MCAN eNews / Aug. 23, 2012
Network Updates

Today, MCAN celebrates two years as a nonprofit working to increase college participation and completion in Michigan. Thank you for supporting our efforts as we work toward our goal of reaching 60% college attainment by the year 2025.
Planning, Startup, & Collective Impact Grant Applications NowAvailable- Round VI
MCAN offers grantopportunitiesto create and strengthen Local College Access Networks (LCAN). Pending the availability of funds, all grants will be awarded in October 2012.
  • PlanningGrantsof up to $8,000 are awarded to organize and initiate a community-based local college access network. To learn more or apply for a planning grant visit
  • Startup Grantsof up to $50,000 are available to launch and formalize community-based local college access networks (LCANs). Startup Grant funds may not be used for scholarships. To learn more or apply for a startup grant visit
  • Collective Impact Grantsof up to $25,000 are available to support and formalize community-based local college access networks (LCANs). Collective Impact Grant funds may not be used for scholarships. LCANs must have been operational by October 1, 2011 and working within the statewide MCAN network in order to be eligible for a Collective Impact Grant. To learn more or apply for a collective impact grant visit
Round VI (Fall 2012) Timeline
Request for Applications available - NOW
Intent to Apply Deadline - Friday, September 7
Application Deadline - Monday, September 24
Awards Announced - October 12
Grant Cycle Begins - October 15
Grant Cycle Ends & Final Report Due - September 30, 2013
Technical assistance conference calls areavailablefor questions regarding the grant application process. Information on how to dial in and participate is provided within each grant application.
For more information visit
Business Resources for a College- and Career-Ready America
This resource from Achieve shows businesses how they can participate in improving college and career readiness.To inform and rally more advocates within the business community, Achieve and the GE Foundation have developed Business Resources for a College- and Career-Ready America for business leaders interested in supporting college- and career-ready education reform. The first set of resources are modular cards and PPT slides that can be used by business leaders internally and externally with their networks.

New Resources for Parents & Families
The Department of Education is proud to announce the launch of a new parent web page that provides resources aimed at parent and family engagement. This new addition to ED's site is an excellent resource for those interested in learning more and getting involved in their child's education. Check it out here.
The Road to Deferred Action - Tracing the Story of the DREAM Act
TheDeferred Actionprogram, which starts on August 15, is a milestone for DREAMers. Introduced by the Obama administration in June, the program is aimed at young undocumented immigrants who would be given a path to citizenship under the DREAM Act, a proposal that has repeatedly failed to win congressional approval. Under deferred action, young people can apply to remain in the U.S. legally, but they can't become citizens. Read the stories of the young people through this journey.
To read the full program guidelines, please visit the website.
NEW FSG Report: Keeping the Promise of Opportunity
Keeping the Promise of Opportunity, a new report from FSG, supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, reflects interviews withnational and state experts on financial aid-including policymakers, college leaders, financial aid officers, service providers, funders, and researchers-to explore the challenges low-income young adults face in accessing and using financial aid. The report also explores related trends contributing to inequality in post-secondary education today, as well as potential approaches to helping students overcome these barriers.
Own the Turf Campaign
The National Office for School Counselor Advocacy (NOSCA) promotes the value of school counselors as leaders in advancing school reform and student achievement. NOSCA seeks to endorse and institutionalize school counseling practice that advocates for equitable educational access and rigorous academic preparation necessary for college readiness for all students.

