
It is not too late to register, if you have not already done so and have completed the prerequisite BASIC workshop, but you must act now!!!

To register cut and paste the registration form into an email, fill in the information, email it to me right away, and pay thru PayPal (making sure you spell my email correctly: ) or call my cell 806-790-4128 as to your tuition arrangements.

The Foundation For Shamanic Studies



An Advanced Weekend Workshop In Core Shamanism


(but you must register with me, not them)

Michael Harner's

Shamanism, Dying, & Beyond™

Taught by:

Charles W. Conatser PhD

Authorized faculty of the Foundation for Shamanic Studies

APRIL 2+3, 2016at DeerDancerRanch & ConferenceCenter

near ColumbusTX (see )

1hr fromHouston,1.5hrs from Austin, & 2hrs from San Antonio

Sat. 9:00am–6:00pm & Sun. 9:00am–4:30pm

Arrive any time after 2:00pm Friday April1

to orient yourself and enjoy the place

Price $280 ($240.00 beforeMarch 2)


Prerequisite: Michael Harner’s The Way Of The Shaman® (The BASIC Workshop) with Michael Harner or other authorized FSS Faculty Member.


Workshop description:Participants learn how to deal with the issue of dying and the destiny of souls from a shamanic perspective. The workshop is both for those who wish to learn for themselves, and for those who wish to help others who are in terminal situations or who have already passed on. Experiences to be undertaken include learning how to become experientially familiar with the after-death realms, tracking a person using shamanic journeying, completing unfinished business, helping a person to cross over, and classic psychopomp work.

Note: Successful completion of this workshop is one of the prerequisites to receive the FSS GoldCertificate of Completion.


Notes about Deer Dancer Ranch:

1. Only participants in the workshop may be on the property except to drop participants off or pick them up.

2. Bring no alcoholicor other non-prescription mind/mood altering substances onto the property.

3. Print out and bring with you the map to Deer Dancer Ranch which is attached to this email. You may also look at the map on the upper right on the website to get an overview of your trip. I recommend clicking on the lower left to get the actual picture from above, so you will know more what to expect along the way.

4. Participants may arrive any time after 2:00pm on Friday April 1 to learn your way around, sign the waiver and release form to be on the property, settle in, meet other participants, and enjoy the ranch, lake, wildlife, etc. Some places have sprinklers that can be damaged by cars, check for these before driving on any grassy areas.

5. If you are not coming to Deer Dancer Ranch until Saturday morning, be sure to allow plenty of time to arrive no later than 8:30, so you can find your way around before we start the workshop at 9:00 sharp in the barn.

6. There will be a lunch break in the workshop, but NOT long enough to go into town to restaurants, so you must bring whatever you want to eat and drink each day. There will be some bottled water, hot water for tea, coffee, and a few light snacks for breaks, but the rest is up to you.

7. All participants may use full kitchen and 2 restrooms in the barn, where the workshop will be located, as well asuse of ranch, hiking, lake, boats, fishing, etc. Equipment is in the boat house and no bait or license is necessary.

8.For additional charge per person: camping $25/person/night, 1 RV hookup $50/person/night, bunkhouse $35/person/night. Optional catered BBQ on Saturday evening is $10.Some places have sprinklers that can be damaged by cars, check for these before driving on any grassy areas.

9. The bunkhouse is a long building with large bunk room on each end separated by toilet, shower, and small kitchen. Each of the bunk rooms contains 5 bunk beds, so up to 20 people can stay there.Only bunkhouse people can use bunkhouse restrooms, kitchen, and showers. Sheets, blankets, and pillows are furnished, but you should bring your own towels and personal items.

10. No camping in field in front of the barn. Camping areas are south and west of barn, around bunkhouse area, and in open area on the road going west of bunkhouse that has 110volt electrical outlets. There is RV outlet on pole by bunkhouse.Some places have sprinklers that can be damaged by cars, check for these before driving on any grassy areas.

11.The entrance gates should be unlocked, but when you open ANY gate it is YOUR responsibility to close it the way you found it, so that no animals get out. To unlatch each entrance gate latch, you must reach through the gate and align the latch handle with the vacant hole so you can slid it back to open the gate.

12. If you have any problem, you can call Bret McCarthy, ranch manager, at 832-764-3019. The ranch phone number is979-992-3551.

13. If you are not staying on the ranch at night, then you must make your own lodging arrangements wherever you like. I recommend that you use: to locate the hotels, prices, and ratings that best suits your needs.


If you attend the workshop please:

1.Avoid alcoholic and other non-prescription mind/mood altering substances from 24 hours before till 24 hours after the workshop, so that your centeredness and power of concentration will be good, your mind clear of confusing imagery, and sufficient time to honor and fully absorb your experiences.

2.Eat lightly Saturday morning.

3.Wear comfortable clothing, layered for temperature flexibility, as well as socks, as you will be working with your shoes off when inside the barn.

4.Bring bedroll/blanket/pillow/whatever, so you will be comfortable lying on tile floor. Chairs are available if/when needed.

5.Bring large handkerchief or bandana or other eye cover for journeying.

6.Bring pen and notebook to record your journey experiences.

7.Bring a drum and/or rattle, if you have one. I will have some extras for use &/or purchase also.

