Friday,September 1, 2017

11:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

Board of Governors (BOG) Agenda

Large Conference Room – Ewald Consulting

Hartfordcalled the meeting to order at 11:35am, without a quorum present. Forrest-Perkins joined the meeting at 12:00pm creating a quorum. Gilbertson joined at 12:14pm.

Board members present:Jenine Koziolek, Lane Elmer, David Hartford, Deb Wamsley, Dustin Chapman

Attending by phone:Lance Egley, Chuck Hilger, Karina Forrest-Perkins, Dean Gilbertson

Management: Bill Monn, Bryan Mowry, Sara Ewald, SonjaNelson

Guests: John Magnuson, Dena Elias

Not attending:Mark Cassagrande, RenataBosek, Brian Teuber

Approval of minutes:Wamsley made a motion to approve the August minutes. Chapman seconded. No further discussion. Voice vote carried.

Addition(s) to the Agenda:None

Executive Director’s Report (Mowry):

  • Membership report (Acord/Mowry)– the membership committee will be meeting more regularly.
  • Membership questions – Minnesota Addiction Professionals (part of NAADAC) signed up to be an agency member at $300 and they signed up to be a conference exhibitor. There is a question on whether they should be an association member @ $400. Will clarify further. Acord was able to get an individual member to increase to an agency member.
  • Brochure – there’s a rough draft. The group is looking for 3 testimonials to include.
  • Definitions – will provide the updates and final definitions in the next board meeting
  • Transition Plan (Mowry) – Meeting with the Ewald team and the lobbying firm in his first week on as the Executive Director. Sonja Nelsonwill be taking over for the communication position with MARRCH.
  • MACMHP Booth volunteers– Deb Wamsley is willing to help support the booth. Bryan and John will be in and out as well as Dave and Lane to cover the booth.

MARRCH Financial Report (Elmer)

  • Review/Approve August Financials (see monthly financial report in board packet). No major incidences to report for August. September will show a slight decrease in expense to Ewald and increase in expense with the new Director starting.

Wamsley made a motion to approve the August financials. Chapman seconded. No further discussion. Voice vote, motion carried.

Committee & Section Reports

  • Policy Committee–working with DHS and lobbying firm re; the 16:1 for education rather than an average. Attempting to get this put on hold and get it amended in the next legislative session. Hartford suggests to work with Asst. Commissioner Wilson to clear this up.

ACTION ITEM: Hartford will follow-up with Asst. Commissioner Wilson regarding the 16:1 for education and in the future, how do we avoid having things like this happen where we support the initiative and later blind sighted with a change.

  • Education – Sara Ewald joined to share about the sales for the fall conference. We have 3 gold sponsors (up 1 from 2016 and she is working on one more), 5 silver (up 1 from 2016), bronze and 110 exhibitors. We ended the year in 2016 at 111 and have more income than 2016. Chapman shared about the idea of having a job fair at the fall conference this year. Needs clarification on what this will look like that will be different than the job bulletin board and a benefit to the agencies. Hartford mentioned he brought the idea up to DHS licensing to be present at the MARRCH conference. Monn suggested we add them to the resource table that BBHT has been at before.

Chapman made a motion to approve a resource table at the MARRCH fall conference to include DHS licensing and BBHT. Wamsley seconded. No further discussion. Voice vote, motion carried.

  • Ethics – Met with BBHT last month and identified boundary and sexual issues as being main ethical concerns the ethics committee should address.
  • Public Health and Harm Reduction – Hilger reported they have not met again.
  • Youth Section –This group meets again end of September/early October.

Board Discussion

  • Board Governance and Structure– Reviewed the recommendations submitted by the governance and structure committee. Discussion regarding term limits. The suggestion was made to add in the proposed bylaw changes the statement: “Board Members or Executive Committee members not to serve more than 6 years consecutively”. An additional recommendation was made to add in the proposed bylaw changes “To be on the board, you must be and remain a MARRCH member in good standing”.

Elmer made a motion to approve the recommendations of the governance and structure recommendations for restructure and bylaw changes with the two additional changes to the bylaws“Board Members or Executive Committee members not to serve more than 6 years consecutively”and“To be on the board, you must be and remain a MARRCH member in good standing”.Wamsley seconded. No further discussion. Voice vote, all approved but one: Egley opposed based on concerns of the restructure of the board presenting the possibility of being an “in-grown board”. Motion carried.

Elmer made a motion to accept the recommendation of the MARRCH Governance and Structure Committee review and recommendations with the exception of the addition to the bylaws for the Executive Director “We also recommend to add the Executive Director to the MARRCH bylaws: oversees operations and oversees lobbying firm and other contracts. Wamsley seconded. No further discussion Voice Vote. Motion carried.

  • Public Policy Committee Structure–discussion surrounded having a subject matter expert on the committee and at the Capitol. A platform should be developed early so the lobbying firm can develop a strategy. We also need to be able to move fast and have the Executive Director be able to work closely with the lobbyists.
  • Paperwork reduction – this will be taken on by the public policy committee to further identify what needs to be addressed with DHS.


Wamsleymade a motion to adjourn the June MARRCH Board of Governor meeting. Elmer seconded. No discussion. Voice vote carried. Meeting adjourned at 1:31pm.