Minutes of the Council meeting held at Bronaeron, Felinfach,

Lampeter, SA48 7NP at 9.00a.m. on Monday 9th December 2013

Present:D M Waters (Chair of Council), A C Booth, M T Daley, A S Everitt, Mrs A J Kember,
D D Morgan, E G Prosser (President), Mrs C E Reed, Mrs E A Russell,
K Walker (Vice Chair of Council), A J G Williams

Apologies:Mrs J S Redvers (President Elect)

In Attendance:Ms A L Prytherch (Principal Officer),Mrs B Jones (Assistant Principal Officer)

Minute Taker:Ms J Willis

Welcome & Apologies

The Chair welcomed all to the meeting. The Vice-Chair wished to record the recent passing of Mr Horace Nichols of the Nerquis stud.

Declarations and Items for Any Other Business

  • Exhibitors dress at RWAS Winter Fair – EP
  • Correspondence received from Ms T Irving & Ms S. Mindt – EP
  • Honorary Life Member nomination - EP
  • Society’s Facebook page – GW
  • xxxx – GW
  • Member Query – ER
  • Receipt of meeting papers – AB
  • xxxx– MD
  • Premium Judges - BJ
  • Correspondence received from Mrs D Leyson & Lady Vestey – MW
  • Mrs Mountain statue – EP
  • WPBR Horse Group awards - EP

