The University of Findlay
College of Science
Fall Semester 2010
The Mission of the University is to equip our students
for meaningful lives and productive careers.
Course Number/Title: / Chemistry 130 General Chemistry ICredit Hours: / 3
Prerequisites: / Algebra II or the equivalent
Instructor: / Jo Lee
Course Description:
/General principles of chemistry with emphasis on atomic structure and behavior, mole concept, stoichiometric calculations, quantum theory and chemical bonding.
Course Objectives:
/Students should be able to use dimensional analysis to solve a wide variety of problems. Students will learn problem solving skills and develop the baseline principles to succeed in later courses, chemistry and otherwise.
Chapter Learning Goals and Objectives:
Chapter 1: Chemical Foundations
· Appreciate the importance of creative problem solving.
· Identify the principal operations and limitations of the scientific method.
· Describe the SI system of units and prefixes.
· Identify causes of uncertainty in measurement.
· Show how significant figures are used.
· Compare precision and accuracy in measurement.
· Show how to determine the number of significant figures in a calculated result.
· Show how to convert units between the English and metric systems.
· Demonstrate conversions among the Fahrenheit, Celsius, and Kelvin temperature scales.
· Illustrate calculations involving density.
· Show how matter can be classified into subgroups.
Chapter 2: Atoms, Molecules, and Ions
· Give a brief account of early chemical discoveries.
· Describe and illustrate the laws of conservation of mass, definite proportion, and multiple proportions.
· Describe Dalton's theory of atoms and show the significance of Gay-Lussac's experiments.
· Summarize the experiments that characterized the structure of the atom.
· Describe features of subatomic particles.
· Introduce basic ideas of bonding in molecules.
· Show various ways of representing molecules.
· Introduce various features of the periodic table.
· Demonstrate how to name compounds given their formulas and to write formulas given their names.
Chapter 3: Stoichiometry
· Describe the modern atomic mass scale and explain how atomic masses are determined experimentally.
· Explain atomic mass and its experimental determination.
· Explain the importance of the mole concept.
· Show how to convert among moles, mass, and number of particles for a given sample.
· Show how to calculate values for molar mass.
· Show how to convert among molar mass, moles, and number of particles in a given sample.
· Demonstrate the calculation of the mass percent of a given element in a compound.
· Demonstrate the calculation of the empirical formula of a compound.
· Show how to obtain the molecular formula, given the empirical formula and the molar mass.
· Identify the characteristics of a chemical reaction and the information given by a chemical equation.
· Show how to write a balanced equation to describe a chemical reaction.
· Show how to calculate the masses of reactants and products using the chemical equation.
· Show how to recognize the limiting reactant.
· Demonstrate the use of the limiting reactant in stoichiometric calculations.
Chapter 4: Types of Chemical Reactions and Solution Stoichiometry
· Show why the polar nature of water makes it an effective solvent.
· Characterize strong electrolytes, weak electrolytes, and non-electrolytes.
· Define molarity and demonstrate calculations involving the composition of solutions.
· Introduce several types of solution reactions.
· Show how to predict whether a solid will form in a solution reaction.
· Describe reactions in solution by molecular, complete ionic, and net ionic equations.
· Demonstrate stoichiometric calculations involving precipitation reactions.
· Show how to perform calculations involved in acid-base volumetric analysis.
· Characterize oxidation-reduction reactions.
· Describe how to assign oxidation states.
· Identify oxidizing and reducing agents.
· Describe the half reaction method for balancing oxidation reduction reactions.
Chapter 5: Gases
· Demonstrate atmospheric pressure and explain how barometers work.
· Define the various units of pressure.
· Describe certain laws that relate the volume, pressure, and temperature of a gas and to do calculations involving these laws.
· Define the ideal gas law.
· Show how to do calculations involving the ideal gas law.
· Define the molar volume for an ideal gas.
· Define STP.
· Show how to do stoichiometric calculations for reactions involving gases.
· Show how to calculate molar mass from gas density.
· State the relationship between partial pressures and total pressure and between partial pressure and mole fraction.
· Show how to obtain the molecular formula, given the empirical formula and the molar mass.
· Present the basic postulates of the kinetic molecular theory.
· Define temperature.
· Show how to calculate and use root mean square velocity.
· Describe effusion and diffusion.
· Describe how real gases deviate from ideal behavior.
· Show how van der Waals's equation allows for real conditions.
· Characterize several real gases.
· Characterize the composition of the atmosphere.
· Describe some of the chemistry of air pollution.
Chapter 6: Thermochemistry
· Describe the energy flow between a system and its surroundings.
· Discuss the first law of thermodynamics.
· Show how to calculate the work that results from changing the volume of a gas at constant pressure.
· Define enthalpy and demonstrate calculations of the change in enthalpy in a chemical reaction.
· Show how a change in enthalpy is measured by calorimetry.
· Discuss the characteristics of enthalpy changes.
· Show how to calculate DH for a chemical reaction.
· Define standard states.
· Show how to use standard enthalpies of formation to calculate DH° for a reaction.
· Discuss fossil fuels and the effects of their use on climate.
· Discuss energy alternatives.
· Compare the available energy of various fuels.
Chapter 7: Atomic Structure and Periodicity
· Characterize electromagnetic radiation in terms of wavelength, frequency, and speed.
· Introduce the concept of quantized energy.
· Show that light has both wave and particulate properties.
· Describe how diffraction experiments were used to demonstrate the dual nature of all matter.
