Version 1.0


Education, and Academia

U.S POC: / Mr. / Tom Haszard / Naval Postgraduate School /
SWE POC: / LTC / Jerker Svensson / SWEDINT, DCO /


The United States Joint Forces Command and the Swedish Armed Forces Joint Staff (hereinafter referred to as the Parties);

Taking note of the provisions of the “Agreement Between the State Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty and other States Participating in the Partnership for Peace regarding the Status of Their Forces” (PfP SOFA) of 1995;

Taking note of the provision of the “Agreement between the Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty regarding the Status of Their forces” (NATO SOFA) of 1951;

Taking note of the Memorandum of Understanding “Continued cooperation in support of an ‘In the spirit of Partnership for Peace’ simulation network (P2SN) capability’ dated August 1, 2009;

Taking note of the Joint Planning Document (as referenced in the MOU);

Have reached the following understanding:



For the purpose of this Arrangement, the following definitions will apply:

1.1 Lead Nation (LN) – Partner in the lead of an Exercise/Event with responsibilities according to this document.

1.2 Site Nation (SitN) – partner hosting a site with responsibilities according to this document.

1.3 Lead Nation Support (LNS) – The civil and military assistance given by the Lead Nation to the Site Nation.

1.4 Sending Nation (SN) – A nation deploying participants, supplies, equipment and requesting HNS and/or LNS for the Exercise/Event.

1.5 Host Nation (HN) – The Party which receives on its territory participants to the Exercise/Event.

1.6 Host Nation Support (HNS) – The civil and military assistance given by the HN to the SNs participating in the Exercise/Event.

1.7 Project Arrangement (PA) – A document defining the intent of the Partners to mutually participate in an activity or arrangement under the provisions of this Arrangement.


Purpose and Scope

2.1 The purpose of this Arrangement is to establish written principles for each Partner in order to formalize their mutual interests, ways and means of cooperation and related requirements and arrangements to accomplish the Academia collaboration.

2.2 The Arrangement will provide the framework for legal, financial and logistic aspects of the activities within the cooperation.

2.3 The Parties commit themselves to take active part in the planning, preparations, and execution of the activities and to fulfill their obligations before, during and after the activities as stated in this Arrangement.

2.4 This Arrangement is not intended to conflict with the Parties’ national legislation or international law. In case of conflict, the applicable national laws and/or international law will prevail.

2.5 The Parties have the possibility to invite other institutions to participate in activities and areas of cooperation, as long as it is with the mutual consent of the Parties.

2.6 The activities undertaken will be discussed and more fully described in a Project Arrangement (PA) to be drafted by the Parties and which would cover particular collaborations, prepared as and when necessary.


General Arrangements

3.1 The provisions of the NATO/PfP SOFA and the Additional Protocol, both done in Brussels, June 16, 1995 will apply to all activities under this TA.

3.2 The SN will be invited by the respective HN to accept the provisions of this Arrangement as defined in a PA.


Command and Control

The respective Party will remain under full command of their own/national authorities, retaining normal chain of command.


Areas of Interest

In the spirit of cooperation and according to the multiple agreements and accords referenced herein, the Parties have determined to work jointly and collaboratively on a wide range of academic, research, technical, and other activities in furtherance of objectives related to building partner nation capacity, promoting sustainable peace support systems and infrastructures, and other states objectives. To facilitate such collaboration and cooperation, The Swedish Armed Forces Joint Staff has designated the Swedish Armed Forces International Centre, and other interested parties to include; the Swedish National Defence College and the Swedish Folke Bernadotte Academy as its principal research and academic agents. The United States Joint Forces Command has designated the US Naval Postgraduate School as its principal research and academic agent to facilitate such collaboration and cooperation.

In the stated capacities, the Parties have been exploring areas of common interest, competencies, and possible collaboration for some time.

The Parties have jointly worked on a variety of programs and content development in the areas of technology, networks, information systems, globalization, security, and public policy, and have established that they have specific and complementary resources and networks as well as interests in supporting joint exercises.

The Parties jointly recognize the importance of academic exchanges in terms of teaching and research, as well as the special opportunities provided by strengthening contacts between faculty members and students of the Parties.

The following areas of interest are the basis for cooperation and will be developed according to a plan of activities;

5.1Curricula Collaboration

This includes forms of scholarly collaboration such as the organization of certificates, colloquia, seminars, conferences, and cooperative research projects, including the exchange of relevant academic materials and exchange of information about course curricula as well as dialogue about curricula within existing courses.

5.2Training and Education Development

The Parties will support each other with development of new courses, techniques and methods, while making use of contemporary technology. The Parties may also undertake quality assurance initiatives from a “peer to peer” perspective. Also, the development and deployment of Mobile Education and Training Teams will be covered. The Parties may undertake new activities that may be offered within the PfP Training and Education Centre Network.