Action Points
9000 / Minutes of the Meeting held on 12th November 2013 and Matters Arising
It was proposed by Mr Walker, seconded by Mrs Reed that the minutes be accepted as a true record of the meeting, subject to the following corrections. All in favour.
p.38970, 4th line - “form” should read “from”
p.5 8973 – change “that if” to “that as”
p.5 8973 – remove Thomas, V. (FYDLYN)(deceased)
p.9 8975, 6th line – check date of next meeting, should be 27th March not 17th? / Office to verify date
Matters Arising
p.2 8970 Matters Arising p.5 8962 SEW Budget Horse & Hound – Mrs Reed hadreceived a lot of positive comments regarding the advert place in the Horse and Hound. Ms Prytherch confirmed that she had been contacted by a few people who were disappointed that the full results were not published; space was restricted and only the top two were included in the advert. Full results will appear in the 2014 Journal.
p.2 8970 Matters Arising, 3rd para, 8963 Clipping – Mr Daley was surprised at the number of clipped animals at the Winter Fair; 3 Section As and 2 Section Bs. Mrs Reed noted that this was much better than last year. Mr Williams praised Mr Rob Jones’ television interview in which he noted welfare reasons for not clipping.
p.4 8472 Principal Officer’s Update, iii) 2014 Journal Advert – Ms Prytherch noted that xxx had now withdrawn xxx advert from the Journal.
p.4 8472 Principal Officer’s Update, iv) Open Forums, 2nd para –
Ms Prytherch reported that the proposed Educational tour to Scotland had been cancelled; Mrs Russell suggested that an Educational Visit should be arranged in Scotland to coincide with the Open Forum in Aberdeen.
p.4 8472 Principal Officer’s Update, v) Performance Awards 01/12/13
Ms Prytherch confirmed that Council had in previous years provided funding for the competition and had recently passed that following the committee’s application they were to receive a further £1,000 in funding for 2014.
p.9 8978 AOB, 2) Mrs G R Thomson–It was proposed by Mrs Russell, seconded by Mr Williams that all five non-elected “trustees” that had to step down, should receive the information not just Mrs Thomson. All in favour. / PO to action
Ms Prytherch reported that she had received an email this morning from Mrs K J Davies, Pica Stud, noting her intention to withdraw her consent to stand as a trustee, due to work commitments. Council accepted the letter.
A copy of Ms Prytherch’s letter to Mrs Thomson dated 21st November plus copies of Mrs Thomson correspondence were attached to the minutes. Further copies of Mrs Thomson email to the office on the 26th November were circulated.
Mrs Russell asked that this matter be deferred to AOB as she had received a letter as Chair of Finance and HR. Ms Prytherch noted that it was an agenda item at 3 i). No action was proposed.
9001 / Chair / Vice Chair of Council update
9002 / Principal Officer’s Update
It was noted that an advert had been placed in the Horse and Hound issue dated 28th November, celebrating Welsh successes at HOYS, at a reduced cost of £1,350 plus VAT.
The Principal Officer reported that a successful Educational Visit had been conducted to Aberystwyth University on 20th November, when the President had delivered the talk for the practical demonstration session.
Representatives from the Society had attended the WCVA conference in Llandudno on the 28th November 2013. Useful information was gleaned on obtaining an energy audit for Bronaeron and on the new European Structural Funds available as from 2014. Trustees were supplied with copies of the manual “Faith and Hope don’t run Charities (Trustees do)” that had been provided at the conference.
The Open Day held at Bronaeron on 30th November 2013 had been successful, with 36 people attending over the day. A presentation was made to Wales Air Ambulance by Past President Mr Eric Davies at 2pm for £5,738.69, this being primarily the funds raised during the President’s Dinner Dance at the 2013 AGM, plus around £670 from the staff’s Centenary fund raising.
The Principal Officer confirmed that an application for funding towards DNA typing costs and the Hill Pony Premium scheme had been secured for 2014-2015 from Brecon Beacons National Park Authority and Gower Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (circa. £8k). Mrs Kember congratulated Ms Prytherch for sourcing the funding.
It was proposed by Mr Williams and seconded by Mr Waters that the Society would match fund £1,000 per annum to the project (2014 + 2015). All in favour.
A meeting between the appointed Working Group (Complaints and Disciplinaries) and Geldards was confirmed for the morning of the 10th December to go through the revised Complaints/Disciplinary Policy and Procedure. The cost of the Geldards attending the office for a two hour meeting would be £1,267.50. Alternatively, the Principal officer and trustees could travel to Cardiff and meet with the solicitor for a cost of £390 for two hours plus travel costs or a telephone conference could be done at the office for £390.
It was proposed by Mr Williams and seconded by Mr Waters thatGeldards would be asked to attend the office for the cost of £1,267.50. All in favour.
A further draft of the revised Policy will be presented to Council at its February meeting. All trustees were invited to attend the Working Group if they were able.
The Principal Officer confirmed the office’s opening hours over the Christmas and New Year period, as follows:
  • Friday 20th December – office to close at 1pm (staff Christmas party)
  • Monday 23rd December – office open 9am to 5pm
  • Tuesday 24th December – office to close at 2pm
  • Wednesday 25th December – office closed
  • Thursday 26th December – office closed
  • Friday 27th December – office open 9am to 5pm
  • Monday 30th December – office open 9am to 5pm
  • Tuesday 31st December – office open 9am to 5pm
  • Wednesday 1st January – office closed
