The Wholesale and Retail SETA (W&RSETA)Invites nominations for the


The Wholesale and Retail SETA (W&RSETA) hereby invites all Wholesale and Retail companies to express interest to participate in the Management Development Programme (MDP). Registered levy paying and non-levy paying companies in the Wholesale and Retail Sector may nominate candidates to participate in this programme.


The Retail MDP aims to equip current middle managers with the requisite skills to become effective managers in pursuing the organizational goals of excellence in their respective companiesthat are in the Wholesale and Retail Sector. The Retail MDP also seeks to create a pathway for development and career growth for participating candidates. This programmes attempts to address the skills gaps identified in the recently conducted Sector Skills Plan (SSP). According to the SSP, many managers in the Sector largely join their companies with a low qualificationsbase and get on the job training within their companies. This has resulted in the dearth of critical skills required to address some of the challenges facing the Sector. The Retail MDP will be a welcome enabler to professionalize retail management and make it a more attractive proposition. Retail MDP graduates will also be able to further their learning by enrolling for the International Leadership Development Programme (ILDP). The central objective is to enhance the availability of skilled middle management in the Sector.

The Certificate Course

The certificate course will have a specific focus on the development of middle managers, the development functional management as well as transformational leadership skills. The programme is a one year part-time curriculum with a combination of theory and on the job practical training which will be implemented in partnership with Further Education Training (FET) Institutions and Higher Education and Training (HET) Institutions. Candidates will be required to attend part time theoreticalclasses at an institution contracted by W&RSETA.

The curriculum will cover the following modules:

  • Module 1: Retailing in the global and South African context
  • Module 2: Operations and Supply Chain Management (Retail business)
  • Module 3: Marketing
  • Module 4: Retail Technology & Information Management (Retail)
  • Module 5: Human Resource Management
  • Module 6: Strategy Development and Implementation
  • Module 7: Financial Management and Accounting
  • Module 8: Retail Leadership, including transformation
  • Business Driven Action Learning - on either one of the fields of study covered
  • Study tour – local retail businesses


  • Companies may select candidates for interviews as per the selection guidelines on the W&RSETA website.
  • Selected candidates must meet the requirements as specified in the selection criteria in the W&RSETA website.
  • The nomination form and selection criteria can be downloaded on the W&RSETA website.

This project will be piloted in the following provinces: Gauteng, Western CapeandKwa-Zulu Natal

Special Submission Requirements:

-Completion of nomination form (per candidate)available on the W&RSETA website

-Professional profiles of the selected candidates attached.

-Certified certificate of highest educational level.

-Proof of employment as a manager or supervisor.

Contact person:

All enquiries regarding this project should be directed Ms. Tsakani Mabasa: 012676 9066 .

Closing date: 17 June 2011