NOSCA launched a campaign entitled "Own the Turf" and is asking for school counselors to sign up to take the lead in establishing college-going cultures in their schools and communities. In addition to the campaign, NOSCA provides information and resources for school counselors to implement the eight component of college and career readiness counseling. For more information and to spread the word to your local school counselors to Take the Pledge please
To support the work of the school counselors in your community, all of the partners engaged in the college access and career and college readiness movement can take the "Tuft Collaborative Community (TCC) Pledge. To learn more about the pledge and to Take the Pledge to join forces with school counselors to "own the turf" of college and career readiness please visit
Professional Development
Webinar Series for Website Design
Dates: August 27-30 at 1:00 p.m. each day
TheAugust GUIDE series, free educational webinars from Guide Creativefocused on the importance of strategy, visual elements, and cues in successful nonprofit websites, is open for registration!
Join Guide Creative for a four-day webinar series in which they will review creating a solid strategy, organizing and designing for your audience, and creating a strong visual framework.
Webinar registration
2012 Business Officers Survey Webinar
Date: Aug. 29, 2012
Join Inside Higher Ed on Wednesday, August 29 at 2 p.m. Eastern for a free webinarreviewing the results of Inside Higher Ed's 2012 Survey of College andUniversity Business Officers. Editor Doug Lederman will discuss the surveywith R. Gavin Leach, Vice President for Finance and Administration andTreasurer at Northern Michigan University.
Webinar Registration
Webinar Series - Young Men of Color: Charting a Way for Educational Success
Promoting College and Career Readiness
Date: Wednesday, August 29, 2012 - 1:00pm
In order to ensure the academic success of young men of color, it is important to advance scalable programs and strategies that ensure that all students are college and career ready when they graduate high school. Leaders across the K16 continuum can do this by developing supportive missions, visions, and policies and by providing equitable access to pre-college curriculum, including AP and other advanced courses.
Webinar Registration
Michigan Pre-College Conference Registration Now Open
Register for the Michigan Pre-College and Youth Outreach Conference to be held on November 19 at Michigan State University's Kellogg Center. Forty terrific session offerings are planned. Visit the conference website to see which sessions will be offered. Register early to take advantage of the early bird rate!
Early bird: $80.00 -Deadline for early bird registration is August 31st.
General: $90.00 - Registration closes October 29th.
Student: $60.00
Click to Register
Grant Writing Workshop
The Nonprofit Center at the Armory, Lansing
Date:September 19, 9 am - 1 pm
Learn the keys to making your grant proposal more competitive. This workshop will provide tools needed to create a winning proposal. Discussion will include how to research funding possibilities, develop budgets, communicate reasonable goals and objectives, and options for evaluating the success of your project. Learn how to avoid the pet peeves of funders. This workshop is appropriate for the experienced and novice grant-writer.
Register Here
Must Reads
Featured Article
The increasing value of a college degree
Author: Lou Glazer
Source: Michigan Future Inc.
There is growing chorus of policy makers and pundits questioning the value of a college degree. In their telling we have too many, not too few, college graduates. Don't believe it!
A new study, The College Advantage: Weathering the Economic Storm, from the the Center on Education and the Workforce at Georgetown University, provides the newest compelling data that those with a college degree do better economically. And that the advantage is growing, not declining. The report is terrific. Worth reading.
For those who want a quick overview of the findings check out this summary New York Time article.
The study looks at job growth by education attainment since the start of the Great Recession. As the report's Introduction states: (click here to continue reading)

Employment Growth in Past Two Decades
Additional Articles of Interest:
  • The Washington Post - College graduates' non-recession
  • Inside Higher ED - ACT scores are flat
  • Bloomberg News - Cost of college degree in U.S. soars 12 fold: Chart of the day
  • The Chronicle of Higher Education - In an Economic Storm, a College Degree is Still the Best Umbrella

In the News
Please send any media coverage to Lisa King at see additional news featuring our local college access networks and partners, visit
  • Athens' Henckel tapped for College Access Network (Athens/Tekonsha/Union City CAN)
  • Area Students can now get a jump-start on college while saving thousands of dollars (Char-Em College Access Alliance)

Job Opportunities
MCAN offers ajobboardfor listing college access and relatedjobopenings. If your organization has an available position that would be of interest to the Michigan College Access Network, please submit thejobdescription, how to apply, and deadline . All current postings are available at
  • Albion Mentor Michigan College Coaching Corps
  • MYCAN College Access Coordinator

Calendar ofEvents
To view the MCAN Calendar of Events, visit
September 7, 2012
MCAN Grants - Intent to Apply - Due
September 13, 2012
MCAN Grants - Technical Assistance calls for grant support. Planning at 10:00 am, Startup at 1:00 pm, and Collective Impact at 3:00 pm

September 17-19, 2012
National College Access Network National Conference
Changing the Odds: College Success for All
Las Vegas, NV

September 24, 2012
MCAN Grant Applications - Due
October 8 - 9, 2012
Council of Michigan Foundations Conference and Michigan Nonprofit Association Superconference
Hyatt Regency, Dearborn, MI

October 11 & 12 - Save the Date
Michigan AfterSchool Collaborative Conference
Kalamazoo Radisson

October 18, 2012
Lights On Afterschool
Each October, one million Americans and more than 7,500 communities nationwide celebrate the afterschool programs that keep kids safe, inspire them to learn and help working families.
November 27 - 30, 2012
2012 FSA Conference
The Peabody Orlando
9801 International Drive
Orlando, FL 32819

If you have a resource, opportunity or great news to share and would like to see it included in MCAN's eNews, please contact our Assistant Director, Lisa King, at .
Michigan College Access Network's mission is to dramatically increase the college participation and completion rate in Michigan, particularly among low-income students, first-generation students and students of color.

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Network Updates
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Our Goal
60% college attainment by 2025

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Michigan College Access Network | 222 North Chestnut Street | Suite 200 | Lansing | MI | 48933