  • Tuesday 2nd January – normal opening hours resume
Notices will be placed on the website and Facebook page to inform members.
The Principal Officer referred to a recent Audit that the National Audit Office had conducted on the Charity Commission and supplied trustees with information on this, along with a copy of the Charity Commission’s response. / Office to action
PO to action
February Council
i) Welfare Issue
9003 / Chair of Finance Report
The accountsfor November were not yet available and the October accounts had previously been presented to Council, with nothing further to add.
9004 / Reports from the Standing Committees
a) Judging & Showing Assessors Training Day – 16th November 2013
Council was presented with a summary report and evaluation of the Assessors’ Training Day held in Builth Wells on 16th November 2013.
Mr Morgan presented the report, as attached to the minutes, and confirmed that it had been a very successful day.
Mr Prosser noted that the morning session had been excellent, but concerns had been raised during the afternoon session. Mr Prosser regretted not being more vocal and should have reminded assessors that they were on the WPCS Panel not NPS. The President believed that the current Judges application system was not a million miles away from being right.
It was confirmed that the following people would be removed from the Assessors list due to not attending the Assessors Training day nor providing reasons for not doing so:
  • D. Blair
  • R J Davies
  • A S Everitt
  • F M Goggin
  • J P Green
  • S D Howard
  • A Lewis
  • Mrs C M Nelson
  • D Puttock
  • Mrs K Sheil
  • C E R Tamplin
After a discussion regarding the current Judges application system, it was proposed by Mr Daley and seconded by Mr Williams that the proposed Working Group is not required at the present time as Council are of the opinion that the current Judges assessment process works well. For: 9, Against: 0, Abstention: 1 – Mrs Kember – Reason: Not sure. / NT to action
b) Services, Education & Welfare Meeting – 26th November 2013
On the proposal of Mr G Williams, seconded by Mrs E Russell, with all in favour, Council ratified the following proposals from the Minutes of the Services, Education & Welfare meeting held on the 26th November 2013:
p.1 8985 Anglo Welsh - it was proposed by Mrs Reed, seconded by Mr Booth that further arrangements for the launch would be made for the launch in January 2014 and that the Ffermio be contacted regarding coverage of the event with a press release to be circulated.
p.2 8986 Journal 2014 i) Member Obituaries–it was proposed by Mrs Reed, seconded by Mr Everitt that all 10 are placed in the 2014 Journal, along with the correction for the incorrect entry in 2013, noting that “The Society has been informed that the obituary for Mrs S. Meecham-Jones in the 2013 Edition of the Journal was incorrect, and the Society is pleased to have the opportunity to correct it here.”
  • Mrs Evans
  • C George
  • Mrs R E Burton
  • R Owen
  • K Watkins
  • Mrs E Hughes
  • D Stokes
  • V Thomas, Trisant
  • E J Evans
  • Mrs S. Meecham-Jones
It was further agreed that in addition to the above an obituary for Past President Mrs G Dale would be included in the Journal.
p.2 8987 Young Ambassador Elect - it was proposed by Mr Everitt, seconded by Mr Booth that the office should write to xxxx to offer xxx the post of Young Ambassador Elect. All in favour.
It was further proposed by Mr Booth, seconded by Mr Everitt, that the newly appointed Young Ambassador Elect and Young Achiever be invited to attend the next SEW meeting on Wednesday 22nd January 2014, in order to discuss the issues pertaining to their position. / Office to action
Office to action
Office to action
Office to action
p.3 8988 Young Achiever – it was proposed by Mr Everitt, seconded by Mr Booth, that xxxx be offered the post of Young Achiever 2014. / Office to action
p.3 8989 Educational Bursary Applicationsii) xxxx– it was proposed by Mr Booth and seconded by Mr Everitt that a bursary cheque for £1,500 be presented at the 2014 AGM in Cardiff to assist xxx with xxx course.
It was noted that the other applicant for the Educational Bursary was not a member and did not take up the opportunity to join the Society via the application form. A discussion took place regarding whether application forms should state that applicants should be a member of the Society and a membership form be included with the application pack.
It was further suggested by Mr Waters that there should be a clause stating that they should have been a member for five years. Mr Daley noted that he would support that. Ms Prytherch was of the opinion that non-member applicants should be awarded a bursary subject to becoming a member within, for example, 7 days, as applies in the award of medals. It was agreed that this would be placed on the agenda for the next SEW meeting
p.3 8989 Educational Bursary Application - It was proposed by Mrs Reed, seconded by Mr Booth that the remaining bursary funds in the amount of £3,500 should be carried forward to next year. All in favour.
The following proposal was made by Council in response to a suggestion from SEW on the award of the Society’s Welfare trophy for 2014. / Office to action
Next SEW agenda
Office to action
p.4 AOB i) Kentchurch Trophy for Welfare-it was proposed by Mr Williams, seconded by Mrs Russell that Council accepts the Services, Education & Welfare Committee’s decision to approach xxxx, to see whether xxx would accept the Kentchurch Trophy for Welfare which will be awarded at the 2014 AGM. All in favour. / Office to action
9005 / Reports from the Working Groups
a) Sales Meeting – 26th November 2013
Council accepted the report of the Sales meeting held on the 26th November 2013 with the following points noted:
p.1 8979 - It was proposed by Mr Everitt, seconded by Mr Court that the statement issued this year as a reminder to submit registration forms should be published regularly before any Sale. All in favour.
