Chapter 11 Notes

The Wheat Belt: Wheat can withstand the dry conditions

Sod Busters: Bust up the dry dirt

Dry Farming: Digging seeds deep into the ground to keep the seeds moist

Mechanical Reaper: Cut the crops down

Thrasher: Shake it to get grain out

The Dakota (Sioux)

Leaders: chief little crow.

Lead up: In Minnesota they asked to move to the Dakota on a reservation and if they do they

will be given money to do so. Then the money gets tied up and the sioux never gets paid.

Leads to: The uprising but is stopped by the government. Quickly held trial on the Sioux where

307 were being tried under death penalty. 35 are put to death.

Red Cloud War

Leaders: Red Cloud, Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse

Lead up: Army has set up forts along the bonanza trail blocking the route to hunting grounds

Conflict: The Lakota set up camps along the trail and set up an ambush. They tell Fettermen

there is small raiding parties and then his troops are destroyed.

Sand Creek

Leaders: Chief Black Kettle, Governor John Evans and Colonel Chivingston

Lead up: Native Americans were raiding, robbing, and burning english settlers moving into the

area. Government tells Native Americans to surrender at fort Lyon. Black Kettle then takes his

people to the fort, not to surrender but to negotiate a peace offer. They told Black Kettle to build

camp at Sand Creek and wait for peace negotiation. Chivingston then attacks the indians at

Sand Creek. The result is that 14 U.S. soldiers were killed and 69-600 Native Americans were


Doomed Land for Peace

Indian Peace commission create the Bureau of Indian Affairs. The main idea is to create two

large reservations to put the native americans on. Doomed because Chiefs and Native

Americans were forced to sign agreements. Due to harsh conditions of reservations Native

Americans begin to leave to pursue the buffalo however the buffalo were wiped out by the

English settlers.

Battle of Little Big Horn

Leaders: Colonel Custer and Sitting Bull

Lead up: Miners were moving into reservations to mine for gold but Native Americans begin

leaving the reservations. Custer is supposed to find where the Indians are and what they are

doing. Custer leads an attack on the Indians with 210 soldiers but Custer comes across

thousands of Native American Warriors. All 210 of Custer’s soldiers were killed in the attack and

just as the army is about to attack, the Indians flee. Sitting Bull escapes to Canada.

Wounded Knee

Lead up: Native Americans are performing the ghost dance as a prayer to remove the white

settlers and to bring back the buffalo. Government goes to arrest Sitting Bull, but the Indians try

to stop the arrest and then they fled the reservation. As a result 25 soldiers were killed and 200

men, women and children were killed on the Native Americans side.