Role of LMVPD Dispatch in Incident Management

Summary of Meeting with Mrs. Beverley Chavez of LVMPD Dispatch

9:00 – 11:30 AM, April 20, 2009

The 911 calls are programmed to lift automatically at one of the call taker. Call taking process is distributed among the call takers (Load shedding).

In the software,

  • Incident number will be automatically assigned
  • The longitude & latitude (landline call) or nearest cell tower (cell phone call) information will be automatically extracted once the call is received.
  • Operators can determine redundancy of calls for a certain incident by the location information obtained when the call is made.
  • Fields such as type of the incident, address, location and a specific code for the incident will be filled by the call taker
  • Call taker will assign a code to a certain accident indicating the type and severity of accident depending on the information obtained from the caller
  • The system will determine the priority of the Incident according to the code assigned by the operator ( call taker)
  • (Multiple inputs can be entered in the same field by different call takers. ??)
  • More than one call maybe received for one incident which leads to multiple inputs for the same incident. Depending on the information the operators obtain, codes assigned to an accident may vary. In this case, the operators go by the code from the first call received.
  • The officer uses/ has access to the same screen as the operator where he/ she can add/ edit information in the system
  • If the multiple call takers record the same incident, Call takers will communicate themselves and decide which ones to be dropped (it’s done manually).
  • The software does not have the ability to recognize similar sources
  • Only one dispatcher is responsible for a certain area which eliminates any confusions regarding multiple inputs for an incident
  • Incidents are organized by the time they where received as well as location

There are two types of officials at the dispatch center

  • Call takers
  • Dispatchers

Call Takers

  • Log in Data
  • Attending the all-incoming calls (911, Non-Emergency calls, PBX filtered calls).
  • 99% of all the emergency calls will be through 911.
  • Telephone service factor (TSF): Maximum delay to attend the call is 10 sec
  • If a call comes from the ClarkCounty area,

Based on the incident, they will put the 911 calls in conference with fire, scopd, school PD, ambulance response, county roads/ public works etc.

This is done by just a click on the computer screen provided to them. The screen contains the icons with the contact numbers, radio channels etc to each agency (not manually dialing to each agency).

Hot line is provided to communicate with other agencies.

  • Transferring the calls to NHP, North Las Vegas, and Henderson police departments.
  • Call takers are provided with two incident recording screens, Number of Incidents to be attended, police officers at the incidents being served, Map showing the location of police officers.
  • Call takers job is done once the 911 call and transferring to the appropriate agencies to specific incident is done.


  • The dispatchers are responsible to communicate with other agencies to inform them of incidents or other information.
  • They do not have access to other agencies CAD.
  • When calls are transferred to fire department it goes straight to the dispatcher. They don’t have to wait ( Automatic drop down line)
  • No. of dispatchers will depend on the No. of radio channels
  • 8 regular patrol channels (black and white cars). Enterprise Areas Command based on geographic location
  • 1 channel: driver license, registration, stolen vehicles, regulation plates
  • Multiple Channels: resident officers, Laughlin, MountCharleston
  • There’s one dispatcher per channel
  • Software routs the call to the appropriate area
  • Dispatchers are responsible for sending dispatch team to the scene.
  • Once the police officer arrives at the scene, he will contact the dispatcher not the call taker via radio. They will inform anything that they do to the dispatcher’s. e.g. stopped the vehicle for how long
  • LVMPD CAD may not have to get the call (depending on the type of incident); therefore it could be forwarded straight to the appropriate agency
  • Officers will act according to the Incident command system (ICS).
  • ICS will send a command post up to the officer arrived on the scene


  • Same software is installed in all the computers in dispatch center, but the access to the software is restricted based on the duties of the personnel (mobile police, call takers, dispatchers)
  • Police from the scene will use radio to communicate with the dispatcher.
  • If he has a computer in the vehicle, he can enter the details of the incident in the same CAD software.
  • LVMPD will take care of the incident till it clears and maintains the information of the incident given only by LVMPD police officers at the scene for 60 days.
  • Crime analysts, Area command, traffic departments will keep the information of the incident. They compile the data for certain areas.
  • Phone- Vesta.
  • Radio- Orbacom.
  • ICAL and ITAC are used, 700 MHz communication system
  • PIO’s office is responsible for tracking the process and in charge of informing the public
  • PIO’s office sources: RTC, LVMPD, NDOT, NHP
  • Number of Officers distributed and distribution depends on the area, time of day
  • There are 250 areas in Las Vegas

For information regarding:

  • IT, Software, TSF contact: PIO’s Office, John Loretto 828 3394
  • Data Logs of Incident Contact: Area Commands & Traffic