Mr Everitt presented the report as acting Chair and noted that Brightwells was experiencing difficulties in the economic downturn. There was a suggestion that the Cob sales may go down to two days and Mr Court had suggested that the upset price could increase in order to keep the standard of animals high.
Mr Booth had asked Miss C Bigley about typos in the catalogue and it was suggested that this was down to the WPCS Office. Mrs Jones confirmed that the office does not see any drafts for proof reading, the office only check the registration information, transfer etc.
Mr Court had also volunteered to attend a couple of Open Forums local to him.
Attached to the minutes were figures relating to income derived by the Society from official Sales since 2006:
2006 / 2007 / 2008 / 2009 / 2010 / 2011 / 2012 / 2013
May Sales / 1,943.16 / 2,181.16 / 3,644.38 / 2,721.74 / 2,916.75 / 3,115.64 / 2,078.65 / 2,027.47
Fayre Oaks / 5,607.09 / 6,833.96 / 6,825.12 / 5,725.65 / 5,494.28 / 6,279.19 / 5,267.40 / 5,490.16
Cob Sales / 7,272.48 / 8,601.04 / 8,857.91 / 9,581.91 / 7,605.48 / 9,366.70 / 8,228.08 / 8,770.01
TOTALS / £14,822.73 / £17,616.16 / £19,327.41 / £18,029.30 / £16,016.51 / £18,761.53 / £15,574.13 / £16,287.64
/ Office to action
b) International Workshop Report – Sunday 1st December 2013
A report of the International Workshop held in Bronaeron on 1st December 2013 was presented to Council. Delegates had been provided with information on the Anglo-Welsh register and delivered presentations on the history of their associations. Discussions were had on different showing and registration procedures in place in different countries. Feedback from Council to the July meeting was also relayed, with delegates updated on matters of international relevance.
It was noted that Holland is now unable to host the 2020 International Show (financial reasons), and that the other Overseas Associations will now be approached to ask for one to volunteer to host the show.
Delegates were notified of the Family Fun Weekend in September, with the majority supporting Peterborough as a venue due to close proximity to the ports.
The committee asked for overseas Panels of Judges to be supplied and published on the WPCS Website.
The next meeting of the International Committee would be held at 2pm on the Sunday prior to the Royal Welsh Show. / Agenda item July mtg
Council to ratify
9006 / Election on the nominees for:
a) President Elect 2014
Four nominations had been received for WPCS President Elect 2014, for 3 people (one having two nominations). One nominee had not submitted supporting information.
Ms Prytherch asked Council to confirm whether the Chair had the casting vote if there was a tie in the elections, as there was now an even number of trustees on Council.
It was proposed by Mrs Russell and seconded by Mr Williams that the Chair has the casting vote in elections whereby there is a tie. All in favour.
It was further proposed by Mr Waters and seconded by Mr Booth that an initial vote is undertaken on all 3 nominees, to be followed by a second vote on the top two candidates. All in favour.
The Principal Officer reported that there was a tie for 2nd position. No second vote required. Results as follows:
Mr G Williams proposed that the person with the highest number of votes, xxxx, be appointedPresident Elect for 2014. This was seconded by Mrs E Russell, with all in favour. / PO to write
b) Honorary Life Members 2014
Seven nominations had been received for the award of Honorary Life Memberships for 2014.
It was confirmed that nominees would requiresupport from 75% of Trustees present (8 out of 10) in order for the award to be given. Votes as follows:
A nomination had been received xxxx but was discounted as xxx was not a member of the Society.
During the meeting, the President presented a nomination form for xxxx, duly proposed and seconded, however as the closing date for submission was 2nd December 2013, Council agreed that the nomination was ineligible.
c) Vice President 2014
Three nominations had been received for the award of Vice President for 2014.
It was confirmed that nominees would require support from 75% of Trustees present (8 out of 10) in order for the award to be given. Votes as follows:
9007 / Miss Brodrick Memorial Trophy 2014
The Miss Brodrick Memorial Trophy is awarded by Council to an individual(s) or animal(s) in recognition of distinguished services to the Society. It is the highest honour the Society can bestow.
It was proposed Mr D Morgan, seconded Mr Waters that the Miss Brodrick Memorial Trophy be awarded to xxxx. All in favour. Motion carried. / PO to write
9008 / WPCS Draft revised Articles of Association
To be placed as a main agenda item for an additional Council meeting, scheduled for Tuesday 14th January 2014. / To January meeting
9009 / Open Forums 2014
The Principal Officer circulated a table of proposed Open Forums for 2014 and asked trustees to volunteer to attend the ones that were going to be held prior to the AGM, when new trustees will be in situ. The following were confirmed:
South West – Sunday 9th February 2014 at The Cat & Fiddle Inn, Nr Exeter.
Council members to attend – Mr Everitt, Mrs Russell, Mrs Reed or Mr Waters.
Additional Panel members - Mr R Michell, Hon Veterinary Surgeon and Mr T C Court, Brightwells if both available.
Staff member to attend – Mrs B Jones.
South of England–Friday 7th March 2014 in Swindon.
Council members to attend – Mr Booth, Mrs Kember, Mr Prosser, Mr Waters.
Staff member to attend – Ms A Prytherch.
South East– Saturday 8th March 2014 in Guildford.
Council members to attend – Mr Booth, Mr Prosser, Mr Waters, Mrs Kember.
Staff member to attend – Ms A Prytherch.
Midlands – end of March TBC
Council members to attend –Mr Prosser, Mr Walker, Mr Waters and possibly Mrs Russell.