The Trust welcomes donations to maintain excellence and opportunity at The University of Edinburgh. If you would like to become a Friend of the University by making a donation please complete this form.

We welcome Standing Order gifts by monthly, quarterly or annual payments. This provides a predictable income which helps us to plan expenditure properly. If you can give in this way please complete the Standing Order Form below.

If you wish to make a single donation, please complete the Single Gift Form below.

Now we can reclaim tax on all your donations. Since 6 April 2000 we have been able to reclaim basic rate income tax or capital gains tax you have paid on ALL donations, without the need for a deed of covenant. This is of enormous benefit, and can add £2.80 to every £10 you give us. All you need to do is complete the Gift Aid Declaration below.

REF: EDUCT Geography Centenary Fund

NAME: ______


ADDRESS: ______



Please reclaim tax on all donations I have made to the University of Edinburgh Development Trust since the 6th of April 2000, and all donations I make from the date of this declaration until I notify you otherwise. You must have paid an amount of income tax or capital gains tax equal to the tax deducted on your donations.

Signature Date

Please return this form to; Development & Alumni, The University of Edinburgh, FREEPOST EH565, EDINBURGH, EH8 0BR

The University of Edinburgh Development Trust, Registered Charity No SC004307


Here is my gift of £

I enclose a cheque payable to The University of Edinburgh Development Trust

I wish to give by VISA/Eurocard/Mastercard/Switch

Card Number: oooooooooooooooo

Expiry Date (mm/yy): oo/oo

Card Security Code: ooo (the three-digit number printed on the signature strip directly after the card number)

Switch Payments only:

Issue Number: o

Start Date (mm/yy): oo/oo



Please tick here if you would like your donation to be anonymous.

Please let me know how I might help the University by leaving a legacy.

Please send me details about gifting shares.


I wish to give £ per month/quarter/year to

The University of Edinburgh Development Trust.

Name of Bank ______

Name of Branch ______





SORT CODE oo - oo - oo

To my bank:

Please pay The University of Edinburgh Development Trust the above sum on the day of (month)

and on the same day of each succeeding month/quarter/year until further notice (delete as appropriate.)


Date ______

You may cancel this Bankers’ order at any time you wish

For Office Use: The Bank of Scotland (80-02-24), 32A Chambers Street, Edinburgh, EH1 1HU for the credit of The University of Edinburgh Development Trust Account Number 00423592

For Bank Use: Quoting Reference

Please return this form to; Development & Alumni, The University of Edinburgh, FREEPOST EH565, EDINBURGH, EH8 0BR

The University of Edinburgh Development Trust, Registered Charity No SC004307