
The Underhand Serve

  • The back right player stands behind the endline and use a forward-back stride with bent knees.
  • Hold the ball in the non-dominant hand across and in front of the body.
  • Close the striking hand using the bent fingers and palm of the hand to contact beneath the ball
  • Swing the striking arm down and back, thenup and forward to hit the ball off of the hand.
  • Transfer the weight from the rear foot to the front foot with the arm swing.
  • The heel of the hand contacts the ball with follow-through in the direction of intended flight.

The Overhead Serve

  • The back right player stands behind the endline and in a forward-back stride with knees bent.
  • Toss the ball about 3 feet above the shoulder so the hand can meet the ball at just above head height.
  • Transfer weight from the rear foot to the front foot upon contact with the ball.
  • Contact the ball with the hand above the head using an open hand position with fingers cupped (like the spike).
  • Extend the elbow and flex the wrist forward as you contact the ball and follow-through in the

direction of flight.

The Bump (ForearmPass)

  • Use an athletic stance withfeet in a forward/back stride, bent knees and waistslightly forward.
  • Place the hands on top of each other with the palms upward.
  • Keep the forearms, wrists, and elbows straight.
  • Contact the ball with the FOREARMS, using a slow upward motion.
  • Extend the knees when contacting the ball.
  • Follow-through in the direction of the intended flight.

The Set (OverheadPass Using Fingertips)

  • Use a forward-backward stride with bent knees.
  • Bend the knees and elbows prior to hitting the ball.
  • Tilt the head back and form a window with the hands above the face and watch the ball closely.
  • Hit the ball with the FINGERTIPS in an upward and forward direction.
  • Extend the body upward on contact.
  • Follow-through in the direction of intended flight.

Spike and Dink

  • Follow the direction of the set.
  • Face the direction of the ball placing the weight forward and prepare to leap.
  • The hand should be open and cupped with fingers together upon contact with the ball.
  • Step together then strike the ball on the top back so the flight is straight downward for a spike.
  • Use the upper two finger joints (knuckles) to contact under the ball for a dink.
  • Follow-through in the direction of the target and land on both feet with knees bent.

Rotating and Service Order

  • Rotational order is determined by the team’s starting line-up.
  • The players must follow the service order established at the start of the game.
  • When the receiving team has gained the right to serve, its players rotate one position CLOCKWISE.
  • Rotational order is always clockwise – from the forward right position into the back right position to serve.
  • It is the job of the server to ANNOUNCE THE SCORE before serving.
  • Always announce the serving team’s score followed by the opponent’s score.
  • When a rotational fault is committed, the opposing team earns a point and the serve.
  • Balls that are served and hit the net but go into the proper service court “let serves” are legal and should

be played.


1. With rally scoring a point is awarded to the team that wins the rally, regardless of which team serves.

2. The game is played to 25 points but a team must win by 2 points.

Playing the Game

1. Teams are allowed up to 3 hits per side. More than 3 hits is a fault.

2. A player cannot hit the ball twice in succession UNLESS the first hit was a block (which is not

considered a hit).

3. The ball may be played off of the net during a rally.

4. A ball touching a boundary line is good and should have been played.

5. A legal hit is contact with the ball by a player body above the waist – HEAD HITS are NOT PERMITTED!

6. If two or more players contact the ball simultaneously, it is considered one play and the players involved

may NOT participate in the next play.

7. A player can NOT block or spike a serve.

8. Serves may be received using either a forearm bump pass or an overhead set pass.

9. If a team member hits the ball into the ceiling it may be played as long as the ball does not cross the net to

the opposing team. If the ball hits the ceiling and crosses the plane of the net it is a fault for the team

who hit the ball into the ceiling.


1. Stepping on or over the endline when serving.

2. Inability to get the ball over the net and inbounds while serving.

3. Carrying, palming, throwing or stopping of the ball during play.

4. Touching the net with any part of the body during play.

5. Reaching over the net except when following through on a hit or block.

6. Reaching under the net if it interferes with the ball or the opposing team.

7. Blocks or spikes from the back line positions.

8. Blocking or spiking a serve.

9. Failure to serve in the correct service order.

10. Failure to rotate clockwise.


“Ace” – When the ball is served legally to the opposing team and no one touches it.

“Side Out” – When the team that served the ball makes a mistake causing the serve to go to the other team.

“Roof” – When a player jumps above the height of the net and blocks the ball.

“Stuff” – When a player jumps about the height of the net, blocks the ball, and the ball goes back to the person who

attacked (spiked) the ball.

“Dig” – When a player makes a save from a very difficult spike using a low forearm bump pass.

“Kill” – When a team spikes (attacks) the ball and it either ends in a point or a sideout.

“Rally Scoring” – Points are awarded to a team on each rally regardless of which team serves.

“Game” – The score when one team has reached 25 points with at least a 2 point advantage.