International Workshop
„The use of administrative data for statistical purposes”
1-2 October 2013, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
Tuesday, 1 October 20139.30-10.00 / Registration
10.00-10.10 / Welcoming notes and opening Session
10.10-11.10 / Session 1
Iurie Mocanu, NBS Moldova
Usingadministrative data sourcesinthe national statistical system
Claudia Junker, Eurostat
Legal basis for using administrative data – scope, aims and practical steps
Discussion, questions and answers
11.10-11.30 / Coffee break
11.30 – 13.00 / Session2
Hans K Østereng, Statistics Norway
Why use administrative sources for official statistics’ in production
Sten Backlund, Uld Durnell, Statistics Sweden
A project of data warehouse development and coordination of administrative data
NataliaBoichenko, IrinaTomilets, State Statistics Service of Ukraine
The need for coordination and the use of process to ensure better use of administrative data in the system of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine.Confidentiality administrative data.
Legal and technical issues
Discussion, questions and answers
13.00-14.30 / Lunch buffet
14.30 16.00 / Session 3
Iurie Mocanu, Alexandr Socolov, NBS Moldova
Business Register. The Concept of the GenericStatistical Business Register
Informational System
Bjørn Pedersen
Security and quality aspects on the use of registers for statistics
Vitalie Triboi
Server Room
Discussion, questions and answers
16.15-17.00 / Server room visit
17:30 Reception
Wednesday, 2 October 2013
9.00-10.00 / Session 4
Vladimir Alexandrescu, INS România
Using datacollectedfrom administrative sourcesin the processof finalizing theresults ofthe Population and HousingCensus2013
Ecaterina Jardan, NBS Moldova
Accessibility, necessityand quality ofadministrativedatafor the production ofofficial demography statistics of the Republic of Moldova
Discussion, questions and answers
10.00-10.20 / Coffee break
10.20 – 12.00 / Session 5
Speakers: Administrativedata providers
Iurie Goluş,Anatolie Gherţesco, SA „Registru”
State informational resources
Nadejda Slova, Ministryof Finance
Presentation of official and administrative data for statistical purposes
Octavian Mocreac, Diana Nanu, Cadastre and Land Relations Agency, SA “Cadastru”
Data structure ofreal estate cadaster
Irina Cojuhari,National Bank of Moldova
Monetary and financial statistics, essence and objectives
Discussion, questions and answers
12.00-13.30 / Lunch buffet
13.30-14.30 / Session 6
Elena Orlova, NBS Moldova
Mariana Eni, NBS Moldova
Use of administrative data sources obtained from Customs services for developing external trade of goods statistics
Ala Negruta, NBS Moldova
Using administrative data sources in social statistics
Discussion, questions and answers
14:30-15:00 / Summing up the workshop
Close of workshop