· Show that the line spectrum of hydrogen demonstrates the quantized nature of the energy of its electron.
· Describe the development of the Bohr model for the hydrogen atom.
· Show how standing waves can be used to describe electrons in atoms.
· Describe the Heisenberg uncertainty principle.
· Explain the significance of electron probability distributions.
· Explain the quantum numbers n, l, and ml.
· Describe the shapes of orbitals designated by s, p, d, and f and discuss orbital energies.
· Define electron spin and the electron spin quantum number.
· Explain the Pauli exclusion principle.
· Show how the quantum mechanical model can be applied to atoms besides hydrogen.
· Trace the development of the periodic table.
· Explain the Aufbau principle.
· Show general trends in ionization energy, electron affinity, and atomic radius in the periodic table.
· Show what types of information can be obtained from the periodic table.
Chapter 8: Bonding: General Concepts
· Explain why an ionic bond is formed.
· Explain why a covalent bond is formed.
· Introduce the polar covalent bond.
· Discuss the nature of a bond in terms of electronegativity.
· Define the relationship between bond polarity and molecular polarity.
· Show how to predict the formulas of ionic compounds.
· Discuss the factors governing ion size.
· Define lattice energy and show how it can be calculated.
· Show the relationship between electronegativity and the ionic character of a bond.
· Discuss the covalent bonding model.
· Show how bond energies can be used to calculate heats of reaction.
· Introduce the localized electron model.
· Show how to write Lewis structures.
· Show how to write Lewis structures for certain special cases.
· Illustrate the concept of resonance.
· Show how to write resonance structures.
· Describe how molecular geometry can be predicted from the number of electron pairs.
Chapter 9: Covalent Bonding: Orbitals
· Show how special atomic orbitals are formed in covalent bonding.
· Show how molecular orbitals are formed in a molecule.
· Define bond order and demonstrate how to calculate it.
· Discuss the bonding in certain molecules of the general formula X2.
· Relate paramagnetism to the filling of molecular orbitals.
· Correlate bond order, bond energy, and bond length.
· Use the molecular orbital model to treat bonding between two different atoms.
· Show how the need for resonance is eliminated if the localized electron and molecular orbital models are combined.
Chapter 10: Liquids and Solids
· Define dipole-dipole force, hydrogen bonding forces, and London dispersion forces.
· Describe the effects these forces have on the properties of liquids and solids.
· Describe some properties of liquids: surface tension, capillary action, and viscosity.
· Contrast crystalline and amorphous solids.
· Introduce X-ray diffraction as a means for structure determination.
· Discuss the concept of closest packing of metal atoms.
· Describe two models for bonding in metals.
· Define and classify alloys.
· Show how the bonding in elemental carbon and silicon accounts for the widely different properties of their compounds.
· Explain how a semiconductor works.
· Explain how a semiconductor works.
· Describe the bonding in molecular solids.
· Model the structures of ionic solids using the packing of spheres.
· Define the vapor pressure of a liquid.
· Discuss the features of heating curves.
· Discuss the features of phase diagrams.
General Education Learning Outcomes Addressed:
Goal 1. Students will take courses which expose them to a range of basic religious beliefs and diverse ethical perspectives and which encourage them to develop their own perspectives on global issues.Goal 2. Students will become familiar with the historical, scientific, literary, and/or philosophical content of a range of disciplines. / X
Goal 3. Students will acquire and practice skills for reading, writing, speaking, listening, abstract inquiry, critical thinking, logical reasoning, and using computers and related technology. / X
Goal 4. Students will develop an appreciation for and means of analyzing art, literature, music, communication, science, and/or theatre. / X
Goal 5. Throughout their general education experience, students will analyze and reflect upon the challenges facing our global society as well as the importance of being a life-long learner and responsible citizen.
/Chemistry by ZUMDAHL and ZUMDAHL, Houghton Mifflin.
Honor Code: /I will not knowingly engage in any dishonorable behavior, cheat, steal, lie or commit any act of plagiarism during my academic work, course, or endeavor. If I observe an act which I believe violates the University’s Honor Code, I may, in my discretion, report it to the appropriate personnel.
Methods of Assessment:
Abstracts / ParticipationAttendance / X / Peer Evaluation
Capstone Project / Portfolio
Case Study / Portfolio Lab Performance
Exams / X / Presentations
Group Projects / Professional Evaluation
Homework Assignments / X / Quizzes / X
Internet Research / Research project
Journaling / Other
Lab Performance
Oral/written review of literature
Grading Scale/Distribution:
/ 93% and above A90% to 93% A-
87% to 90% B+
83% to 87% B
80% to 83% B-
77% to 80% C+
73% to 77% C
70% to 73% C-
67% to 70% D+
63% to 67% D
60% to 63% D-
less than 60 % F
Four Term tests 60%
Homework 10%
Quizes 15%
Comprehensive Final 15%
Tentative Course Outline (Outline is subject to change through the course of the year):
First Week: Course Introduction and Lab Safety
Approx. Time Frame Topics Exams
September Foundations, Formulas, Composition
October Stoichiometry/ Chemical Reactions
November Chemical Reactions/ Gases Chapter 1-4
December Gases
January Thermodynamics Chapter 5-6
February Atomic Structure and Periodicity
March Covalent Bonding, Molecular Structure Chapter 7-8
April Molecular Orbitals, Chemical Bonding
May Liquids and Solids Chapter 9-10