8. Please wear no "fragrance", as that equals toxic chemicals, to which many of us are sensitive. Personal products are available in "unscented" or "fragrance free" varieties. Thanks for your efforts in this respect!

9.Be aware that attendance for the full weekend is required in order to be credited for the course.


Optional learningrecommendationsfor core shamanism: Michael Harner’s CAVE AND COSMOS: Shamanic Encounters With Another Reality (April 9, 2013) and THE WAY OF THE SHAMAN; Sandra Harner's EMA'S ODYSSEY: Shamanism for Healing and Spiritual Knowledge; and the many articles, audios, and videos on the FSS website in particular: articles section: including:Michael Harner’s Interview “Shamanic Healing: We Are Not Alone” at: andFAQ link:


About the Instructor: Charles W. Conatser, Ph.D.

WildHorse Charley Conatser is an artist of the spirit, as founder/director of The Healing Center in Lubbock, Texas. He had several careers on his life-long search for "the big medicine" and to his true calling as a shamanic practitioner/teacher, including teaching mathematics at several universities, leading a group of application systems programmers for a large banking corporation and a supermarket chain.

In 1984, in the midst of his computer career and with his workaholism becoming apparent to everyone but him, he was stopped in his tracks by lupus. Synchonistically, he was introduced to shamanic healing by a local shaman. Through his journey work he was shown that for him the metaphor of lupus, which exhibits itself in the connective tissue, was that his work path and his heart path were divergent and hence dis-connecting him. To heal, he had to change his work path into alignment with his heart path. Learning to embrace his spirit teacher/ally helped him to keep the workaholism in recovery and the lupus in remission to this day.

Since then, Charley has been a shamanic practitioner and teacher of complementary methods of healing, including extraction, power and soul retrieval, and psychopomp. Starting in 1989 he has had extensive training through The Foundation for Shamanic Studies with its founder/director Michael Harner and others, as well as with a number of shamans from several countries.

Charley is a founding member of the Society for Shamanic Practitioners (

Charley is also a master drum maker, ceramist, and intermedia artist/sculptor. He received his Ph.D. in Mathematics/Physics from the University of Illinois.

You may contact him directly at 806-790-4128 or .


Registration: $240. per person for early registration—beforeone month prior to start of workshop. Registrations received after one month priorwill be $280.Native Americans with proof of tribal enrollment are entitled to a 50% tuition scholarship refund from FSSafter the workshop.

Tuition Deposit: A $120 deposit is required in order to register for this workshop and will be applied toward your tuition balance. You may also send the full fee to register. We recommend the deposit be paid early as enrollments are limited.

Balance Due: Balance due must be received by two weeks prior to the workshop so all tuition matters are complete before arriving at the workshop.

Cancellation Policy: Cancellations will be processed as follows: notification received one month prior to the workshop: full refund minus $40.00 administration fee; notification received two weeks prior to the workshop: 50% refund minus $60.00 administration fee. No refunds after two weeks prior to the workshop.

If you are forced to cancel because of illness or personal problem before the workshop let me know at once and you may apply the amount paid to another of my FSS workshops with no penalty, for up to one year.

The Foundation for Shamanic Studies reserves the right to cancel any of its workshops or training courses, or the participation of anyone, at any time, for any reason. In such a case, tuition fees paid in advance will be refunded, but no other liability will be accepted.


For FSS Member Workshop Tuition Discounts check:


Michael Harner'sShamanism, Dying, and Beyond™

TERMS FOR ATTENDANCE(for your files)

I recognize that the Foundation for Shamanic Studies (FSS) will be sharing with me material during this training course originated by Michael Harner and the FSS based on many years of research and testing, and that the information included and the teaching methods employed therein embody valuable intellectual property rights of the FSS. As a consequence, I hereby agree not to publish all or part of that material, including experiential exercises, in any form including written, audio-recorded, audiovisual or electronic (includes e-mail), without specific advance written permission from the Executive Director of the FSS. I understand and agree that teaching of this workshop to more than one person at a time is restricted to qualified FSS faculty members. Electronic recording (audio, video, photographic) and the use of computers are not permitted during the workshop. I understand that this and all other Foundation workshops and training programs are offered for teaching purposes only and not for the purposes of providing healing or treating any student or participant for any physical or mental condition or illness.


Registration Form (Please Print):


APRIL 2+3, 2016at

1hr west ofHOUSTON TXnear Columbus TX

I completed the prerequisite:

FSS Basic Workshop: __/__/__

taught by FSS Faculty Member: ______

in city: ______and state: ______


Other FSS workshops taken & when & which faculty?:

______, ______, ______

Print First name: ______

Print Last name: ______

Print Address: ______

PrintCity, State, & Zip:______

Print email: ______

Home phone: ______

Cell phone: ______

Work phone: ______

Camp($25/person/night)Fri.__Sat.__Amount $__.

Bunkhouse($35/person/night)Fri.__Sat.__ Amount $__.

RV($50/person/night)Fri.__Sat.__Amount $_____.

Saturday evening BBQ ($10) yes__ or no__. Amount $____.

Amount enclosed __ or paypaled __: $____

Make your check or money order payable to: Charles W. Conatser

and send to: 1915 33rd St, LubbockTX79411 or you can pay thru PayPal to my email address .

To register cut and paste the above registration form into a blank email, fill in the information, email it to me, explaining how you are getting the tuition to me.