Expressions of interest for consumer involvement
Specialist Rehabilitation and Ambulatory Care Centre Project
About the Project
Metro North Hospital and Health Service (Metro North) is seeking a number of consumers to participate in the Specialist Rehabilitation and Ambulatory Care Centre (SRACC) project. The SRACC will be locatedon the Herston Quarter Redevelopment site. SRACC will deliver much needed rehabilitation for a wide range of neurological and trauma related conditions. It will also include ashort stay surgical service through a very busy surgical centre. Ambulatory (outpatient clinic type) services will also be provided for both rehabilitation and surgical patients.
Opportunities for consumer involvement
A number of user groups are being established, involving health professionals, architects, project managers and consumers or carers,to guide the development of the models of care and facility design. Through this expression of interest, we are seeking to appoint one consumer to each of the following user groups:
- General inpatient rehabilitation
- Day hospital/outpatient rehabilitation
- Admission, dischargeand recovery for surgery
Purpose of the User Group
- Guide the development of new models of care being implemented in the SRACC to ensure that the delivery of services is in line with Metro North’s aim to be world class.
- Ensure that the program achieves its goal to deliver high quality outcomes in supporting the transformation of rehabilitation and surgical services
- Provide guidance and assistance with the organisational change aspects of the project to ensure adoption of the new processes
- Work as a group to define the following:
- Future model of care and changes required to deliver improvements in care
- Review and advise on the overall function of the building, from high level room layouts to the detail of the patient accommodation as they move through the building from pre-admission, admission, therapy and or theatres and then to community based services.
User Group Meetings
Meetings for the user groups are generally held every 3 weeks and will commence late May 2017and conclude in approximately July.
It will be advantageous for the nominated consumers to be available for all meetings for the purposes of continuity.
Role and responsibilities for consumer
The consumer will be an active participant in each user group, articulatinga consumer, carer or community perspective to inform the design of the facility and person-centred models of care.
In guiding and supporting this important body of work, the consumer will be provided with information, an orientation and ongoing support from within the user group to promote their effective participation.
The consumer will be required to contribute to discussions in meetings and provide advice. They will need to review relevant documentation between meetings
They willbe part of a team that ensures all agreed action items are completed by their due date.
Selection of consumers
Applications from consumers, carers or community members will be considered on the basis of each applicant’s motivation and attributes as outlined below.
- Ideally, the consumer who is appointed to each user group will have had experience in using similar services ie the consumer appointed to the rehab user group will have had rehab in recent years. The consumer appointed to admission, discharge and recovery would, ideally, have an interest in how patients move in and out of surgical services.
- An interest in working with the SRACC to design models of care and physical environments that meet the needs of future patients and carers
- Ability to articulate a consumer perspective and respect and appreciate different perspectives expressed in the user group
- Ability to commit sufficient time to participate fully in the work of the user group, for example, attending meetings, reading documents and reports.
- Agree to abide by the code of conduct (outlined on page 3).
Reimbursement and payment
The consumer position on each user group will receive second tier remuneration in line with the Metro North procedure for partnering with consumer advisors.
- $50 for activities less than 2 hours duration
- $100 for activities 2 to 4 hours duration (inclusive)
- $150 for activities over 4 hours duration.
These payments are inclusive of preparation time. Travel time associated with participation will not be covered. Reimbursement of reasonable out-of-pocket expenses is not included in this rate and will be offered in addition to remuneration.
Application instructions
All interested consumers are invited to respond to this Expression of Interest by briefly addressing the selection criteria in the template provided.
Expressions of interest should be emailed .
Closing Date: 19 May 2017
Further information
Please phone the SRACC Project Team on 3646 4894 for more information.
Code of conduct and confidentiality
Consumers, carers or community members appointed to Metro North SRACC Project are required to sign anagreement, which details a commitment to:
- Abide by the spirit of the Code of Conduct for Queensland Public Service and will treat others including patients and staff in a respectful manner at all times.
- Keep as confidential all information regarding patients and their families, staff members, Metro North Hospital and Health Service (MNHHS) business and any other information of a confidential nature that you may have access to through your participation in MNHHS formal engagement activities, unless explicitly agreed otherwise by the Chief Executive, or their delegate. You will maintain the confidentiality of this information even after you are no longer participating in the MNHHS formal engagement activity.
- Obtain agreement from the Chief Executive or their delegate or Chair of the Committee before publicly discussing any issues which have been discussed by the committee or working group to which you belong.
- Disclose any potential conflict of interest prior to formal appointment to an engagement activity, or as soon as you become aware of the conflict or potential conflict of interest if it arises during your appointment.
- If appointed as a representative of an organisation or consumer group, you agree to engage with the group that you represent without breaching the confidentiality. In general, confidential material that is provided to a committee or working group will be marked confidential and it will be stated that information being provided verbally is not for wider discussion. However, it is not always possible to do this, particularly during frank discussions. Members will therefore be sensitive to their responsibility to be circumspect in their use of any information they acquire by virtue of their participation.
- Refrain from identifying any MNHHS staff involved in your care, or the care of others, if there are circumstances where as a consumer or member of a consumer group, you wish publicly to discuss or debate issues arising from personal circumstances.
- Raise any questions or concerns you may have about the work of the committee or working group with the committee chair in the first instance.
- Raise any concerns you may have about the professional behaviour of staff with the relevant authority within MNHHS.