2 Grasslawn Avenue • Hilton Head Island, SC29928
TYPE and email to k here if you require any special assistance to fully participate.
Delegate Name(name to appear on badge)
Spouse Name (if attending)
Child(rens) ages (if attending)
City State Zip
Office Phone Cell Email
Delegate Welcome Reception – 6:00 pm #
THURSDAY, April 30
Breakfast/Morning Session – 7:00 am #
Breakfast –7:00 am # Golf – 12 noon # Handicap
Dinner Banquet – 7:00 pm # Foursome Preferences (not guaranteed)
1. 3.
Kids’ Pizza Party – 6:00pm # 2. 4.
Family Breakfast -8:30 am #
Family Photo Raffle & Door Prizes – Must be present to win!
Registration $725.00 Non-members $875.00Golf - $170.00 per person
Check enclosed, payable to Frozen Food Council of NC
Visa MasterCard American Express Discover / Name as it appears on card
Account # Exp. Date
ArrivalDate / DepartureDate / # of Roomsneeded / SingleOccupancy / DoubleOccupancy / King SizeBed / 2 DoubleBeds
Preferences will be noted on reservation, but are not guaranteed. All preferences are subject to availability upon check-in.
CREDIT CARD TO GUARANTEE HOTEL RESERVATION / Name as it appears on cardVisa American Express / Account # Exp. Date
Mastercard Discover / Signature
Starwood Points #
Rates:The SEFRC 2015 Conference rate is $225 single or double. All room rates are quoted exclusive of applicable state and local taxes, currently 10% (includes Beach Preservation Fee). An additional Resort Services Charge of $20 per room per night will apply plus applicable state and local taxes, which are currently 8% and a $2 Tourism fee per room per night. No gratuities included. Please check the type of room accommodations that you desire below. No refunds after April 3, 2015.
Conference Policies
- Contact Information: Joe D’Alberto - Phone: (704) 227-7447 Fax: (910) 439-3089 Email:
- Members are defined as active participants on NC, SC, North FL, or Central FL Frozen and Refrigerated Food Councils.
- Make checks payable to Frozen Food Council of North Carolina. Mail registration and payment to: SEAFRC 2015; PO Box 38036, Charlotte, NC 28278 or fax Registrations available with credit card use only.
- Total payment must accompany the completed registration form in order to process registration, badge and housing requirements. Deadline for advance registration is Sunday, April 3, 2015.
- Only registered delegates and their guests may attend Conference activities and business meetings.
- A guest is a spouse/significant other, friend or an adult child (18 and over) who is not in an industry-related occupation. Registered guests may participate in all official social events, meal functions and general sessions.
- A co-worker or an associate within the industry may not use the guest registration policy but must register as a delegate.
- Conference cancellation and registration transfers must be made through the SEAFRC no later than April 3, 2015. No charge for transfers. No refunds will be made after April 3, 2015.
- The Headquarters Hotel will not accept direct room requests.
- The Westin requires a credit card or check to guarantee reservations, as well as an arrival and departure date.
- If guaranteeing room by check, checks should be made payable to The Westin Hilton Head Resort & Spa in the amount of $271.10, representing one night’s room rate and tax, to be applied to the first night of your reservation request. Please attach your check and mail to: SEFRC 2015; PO Box 38036; Charlotte, NC 28278 as soon as possible.
- The credit card will be charged for the entire stay of the reservation as of April 24, 2015, and the charge is non-refundable.
- The conference rate quoted is a preferred rate that has been negotiated for your group only. (April 28, 2015 – May 5, 2015) Based on this special rate, specific room locations cannot be guaranteed. Rooms will be assigned at check-in subject to availability. Specific room requests will be granted based on availability and/or at published rack rates.
- All room rates are quoted exclusive of applicable state and local taxes, currently 10% (includes Beach Preservation Fee). Additional fees include the Resort Services Charge of $20 per room per night plus applicable state and local taxes, which are currently 8% and a $2 Tourism fee per room per night.
- Current Resort Services Charge and taxes are subject to change without notice. Resort Service Charge includes: Unsecured wireless internet in the guest rooms, shuttle to Port Royal Golf, Tennis and Shelter Cove Mall & Marina; 24 hour access and use of Westin WorkoutTM; Overnight Self-Parking; Wireless internet access in lobby; Access and use of Westin Business Center; Local and toll free call access.
- Individuals are responsible for their own room, tax, and incidental charges upon departure.
- Valet Parking available at $17 per night.
- CHECK-IN TIME 4:00 PM; CHECK-OUT TIME 12:00 noon