The Massabielle

The Weekly Newsletter of

St Bernadette’s Parish Community,

Castle Hill, NSW




Congratulations to the following parish children who are receiving the Sacrament of Eucharist

for the first time at Masses celebrated this weekend.

6:00pm Sat

Lucy Bell

Christian Bosen

Maddison Brown

Alexander D'Amore

Renee Fearnley

Paris Gibson

Rohana King

Anthony Leyba

Melanie Manansala

Benjamin McCabe

Amy Mulcahy

Caitlin Mulcahy

Claudia Murphy

Olivia Newsome

Taylor Newsome

Patrick O'Shea

Emma Parsons

Tiana Sala

Daniel Spoelma

Jordan Wright

Lian Yang

Brenden Younan

9:00 am

Denzel Cavestany

Tiffany-Maree Cheng

Paul Fam

Marvin Fidel

Nathan Hammonds

John-Paul Harb

Laura Kliman

Mary-Joy Leung-Shing

Matthew Leung-Shing

10:30 am

Amanda Barrett

Lynette Bonaccorso

Claudia Carnevale

Georgia Elliott

Nicola Elliott

Taylah Hurst

Natalie Jones

Keira McEntee

Merika Nahirny

Ryan Nahirny

Nicole O'Brien

Steven O'Mara

Emma Sullivan

Elyse Tomkins

Rosemary Tomkins

Laura Wade



As foreshadowed a few weeks ago, St Bernadette’s will be offering communion under both species at all Sunday Masses staring from next weekend.

Jesus recognized that eating and drinking, the most common gestures of the human condition, assume a particular meaning when experienced in community. Eating and drinking brings about a sense of unity, a communion. In accepting the invitation to eat and drink we form a union with the one offering the invitation.

Jesus invited us to " take and eat…take and drink" and in the process enter into an intimate relationship with us. The communion we share is a prelude to the heavenly banquet. Many Catholics have been satisfied to receive Him under the species of bread alone. The church teaches that we receive the full Christ when we receive the Consecrated Host alone. However, the Church, (General Instruction of the Roman Missal, no. 240) also says:

The sign of communion is more complete when given under both kinds, since the sign of the Eucharistic meal appears more clearly. The intention of Christ that the new and eternal covenant be ratified in his blood is better expressed, as is the relation of the Eucharistic banquet to the heavenly banquet.

So that this "fuller light" may fall upon the import of Christ’s words at the Last Supper and in the Eucharistic prayer, and for the sake of the faithful’s greater participation in the mystery, communion under both kinds is to be desired in all celebrations of the Mass, although this is not possible in all cases.

For this sacred rite: the sign of the Eucharistic meal stands out more explicitly," and the act of drinking the consecrated wine, the blood of Christ, strengthens the faith of the communicants in the sacrificial nature of the Mass. Communion under both kinds can therefore manifest more fully the nature of the Mass both as a sacrifice and as a sacred Meal belonging to the same mystery, to such an extent that they are linked to one another by a very close theological and sacramental bond (Excerpt from This Holy and Living Sacrifice: Directory for the Reception of Communion under Both Kinds, no. 19, United States Catholic Conference of Catholic Bishops).


First Reading: Jeremiah 20:10-13– The prophet Jeremiah speaks of the terror that is all around him, but praises the Lord who defends his cause and protects him.

Second Reading: Romans 5:12-15– St Paul tells of how the sin of Adam is overcome by the grace that comes to us in Jesus Christ.

Gospel: Matthew 10:26-33- Jesus instructs his disciples about their mission, reminding them not to be afraid.

Next Week: 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time

2 Kings 4:8-11,14-16, Romans 6:3-4,8-11, Matthew 10.37-42

Feast Days this Week

St Aloysius Gonzaga, religious — Tues 21 June

Birth of St John the Baptist — Fri 24 June

HOLY HOUR this Thurs 23 June, 8-9pm – including Rosary, prayers, hymns, and scripture reading. All welcome!

FIRST RECONCILIATION 2005: Parents who wish to enrol their child into our preparation programme for the Sacrament of Reconciliation must attend one of our Parent Information and Enrolment evenings THIS Monday 20 or Tuesday 21 June at 7:30pm in the Church. Children need to be in Year 2 or above. Only in exceptional circumstances will enrolments be taken outside these times. Children need to have received this sacrament prior to preparing for First Holy Communion next year.

We are still desperately seeking anyone interested in being on the committee to assist with our preparation programme. Please contact Alice at the Parish House (9634 2622 or ). Offers to facilitate or home host are also still welcome.

Kit Packing: If you can spare a couple of hours to help us pack kits for First Reconciliation, we would love to see you on Wed 29 June anytime between 10am – 4pm. Lunch kindly provided and children welcome.

Congratulations to Sarah Carrozzi, Audrey Dimataga, Georgia Hill, Adrian Leuzzi, Liam Rushe and Sachin Ng who were baptised at St Bernadette’s last Sunday.

