kindergarten gifted and talented

- most likely won't be an issue to get back G& T

- population is growing

- could have 8 kindergarten classes with all the students that are zoned for PS 18

- put efforts and funds into the community

- Ms. Kaur- returned as a paraprofessional in room 104

- Ms. Guadagno is resigning

- don't anticipate any excessing

- can't buy land next to school as it is in limbo

- John and Laurie going to write a letter


Reso grant is just for floor and padding on walls in gymnasium

-Playground renovations starting in April

Lunar New Year

- Korean fan dancing, drummers

- Chinese singers

- food donated

- a huge success and will be annual event

Basketball team

- practice twice a week

- home game on Thursday


- councilman Grodenchik will speak

Career day

- 17 parents are coming

- every class 4-6 visits

- variety of people coming like internists, architect, accountants, psychiatrist, college advisor, customs agent

CEP mid point review

- 1st annual goal- Laurie waiting for end of February for data but think we will meet this goal

-2nd annual goal- already surpassed goal, SOM assemblies, respect for all week,

New assembly program celebrating black history month, Ronald McDonald house, second grade collecting for animal shelter, fifth grade two food drives

- Suzanne is giving life skills training for fifth grade

- 3rd goal- will be meeting this goal

- 4th goal- every grade has had several workshops and teachers have done additional workshops during morning, afternoons

- 5th goal- have surpassed this goal with all events such as Diwali, Lunar New Year, talent show concerts, Masquerade Ball,

Next meetings

- 3- 16 at 8:30 am

- 4-13 at 4:30

- 5-17 at 4:30

-6-13 at 4:30