The United Methodist Financial Connection
Apportionments or Wider Missions, currently known as the“Church Tithe Plus”
The most basic denominational support, based on a (10 + 3) percentage of the local church’s general fund income. When gathered from all the conference churches, these funds provide for
Administrative costs of the Rocky Mountain Conference
District Superintendents’ salaries and expenses
Equitable Salaries, which help pay clergy salaries in small churches
Rocky Mtn. Conference’s share of the General Church Budget, which includes:
- World Service Fund—basic benevolences/general agencies
- Episcopal Fund—Salaries and expenses of Bishops (5 more in Africa after 2020)
- AfricaUniversity Fund—U.M.University in Zimbabwe
- BlackCollege Fund—11 U.M. Historically Black Colleges
- General Administration Fund—Expenses of General Conference, Judicial Council
- Interdenominational Cooperation Fund—ecumenical efforts
- Ministerial Education Fund--Help support U.M. seminaries and scholarships
- Mission Initiatives Fund—These emphases can change each quadrennium. In 2012, two of the new emphases were a Young Clergy Initiative Fund and Central Conference Theological Education Fund.
General Conference Special Days/Offerings
- Human Relations Day—near M.L. King Day (January)
- One Great Hour of Sharing—during Lent (March)
- Native American Awareness Sunday—after Easter (April-May)
- Peace with Justice Sunday—after Pentecost (May-July)
- World Communion Sunday—(October)
- United Methodist Student Day—(November)
Rocky Mountain Conference Special Days/Offerings
AIDS Ministry Offering--February
United Methodist Committee on Relief--UMCOR
This is the disaster relief organization of the United Methodist Church. Because the basic administrative costs are paid for through the One Great Hour of Sharing Offering, all specific funds donated to UMCOR go directly to the cause intended by the donor.
Monthly Mission Emphasis
This is unique to Ogden First UMC. Each month, we have a special cause that has been approved by the Missions Committee. We have a Mission Moment for the cause on the 2nd Sunday. Throughout the month, all loose change in the offering plates, any designated giving by check, and any money placed directly into the Mission Box in the narthex goes to this particular designated cause.
How to give to any of the above:
Always make your checks payable to FUMC. Write on the notation line what the cause is. If you prefer to give cash, please use an offering envelope to designate the purpose of the giving and/or receive contributions credit.