With the end of the Financial year approaching, please bring your contributions up to date.


·  The West Pennant Hills/Highs Road, Area for the Nordby Village has a need for another driver urgently. Please contact Lisa Doutty on 9894 8947. (car preferred)

·  The Castle Hill Road/ Cherrybrook area has a need for another driver immediately. Please contact Patricia McGee on 9634 1062 if able to assist

CATENIAN ASSOCIATION DINNER MEETING AND LADIES’ NIGHT on Tuesday 28 June, 7pm at the Hills Lodge. Guest speaker: Sr Judy McLeod. Details: contact Malcolm Clow 9639 1915 or Graham Osborn 9899 8570.


Must I drink from the cup in order to receive the whole presence of Christ in the Eucharist? No. The Church teaches that Jesus is truly and wholly present both under the sign of bread and under the sign of wine. To receive both is to share in the fuller sign of Christ’s presence.

May I choose to receive only the consecrated bread? Yes, you may. This is a most valid option for all who come to communion. The cup is not a requirement.


As mentioned last week, as part of the Year of the Eucharist, St Bernadette’s will hold a Forty Hours Devotion celebration on the weekend of 19 to 21 August 2005, beginning with Mass at 7.30pm on Friday night, and concluding with Solemn Benediction at 2pm on Sunday.

The Forty Hours Devotion is a special forty-hour period of continuous prayer made before the Blessed Sacrament in solemn exposition. The focus is upon our Lord in the Holy Eucharist. During this time the faithful implore our Lord to pour forth his abundant graces not only for themselves, but also for their neighbors, not only for their own personal needs, but also for those of the world.

The Forty Hours Devotion provides a wonderful opportunity for the spiritual growth of each person and the parish as a whole. In the world in which we live, we will find that the Forty Hours Devotion will help more than ever.

Apart from the normal Mass times, groups and individuals will be asked to spend some time before the Blessed Sacrament. Prayer leaflets will be prepared. So get ready to sign up!!!


·  Luncheon at Doyles, Circular Quay 12.30pm THURS 23 June. Cost $22.90. All welcome. Ring Margaret 9894 7094.

·  Cards/Social night Friday 24 June - Howard & Marie's. Phone 9899 8983

·  Outing to see “The Producers” at Star City on WED 28 Sept, 1pm. Ticket cost is $50 concession. Bookings must be finalised by 27 June. RVSP Peter O’Brien 9659 1534

·  Local concert with one of Sydney’s well-known and talented musicians, David Parsons. He will be introducing us to two organs, a grand piano and playing requests. Cost $16 (includes lunch) 11am-2pm WED 20 July. See noticeboard for more info. RVSP 30 June. Contact Jo 9634 5961.

SUDANESE REFUGEE CHILDREN APPEAL – An appeal for the Josephite Sisters in Ashfield has come to my attention. They are presently in desperate need of winter clothes for babies and children, and always need prams and cots. If you can donate anything to help these poor people, please contact Katrina Obeid on 9634 5229.

…events and news for ALL Parishioners

Our July WARPP event is coming soon with guest speaker John Watkins. John is currently a seminarian (studying to be a priest) who is working with St Bernadette’s until the end of this year. Another great night of music and talks and of course, a unique faith experience. Friday 8 July 7:30pm Church.

LIFE TEEN SUPPER FOR EVERYONE is available outside the hall after the 6pm LIFE TEEN Parish Youth Mass most Sundays. Come grab a bite to eat, have a drink and take the time to get to know someone from your Christian family who you may not know yet.

Why doesn’t God wear a watch? (Acts 1:7) - LIFE TEEN: SPREAD THE WORD – Sometimes we just cannot work out the way God is working…what does ‘God is Timeless’ really mean? Check out the church notice board.

A huge thank you to Mayfair Fine Foods, Cantarella Brothers, Nando’s Chicken and Mediterranean Kitchen for their regular donations for the LIFE TEEN Supper.

… events and news for Youth

& Young Adults

“In the Flesh” LIFE Nights Winter Camp for yr 9-12 will be Friday night July 1 through to Sunday night July 3. Information and registration forms are available in the foyer. 1 week left to get your forms in and 32 places left so make sure you get your form in ASAP so you don’t miss out.

“E.K.O.S.A.I.R.” Into LIFE Winter Camp for yr 6-8 will be Mon July 4 through to Wed July 6. Information and registration forms are available in the foyer. 1 week left to get your forms in and 27 places left so make sure you get your form in ASAP so you don’t miss out.

Into LIFE for any high school teens in yr 7 or 8! There is no meeting this week as the leaders are meeting to put the finishing touches on the camp programme. Make sure you don’t miss out on this awesome opportunity. Into LIFE will return next week.

