Ritchie Moorhead, Lay Speaker

Worship Leader, Dave Novinger

Organist & Pianist, Mark & Joanne Enders

Acolyte, Cailey Crum

July 31, 2016

“Strong in the Word to Serve in the World”

(*Indicates stand as you are able.)


Greetings and Announcements Arletta Thomas

* Call To Worship

L: The Lord heard our plea and through Christ has sent us a Helper:

P: One who would be our guide and our reminder of all Christ taught us.

L: One who would be present in all that we do or wherever we go.

P: One who bears witness of the resurrection and eternity.

ALL: The Holy Spirit is come that we might know the Lord and have life.

L: Come, let us worship God!

Prelude - “Send A Great Revival” by Bob Burroughs

* Hymn - “How Great Thou Art” Pg. 4

* Opening Prayer

* Call to Confession: (Leader): Let us confess our sins to God.

* Confession: (In Unison)

Lord, we often choose to face life alone and ignore Your Holy Spirit. So often we read in the Scriptures only what we want to read, and we forget Your promises to be with us in every way when we turn to You. Lord, You want to be with us so much in a living way, help us to trust and open doors of our hearts to Your presence. In Christ we pray. Amen.

* Kyrie: (To Be Sung responsively)

Leader/People: Lord, have mercy upon us.

Leader/People: Christ, have mercy upon us.

Leader/People: Lord, have mercy upon us.

* Assurance: (In Unison)

Leader: God promises to us an outpouring of the Spirit. When we call out to God, our healing, our salvation, will come. When we are ready to be taught, God grants new insights and a deep, abiding sense of peace.

People: In Jesus Christ our sins are forgiven!

* Gloria Patri Pg. 623

* Affirmation of Faith - (In Unison)

We believe in God who created and is creating the world, who came to us in His Son, Jesus; To reconcile and save. Who works by His Spirit. Who calls us into His church to celebrate His presence, to join hands and hearts in service. To proclaim Jesus Christ - crucified and risen - our only hope, in life and in death, and unto the life everlasting. These things we believe in our hearts and will proclaim with our voices. Amen.

Hymn - “It Is Well With My Soul” Pg. 493

Prayer cards will be collected during this hymn.

Prayer with Lord’s Prayer

Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.

Choral Response - “Hear Our Prayer O Lord” Pg. 614

Special Music - Brad Crum

Scripture - John 14:25-26 (Page 146 of NT Pew Bible)

Mike Crum, Lay Reader

Message - “The Holy Spirit In You”

Offertory Invitation

Offertory - “Glory To His Name” by Marc Jordan

* Offertory Response - “We Give Thee But Thine Own” Pg. 620

* Prayer of Dedication

* Hymn - “He Hideth My Soul” Pg. 496

* Benediction: (Responsively)

People: Let our lives witness to Christ’s love. Let our words bring reconciliation. Let our thoughts be of peace. Let our touch bring healing. Let our actions count for justice.

Leader: Remain in God’s grace. Abide in Christ’s love. Dwell in the Spirit’s presence. Be a sign of hope and a beacon of joy. Go and may God’s blessing go with you.

* Threefold Amen/Extinguishing of the Candles

* Greeting: “The peace of God be with you.”

Response: “And also with you.”

* Passing the Peace: Please greet those around you.

* Postlude - “Evening Bells” by George Blake

WELCOME TO WORSHIP: We want to personally welcome all visitors. Please take time to sign our guest book located in the foyer as you leave or introduce yourself to our pastor.

PLEASE TURN OFF CELL PHONES, PAGERS, ETC. during our worship service. Thank you for your cooperation.

JULY 2016 GREETERS: Sue Snyder and To be announced.

JULY Acolyte: Cailey Crum. July Announcer: Arletta Thomas.

JULY OFFERING TEAM (Team 7): Pete Bryson, Charles Shertzer, Dave Novinger, To be announced.

AUGUST 2016 GREETERS: Pete Bryson and Rachael Bryson.

AUG. Acolyte: Alaina Snyder. Aug. Announcer: Ed Dobbin.

AUG. OFFERING TEAM (Team 8): Gloria Duttry, Arletta Thomas, Jan Quinn, Donna Novinger.

Please tell the Captain if you are unable to be there for a Sunday in your month.

LAY READERS: July 31 - Mike Crum; Aug. 7- Doris Hand; Aug. 14 - Scott Miller. If you cannot read on the date assigned, please call the church secretary (896-3118).

NURSERY: Valleys provides nursery care for children ages 5 and under. July 31 - Donna Motter; Aug. 7 - Donna Novinger; Aug. 14 - Carol Cooper. If you wish to help in the Nursery or if you cannot be there on your assigned Sunday, please see Donna Novinger.

The Valleys

Evangelical Covenant Church

Halifax, PA

Church Office Hours: Mon. thru Fri. - 10AM to 3PM

Church Office (717-896-3118)

Web Site - ValleysEcc.Org Email -


July 31 - 9:00AM - Sunday School

10:15AM - Traditional Worship - (Enders) - Ritchie Moorhead; Dave Novinger Worship Leader;

Special Music - Brad Crum

Aug. 1 - 8:30AM-Noon - Halifax Senior Center open Mon.-Thurs.

10:00AM - Bible Study (Carol Reisch, Leader)

5:30PM - Prayer Team

6:00-8PM - Girl Scout Leaders

7:00PM - Elders Meeting

Aug. 2 - 7:00PM - Deacons Meeting

Aug. 7 - 9:00AM - Sunday School

10:15AM - Traditional Worship - (Enders) - Rev. David Guertin; Special Music - Brennan Rudy

Fellowship Meal follows worship service

Aug. 8 - 8:30AM-Noon - Halifax Senior Center open Mon.-Thurs.

