Saint Cajetan School

2447 W. 112th Street

Chicago, Illinois 60655

March, 2016

Dear Parents,

As we read Scripture we come across many things God has asked of His people. One of the most profound requests was from Micah. “This and only this Yahweh asks of you: to act justly, to love tenderly and to walk humbly with your God.” May each of you during this holy season of Lent be mindful of God’s simple call to each of us as we walk daily with our God as just and loving people.

Our Lenten project this year will be to have a Penny Wars. During the Penny Wars, the students bring in change. They put pennies in a container. We allow the students 5 minutes to put silver coins in other classroom containers. The silver change is deducted from the penny count to determine what room is the winner. The money will be used to support many organizations that need our help this Lenten season.

Aspire Testing

This school year we will be taking the Aspire tests instead of the Terra Nova tests. Our tests will be given on April 11 – 15 with the make-up tests being done the week of April 18 – 22.

Before School Care

Before school care will be offered for next year. If you are interested please contact Mrs. Jane Collins in the school office regarding this matter.

Congratulations 8th graders

Congratulations to all of our 8th graders! We are so proud of you! The students will attend the following schools next year:

Marist – 8

Mother McAuley– 15

Brother Rice - 1

St. Rita - 7

Mount Carmel – 2

St. Ignatius - 1

Christian Leadership Award

Congratulations to Emily Maloney and Jack Morgan for receiving Christian Leadership Awards from the South Side Catholic League. We are so proud of you!


On Saturday, March 5, the 8th grade will be confirmed. Bishop Wypych will confirm the students.

Our prayers will go out to our 8th graders on this day!

Early Dismissal

On Thursday, March 24, we will dismiss at 12:45 for Easter Break. There will also be

NO After School Care that day!

Election Day

Tuesday, March 15, is Election Day. Because we are a polling place, school WILL BE CLOSED

for the day.

Fun Lunch

Our next Fun Lunch will be held on Wednesday, March 16. We will have Pop’s for lunch that day.

Fox’s Dine Out

Thanks to Mrs. Ann Woulfe for organizing our Fox’s Dine Out. We received $342.80. Thanks also to all of our diners.

Parent Conferences

Parent Conferences will take place on Friday, March 11. These will not be scheduled for all students. Teachers will request to see parents. Conferences will be held in Memorial Hall from

1:30-3:30 p.m. Dismissal will be at 12:45 this day.

Raffle Early Bird Winner

Congratulations to the Mr. and Mrs. Murray! They are the first early bird winner of our school raffle that was held on February 17. The next early bird drawing will be held on March 23.

Raffle Tickets

All school raffle tickets are to be turned in to the office by Tuesday, April 19. The drawing will be on April 22.

Report Cards

Report Cards will be sent home on Friday, March 4.

School Advisory Board

The School Advisory Board will meet on Monday, March 21, at 6:30 p.m. in the Parish Center.

South Side Irish Parade

St. Cajetan Parish will have a float in the parade. If you would like to join the group riding the float, please meet on 103rd Street near the White Hen by 11:30.

St. Baldrick’s

Please join our St. Baldrick’s day dress down day on March 9th for $2.00.

On Saturday, March 12, St. Cajetan will host the St. Baldrick’s competition to rid our world of Childhood Cancer. Please join us for this event!

Three - Full Day Pre School

Starting next school year, 2016-2017, we will have a 3- Full Day Pre School Program. If you are interested please contact Mrs. Jane Collins in the school office.

Have a great March!


Mrs. Reger