5.3Exchange and Collaboration Activities

The Parties will designate representatives for matters relating to academic coordination and the execution of collaborative activities. The representatives will propose programs of exchanges and/or other collaborative options to be discussed and approved in due course (refer to Training, Education and Academia Cooperation Metrics, dated 16 April 2010). The Parties express their intention to encourage exchanges between students, researchers, professors, and other members of their respective staffs in the fields they represent.

5.4Exercise Support

The Parties express their intention to support exercises and other issues of mutual interest that may develop throughout the course of this collaborative agreement.


Responsibilities of the HN and SN

The HN for the respective activity will:

6.1 Direct the HNS effort.

6.1.1 Invite, as soon as practicable, SN to participate in the HNS by acceding to this Arrangement according to Section 3, para 3.2.

6.1.2 Develop HNS concepts and supervise the development and execution of subordinate arrangements.

6.1.3 Provide the support required, in accordance with this Arrangement and subordinate arrangements.

6.1.4 In accordance with an approved Exercise/Event and support plans, authorize and take all necessary measures to facilitate:

6.1.4.a The reception of the SN at the designated points of entry (POE),

6.1.4.b Its onward movement to the designated training site,

6.1.4.c The conduct of the Exercise/Event and,

6.1.4.d The recovery of the SN to and through the designated points of departure (POD).

6.2 The SNs for the respective Exercise/Event will:

6.2.1 Participate in the HNS process.

6.2.2 Identify HNS requirements to the HN through the PA.

6.2.3 Comply with the provisions established as prerequisites by the HN for receiving HNS.

6.2.4 Reimburse the HN for support received in accordance with the provisions of this Arrangement.


Legal Status

Article VII of the NATO/PfP SOFA will regulate the status of the respective Exercise/Event Participants while on the territory of the other Party or of a nation that has acceded to this Arrangement in accordance with Section 3.2.



8.1 Claims will be dealt with in accordance with article VIII of the NATO/PfP SOFA.

8.2 To ensure reciprocity between the Parties concerning waiver of claims up to a certain amount in accordance with article VII2 (f) of the NATO/PfP SOFA, the amount of 800 (eight hundred) Euros will be governing for both Parties.


Financial Provisions

9.1 The financial obligations of the Parties will be subject to the authorization and appropriation of funds in accordance with respective national laws.

9.2 The Parties will bear their own costs for participation in the Exercise/Event unless otherwise agreed to in any other relevant Agreement or arrangements in force between either of the Parties to this Arrangement or between the respective Party acting as a HN and any other SN.


Medical and Dental Care

10.1 Each Party will guarantee sufficient health insurance for its Exercise/Event participants.

10.2 The SN is responsible for ensuring that their Exercise/Event participants are medically and dentally fit prior to the Exercise/Event.

10.3 Emergency medical care provided by the HN will be free of charge. However, further treatment and transfer if injured or sick participants to a hospital of the SN’s choice using HN assets will be subject to reimbursement from the SN.

10.4 The costs of dental treatment will be borne in any case by the SN.


Security/Disclosure of Information

11.1 All classified information exchanged or generated in connection with the Exercise/Event will be used, transmitted, stored, handled and safeguarded in accordance with the Parties’ national security laws and regulations, including the relevant bilateral security agreements between the various participants in the Exercise/Event.

11.2 Each Party and each SN will take all lawful steps to ensure that classified information provided or generated in connection with the Exercise/Event is protected from further disclosure unless the originating party consents to such disclosure.


Force Protection

12.1 Comprehensive and effective Force Protection (FP) will be planned for the respective Exercise/Event by the LN, and will be detailed in any supplementary arrangements as appropriate.

12.2 As appropriate, each Party is responsible for identifying and providing its FP requirements and limitations to the HN.


Settlement of Disputes

Any dispute regarding the interpretation or implementation of this Arrangement will be settled solely through negotiation between the Parties.


Settlement of Modifications

This TA may be amended at any time by mutual written consent of the Parties and approved by the Joint Planning Committee, working under the MOU.


Withdrawal and Termination

15.1 Either Party may withdraw from this TA at any time, provided that a minimum of 90 (ninety) days written notice is provided to the other Party.

15.2 Notwithstanding the termination of the present Arrangement, all maters arising during its operation will continue to be subject to its provisions.


Commencement and Duration

16.1 The Arrangement will come into effect on the date of last signature.

16.2 The Arrangement will be in effect within a time frame related to the overarching MOU.


This Arrangement is signed in two original copies in the English language only.

On behalf ofOn behalf of

The US Joint Forces CommandThe Swedish Armed Forces Joint Staff



Mr. Greg KnappMG Michael Moore



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