The University of Rhode Island

Graduate School of Library and Information Sciences

American Library Association Student Chapter


Official Name / The official name of this organization shall be the American Library Association Student Chapter at The University of Rhode Island.
Purpose / The purposes and aims of this organization are:
To facilitate and encourage participation in the American Library Association.
To acquaint members with the goals, objectives, and resources of the American Library Association and the student chapter.
To encourage professional contacts within the field of librarianship.
To actively promote involvement in professional activities beyond the classroom.
To provide a local forum for the exchange of ideas and information about trends, issues, and opportunities in the profession.
To develop skills and relationships that will enable students to have a creative impact on the profession.
To increase awareness of national issues in librarianship.
Membership Requirements / All members of this organization shall be:
A. Currently enrolled in the University of Rhode Island Graduate School o f Library and Information Studies.
B. Members of the American Library Association.
Activities / A. The chapter shall hold a general membership meeting at the beginning of each academic semester and thereafter as necessary.
B. Activities and programs will be planned in accordance with the purposes set forth in Article II.
C. Activities and programs sponsored by the chapter will be open to individuals who are not chapter members.
Officers / A. The officers of this organization shall consist of a President, Vice-president, Treasurer, and Secretary.
B. The chapter shall have a faculty advisor as member Ex-Officio.
C. The officers shall have the following responsibilities:
1. The President shall have the ultimate responsibility for the functioning of the organization and its relationship with ALA headquarters. The President shall convene and conduct the general membership meeting.
2. The Vice-president shall assume the duties of the President in the latter’s absence and shall assume the office of the President should it become vacated during the stated term of office. The Vice-president shall assist the President with the duties of the executive office.
3. The Treasurer shall be responsible for financial matters pertaining to the organization, and shall present a financial report at the beginning and end of her/his term of office.
4. The Secretary shall be responsible for maintaining minutes of all meetings, correspondence, and record keeping.
5. The faculty advisor shall act as liaison between the student chapter and the Graduate School of Library and Information Science. The faculty advisor shall also be responsible for the orientation of members to the American Library Association.
Elections and Terms of Office / A. Elections
1. All members of the Chapter are entitled to vote for the officers of the organization.
2. Officers shall be elected by majority of voting members in person, by email and/or electronically as determined by existing officers based on whichever is more convenient and facilitates the greatest participation.
3. Vacancies in offices other than President that occur during the normal term of office shall be filled by a special election.
B. Terms of Office
1. The term of all office shall be one year beginning with the spring semester with no restrictions on the number of incumbencies.
Committees / Committees shall be appointed as necessary by the officers.
Parliamentary Procedure / All questions of parliamentary procedure shall be decided in accordance with the forms laid down in the most current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order.
Amendments / Proposed amendments to this Constitution may be introduced by any member at any meeting or by petition to the President. Ratification shall be determined by a majority of those members present at the next meeting of the chapter membership.
Ratifications / Ratification of this Constitution shall be determined by vote by a show of hands at the organizational meeting.

Amended and ratified December 1, 2004.