Directorate B: Methodology; Corporate statistical and IT services
Unit B-1: Methodology and corporate architecture
Agenda, 10November 2017 (Final)
DIME/ITDGSteering Group
Ardee Road, Dublin 6, D06 FX52,Conference Room A, 4th Floor
Start / Item / Topic / Purpose / Who
09:30 / Opening / I / IE/Chair
09:45 / 1 / Experimental Statisticsat Eurostat
Eurostat will give a brief overview of the dissemination process and presentthe new statistical products published in 2017 / F / ESTAT
10:15 / 2 / Experimental Statistics: national experiences
NSIs will present their challenges and opportunities when confronted with the dissemination of data as experimental / F / NL
11:15 / Coffee break
11:30 / 3 / Big Data and Smart Statistics
Eurostat will present the 2018-2020 frameworksfor integrating big data sources in the production of official statistics, exploring the potential of further big data sources and develop proofs of concept for smart statistics. / F / ESTAT
12:00 / 4 / Data Access for Official Statistics
Discussion related to the access to privately held data, as well as the best practices regarding the solutions implemented in order to prepare the position paper for the PSI (Public Sector Information) directive revision. / D / ESTAT
12:30 / LUNCH
14:00 / 5 / DIME/ITDG governance and functioning
The current DIME/ITDG governance was approved during the plenary meeting held in February 2016 for a period of 2 years. In February 2018, the next plenary will review the current structure comprising the WGs, EGs and TFs working under the mandate of DIME/ITDG. Members will be invited to reflect upon the way this should be conducted. / F / All
14:30 / 6 / Access to European microdata for scientific purposes
The DIME/ITDG SG is invited to discuss the recent developments and next steps. / F / ESTAT
15:00 / 7 / ESS Vision 2020 portfolio progress and next steps
Eurostat will present the state of the art. Countries are invited to manifest their interest to present specific projects to which they have contributed / F / ESTAT/Member States
15:30 / 8 / Revision of the European Statistics Code of Practice
Progress report on the work of the High Level Group / I / ESTAT
16:00 / 9 / Guidelines on Temporal Disaggregation
Eurostat will present the state of the art of the work being carried out by the Task Force on temporal disaggregation and benchmarking aiming at identifying the best practices to derive high frequency data from low frequency data / F / ESTAT
16:15 / 10 / Agenda Items for the DIME/ITDG plenary (22/23 Feb 2018)
Launching of Consultation / D / All
16:30 / AoB /
  • The Use of R in Official Statistics (AT)
  • Reference data architecture (UK)
  • H2020 Research Funds for Official statistics (ESTAT)
/ I
17:00 / End of the meeting / D / Chair