10:00AM - Bible Study (Carol Reisch, Leader)

7:30PM - Summer Dartball at Lykens U. M. (take a snack)

Aug. 9 - 5:30-7:00PM - “Free” Community Meal at Valleys

Aug. 14 - 10:15AM - Blended Worship (Praise Team/Hymnal) -

Special Music - Judy Knorr

Aug. 15 - 8:30AM-Noon - Halifax Senior Center open Mon.-Thurs.

10:00AM - Bible Study (Carol Reisch, Leader)

Aug. 17 - 12:00Noon - Halifax Senior Center Pinochle Card Party

7:00PM - Council Meeting

Aug. 19 - 10:00AM-7:00PM - “Free” Back-to-School Yard Sale

Aug. 20 - 10:00AM- 2:00PM - Free” Back-to-School Yard Sale

Aug. 21 - 9:00AM - Sunday School

10:15AM - Traditional Worship - (Enders)

Aug. 22 - 8:30AM-Noon - Halifax Senior Center open Mon.-Thurs.

10:00AM - Bible Study (Carol Reisch, Leader)

Aug. 28 - 10:15AM - Blended Worship (Praise Team/Hymnal) -

Special Music - Josh & Lora Kobel

Victory Group-Mondays, 5:30PM;

Praise Team Rehearsal - 1st 3rd Thurs, 6:30PM

*PRAYER REQUESTS* *(indicates new)

Please remember all the people on our Prayer List with prayers, thoughts, cards: MEMBERS & FRIENDS OF THE VALLEYS:

Gary & Vickie Snyder; Diane Shaffer; Ron & Sandy Zimmerman; Kermit Masser, (Tremont Health & Rehabilitation Center); Esther Masser; Tom Hale; Hannah Klinger; Vickie Shoffler; Jane Baker; June Wiest; Gail Shertzer; Gary Fetterhoff; Nancy & Elmer Feidt; Tom Lauver; Ken Klett;; Dave Miller Sr.; Sue Miller, (Donna Moorhead‘s sister); Bob Knight, (Carol Knight’s husband); Linda Crabb,-Pam Campbell,-Inez Boyer, (friends of Arletta Thomas);

MISSIONS: Covenant Missionaries: Fred & Kelly Prudek;

*Pam & Larry Moeser; *Johnna Hayward Muniz & Fabio Muniz.

OUR SHUT INS: Lydia Peiffer; Myra Hoffman

Please remember to inform The Valleys if you or a member of your family is in the hospital as the hospitals will not inform us unless you tell them to contact us. You may call the church office (896-3118) or Donna (717-362-8870) if it is after office hours.


CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS (Adults): July 31 - Ed Dobbin; Aug. 7 - Dave Novinger; Aug. 14 - To be announced. If you cannot be there on your assigned Sunday, please inform Dave Novinger who will teach in your place.

9:00AM Sunday School Class Options:

Adult Class - Social Hall Choices - Multi-purpose Room Friends In Faith - Computer Room

WASHER NEEDED: A washer is needed at the Pastor’s house when he arrives next week in August. If anyone has a used washer that they are interested in selling, please contact Marie Herb.

OUR NEW PASTOR: Sunday, August 7th our newly called minister Rev. David Guertin will be here and will lead us in our worship service as he begins his ministry at The Valleys.

A covered dish Fellowship Meal will follow the worship service in the Multipurpose Room (Meeting Room). Please bring a covered dish (meat and vegetable or meat and dessert) to share and join us in welcoming Pastor Dave and his family into The Valleys family! Please mark your calendars and plan to attend.

“FREE’ COMMUNITY MEAL at Valleys on Tuesday, August 9th from 5:30-7:00PM. Menu: Hot dogs or hamburgers, baked beans, chips, fruit, dessert. There is a sign up sheet in the narthex for help and for donations.

FREE” BACK-to-SCHOOL YARD SALE will be on Friday August 19th (10:00AM to 7:00PM) and Saturday, August 20th (10:00AM to 2:00PM) at The Valleys.

Donations of clean, gently used clothing (or new) for ages Kindergarten thru 12th grade, school supplies - crayons, pencils, colored pencils, mechanical pencils, erasers, cap erasers (to fit on pencils), rulers, vinyl protractors (no compass), tablets, composition books, pencil bags/boxes, and tissues will be accepted.

Helpers are needed to sort clothing and to help at the yard sale. Clothing racks are needed please see Ed Dobbin if anyone has one to lend for the B-T-S yard sale.

We are also accepting monetary donations. Please mark any monetary donations “Back-to-School Program” or you may sponsor a child ($50 donation per child but donations of any amount gratefully accepted) for “First Day Fresh Impressions”.

If you are interested in helping, please see Ed Dobbin or call the church office, 717-896-3118.

Mission Offering for May, June, July, and August goes to the Back-to-School Program.

HALIFAX SENIOR CENTER is open 8:30AM-Noon Mon. thru Thurs. Senior Center is open at 8:30 to 10:00AM for anyone who wishes to play card games in the Multipurpose (meeting) Room. August Monday Morning Bible Study Leader is Carol Reisch. Calendar is on Bulletin board in narthex.

GIANT GIFT CARDS available to purchase (before/after church). Valleys receives $5 for every $100 Giant gift card purchased.

CHURCH ATTENDANCE for Sunday, July 24 was 48.