
/ VMPD Handling Procedures / IAP 9.32
Effective / 01 Jun 2008
Approved by
  1. The Virtual Multipurpose Document (VMPD) provides BSP agents with an automated method for Multi Purpose Document (MPD) issuance. This functionality is provided via the BSP link website.
  1. The VMPD will be used until such time as QR ticketing transactions are 100% ET eligible and the Electronic Miscellaneous Document (EMD) is fully implemented.
  1. BSP Agents will issue a VMPD for unseated infants or other paper ticket transactions and as Miscellaneous Charges Order (MCO). When a VMPD is issued as an MCO a reason for issuance must be specified (i.e. group deposit, etc.). The “Reason for Issuance Code” available on the BSP link to be used for this.
  1. Maximum value for each Unspecified VMPD will be USD 750 only and the Maximum value for each Specified Transportation VMPD will be USD 2500 only. For Group Deposits only the Maximum value will be USD 7500.
  1. The travel agency issues the VMPD via BSP link specifying the reason for issuance.
  1. The travel agent can void the VMPD the on same day of issue only. On the next day BSP submits the VMPD for billing and only QR Office can void the VMPD at this stage on a request from the agent.
  1. Upon receipt of VMPD email notification, QR will review VMPD for accuracy. QR to contact agent immediately if there is any query regarding the VMPD.
  1. In some areas QR has to validate the VMPD in the BSP link either accept or reject the VMPD so as to submit the VMPD information in the QR system to DPC for billing process. In other areas where the validation process is absent, BSP systems automatically send the VMPD the next day to BSP billing process, no validation required by QR office.
  1. It is the responsibility of the QR Office to ensure proper verification that any VMPD issued for carriage or service are subject to currently effective and applicable tariffs, conditions of carriage, rules and regulations of the issuing carrier. QR Staff to exercise due care and diligence in verifying / validating the VMPD.
  1. The approved VMPD will be exchanged by QR Office when appropriate for corresponding tickets or other travel documents.
  1. Once the VMPD is exchanged to travel document, the VMPD, will be marked as “USED” by QR office in the BSP link and an automated email alert will be sent to the agent concerned if the agent has configured the email alert option.
  1. VMPD with discrepancies will be rejected and will not be accepted. These have to be refunded and new one issued for correct value.
  1. A VMPD has to be utilised in full. There will not be any VMPD with partial utilisation. Hence when a VMPD is issued the amount has to be collected for the correct and actual service to be provided.
  1. In case of Group deposits, the VMPD to be refunded to the agent in full at the time of ticket issuance and the agent pays for the full value of the tickets issued.
  1. In case the agent fails to full fill the Group conditions, the refund value of the VMPD (if any) to the agent will be only after deducting the penalties due to QR. For the penalties deducted issue a MCO and this will be transferred to QR income.
  1. Acceptance of v-MPD at airport for excess baggage or any other type of service is not allowed. Airports can only accept paper MCO issued by a QR office for services.
  1. For Refunds, agents have to request through BSP link (Refund Application), which will be investigated by QR Office and QR Station Finance will authorize each refund application by through the BSP link.
  1. QR Office will not charge any penalty for such refunds or voiding VMPD.
  1. The station to contact HQ if they are faced with any other situations not covered in the above procedures.
  1. IATA has posted several documents on the BSP link website, including training manuals for airlines and agents, VMPD presentations and a VMPD example.

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