LIFE Night for any high school teens in yr 9-12! There is no meeting this week (or next week) as the leaders are meeting to put the finishing touches on the camp programme. Make sure you don’t miss out on this awesome opportunity. LIFE Nights will return July 10 with another extended night like last weekend.

LIFE Rocks for Young Adults has a special guest speaker tonight…the one and only Yoda! Join us tonight for “Ask Master Yoda” for all the questions you might want to ask and more! We look into Star Wars – is it a Christian story? Anyone in Year 12+ is welcome to join us. 7:30pm – 8:30pm Marian Centre.

LIFE TEEN pamphlets with information and dates for all camps and activities for 2005 are available in the foyer.

Looking for a great website for teens and young adults? Look no further - If you want to know what’s on for youth and young adults at St Bernadette’s check out our parish youth website or contact Sean or Alice at the Parish House on 9634 2622 or email .

CLEARING OUT YOUR CUPBOARDS/WARDROBES? The parish of the Holy Family Church, Mt Druitt, would love to receive your unwanted clothing and linen for their op shop. Please collect them for our collection weekend on JULY 23/24, for drop offs at St Bernadette’s. However, for immediate and free pick up, call Monica Wehinger on 9894 9323.

ENTERTAINMENT BOOK for 2005/2006 are available until the end of July. Make sure you don’t miss out! All vouchers are valid until June 2006. This is a great way to save money at many places you commonly visit. Also makes the perfect gift! Parramatta/Hills edition $50 and Sydney or Sydney North editions $60 – are still available from the Parish office. 171 books sold so far, with proceeds supporting our parish LIFE TEEN Youth Ministry – Leading Teens Closer To Christ.

ST BERNADETTE’S NETBALL CLUB is desperately seeking 3 (three) experienced players to join their A Reserve Team (16 years to 21 years). Please contact Monica O’Callaghan 9639 0598 (W) or mob 0438 204 497

ST BERNADETTE’S PLAYGROUPS welcomes families with children 0-5 years to come along and meet other families and children in the parish. Please contact Colleen Baguley 9894 7038 or Andrea McDonald 9659 1140 for more information

ST GABRIEL’S SCHOOL FOR THE HEARING IMPAIRED The Christian Brothers are seeking people to assist them with the governance of their ministry at St Gabriel’s School, Castle Hill, who would be willing to serve on, or would like to find out more about, the School Board or its Sub-Committees. There will be an information evening on Tues 26 July at 6.30pm. RVSP THURS 30 June to Valerie Argent 9634 2367 or . See noticeboard for further details.

Please pray for Thelma O’Brien, Angelo Strano, Muriel Spain who died recently, and for Laurie Conyers and Vincent O’Rourke whose anniversaries occur about this time, and for Irene Matthews.

Prayers for the sick: Bart Daley, Elizabeth Gavin, Clyde Cranny, Lee Lonard, Nicole Sheffield, Lesley Carroll, Iris Rodriquez, Sarah Moraschi, Kylie Taylor, Floricita Gomez-Smith, Daniel Jernazian, James Boyd, Josephine Wilson, Nestor Mina, Paul Griffin, and sick members of Castle Hill SVDP, Marie Pearson, Jacinta Pearson, John Smith, Larissa O’Callaghan, Evi Barbosa, Iris Henderson, Celia Estacio, May McMartin, Lesley Swaddling, Fr Raymond Lyons, the Martin Family, John Bryce, Gillian O’Brien, Gina Vella, See Seng Lorenzo, Joe Grca, Gertrude Graczyk, Michael Galvin, Richard Tarlinton, Brian Johnson, Andrew Cauchi, Victor Mahoney, Brian Fawcett, Marguerite Topolnyski, Filippo Muratore, Walter Selmo.

Eucharistic Ministers / Adult Servers / Ushers / Musos / Musos
Alex Aguilera / Alex Tomic / Phillip Smith / Alice Sahabu / Matthew Ashton
Fran Rogers / Erica Jaros / Daniel Smith / Alistair Schultz-Singh / Michael McCartney
Jennifer Suen / Altar Servers / Tea & Coffee Service / Annabel Irawan / Miko Paz
Kurt Wehinger / S11 / Ros Knezevic / Belinda Lee / Sara Douglas
Monica O'Callaghan / Projectionists / Supper Service / Ben Ferry / Sarah Ashton
Monica Wehinger / Lisa Muscat / Vita Aloschi / Casey Paz / Suzannah Ferry
Monnii O’Callaghan / Julie & Glenn Ferry / Cass Dickinson
Nick Richards / Welcomers / Chris Chidiac
Stef Musgrave / Alex Aguilera / Supper Clean Up / Clare Dickinson
Tamara Selwyn / Alfonso Aguilera / Phillip Smith / Jacinta Ching
Lectors / Maria Aguilera / Jacqueline McDonald
Michael Smith / Oscar Aguilera / Jean Voon
Tina Muscat / Jen Austin
Vanessa Muscat / Marianne Ching

St Bernadette’s Parish Community